2030-08-02: Attack Milla with everything. End of celebration.

The vampires assume that Milla only wants to be informed by those things, they do not expect her to take action right after. The vampire empress is surprising them more and more. Calm and composed, she queries whether there are laws for vampires, "Then, who makes laws for vampires?"

Frederick quickly peeks at Lionel, they never made laws because he never told them to. Besides, no one is brave enough to visit his mansion and suggest these things. So, Frederick awkwardly responds, "No one, Empress. Our vampire community doesn't have any laws."

"Then, create laws protecting vampires and present it to me. After going through all the laws approved by me, I'll sign it. And, I appoint all of the Grand Elders to be the lawmakers. If any humans disobey our laws, they'll have to answer to me. Any suggestion for laws, write it and give it to the Grand Elders." Milla orders with a commanding tone, no one will dare to oppose. All of them can see and hear how serious she is, based on her unwavering countenance.

After giving out her orders, Milla gets up from her seat and announces, "I'll retire to my room, all of you should continue eating and enjoy. I express my gratitude to all of you for coming here. Make sure to coordinate with the Grand Elders." Everyone gets up also and bows to her continuously whilst proclaiming a few times, "All hail the Vampire Empress! All hail the Vampire Empress!"

She was long gone even before they realize it. Milla intentionally disappeared a bit faster so Lionel wouldn't try to follow her. Resulting in Lionel missing the opportunity to leave as well. They carry out Milla's commands and continue to stay on the island, while Frederick does not waste time and starts managing the vampires, "Listen up. Instead of submitting your suggestions in a paper, send it to Steve's email- 'steveprincesuu@*****.com'. You can only send one mail and that's it. Don't dare to abuse knowing his email account. This is regarding the Empress' orders so make sure you don't mess up."

The wide-eyed and brown-eyed Steve can't help but scratch his head and mess with his thick medium-length dark blue hair. Like a child that is talking to his grandparent, he complains making him look and sound adorable, "Gr-Grand Elder, why give out my email? Give my sister's email, she's not even using it. It's 'princessSoniaaa@*****.co-- AHH! AHH!"

Sonia, the vampire princess, twists his ear until it turned red, but the siblings earn disapproving looks from the Grand Elders and the vampire king. All of them carefully peek at the vampire emperor who doesn't seem to care at the siblings' childishness. The vampire king saves the situation by saying, "You may send your detailed suggestions on either of their emails, at 'steveprincesuu@*****.com' or 'princessSoniaaa@*****.com'." Steve and Sonia both look at their father, questioning his unbelievable decision.

Frederick lowers his voice, enough for the vampire royalties and Lionel to hear, "There are no Grand Elders who have emails like the two of you and we can't give out the vampire king's email. This is your time to help the vampire community and prove that you both deserve to be the vampire prince or princess. Take this matter more seriously and give your full attention. There will be a lot of eyes watching the both of you."

It's the first time they've seen Steve and Sonia like this. With seriousness and respect on their eyes and voices, they react at the same time, "We understand and we will do our best, Grand Elder." Sonia adds, "We won't disappoint all of you and the vampire community. You can count on us."

No one knows what exactly made the spoiled princess and flirtatious prince changed a little. They will be surprised if they knew, but they will undoubtedly laugh at Steve's motivation. He wants to prove himself, not to the vampire community but for Milla. He doesn't know for himself if he was serious when he said that he wants to pursue and court Milla. Or if he'll be serious in the following days to come and he doesn't know what to feel about this.

On the other hand, something hurt Sonia's heart because she never needed to prove herself. Since she was born, she automatically became a vampire princess. It became a habit for her to think highly of herself because they are vampire royalties. Then, Milla appeared and they begged her to become the Vampire Empress- a position she will never be in. Now, she fears that even the vampire princess title will be rob off of her. A title that she treats as her shield for everything and everyone.

The celebration ended with the Grand Elders preparing everything for the lawmaking. Before they dismiss the vampires, they intend to thank Lionel but he's nowhere to be found. In reality, he excuses himself on his own, never wanting to inform anyone. He's successful in doing so since all vampires always avoid looking at his direction and his ability to conceal his presence is indeed advantageous. 

Lionel stops by the mansion and looks up to Milla's balcony. Not hearing any signs that she is awake, he continues on his way with an imperceptible expression on his face. Milla finally moves after Lionel leaves the island, scratching her nose that's been itchy before he got near the mansion. She tolerated it because the last thing she wants is for Lionel to climb her balcony and intrude her bedroom, again. 

Milla doesn't let the opportunity to badmouth him with an irritated tone as she scratches her nose, "Arse-worm! You are really an arse-worm! Why don't you just be quick in leaving?! Slow! Slow! VERY SLOW! ARGH- I hate you! If I could just bury you deep into the ground! Yaaa!" Her poor pillow earns fast jabs from Milla as she imagines Lionel's face on the pillow.

Meanwhile, the vampire taking jabs from Milla's imagination looks back to the island from his yacht. Feeling like he needs or wants to go back, not knowing the reason behind it. Lionel shrugs it off and shakes it off from his mind, but he just can't. Despite these thoughts of his, he didn't go back since he knows they'll meet again, or did he?

Somewhere in a bunker in Russia, a meeting between army generals from all around the world is taking place. What makes the meeting unusual is that there's a single vampire present with them. It's a mole from the vampire race, he shares every information including Milla's coronation, and this ignites the fury within their hearts. The American general initiates the argument, "How can they crown the vampire who is responsible for the death of 15 human workers?! Are they declaring a war? And, that- that vampire had the audacity to dare us, humans, to come and get her!"

The Philippines' army general inquired after he utters his suggestion, "If they really are, we have no chance of defeating all the vampires… We should just get rid of that vampire woman since our relationship with the vampires isn't bad before she appeared out of nowhere. But, how can we make her fight us on her own?" 

Tapping the back of the vampire, the American general smiles confidently, "We have him. He'll take care of that. You can do that, right?" The vampire nods, making all the people grin and laugh.

"Does anyone know where she came from? I mean- she's an ancient vampire, how did she hide from the Eder Clan? What about her strength- is she in the same league as the acknowledged vampire emperor or.. is she stronger?" The Philippines' army general can not prevent himself from voicing out these questions he has, which are answered by the American general by first showing something using a projector. 

"Remember the old coffin that the workers dug up? The Vampire Empress was inside it, sleeping for who knows how long. And, our mole saw her combat with the vampire emperor beyond any vampire could." 

Before they can plan on how to defeat an ancient vampire, the Philippines' army general thinks of something that made him look pale now, "Are we forgetting something...? Wouldn't the... Vampire Emperor kills us if we lay a finger on her?"

The generals abruptly stop getting excited upon using their most powerful weapons that their country will provide for the battle. They start scrutinizing their decision and all the possibilities to prevent reaping Lionel's wrath. So, they came up with a plan of making it look like Milla started the fight and they were just defending themselves. Then, the meeting resumes as they discuss their plot to attack Milla with everything they have and to kill her if they can't apprehend her.