2030-08-03: Prepare my travels.

Milla's crowning ceremony is still the topic of almost every human being- either in their public conversations or private conversations, most especially in the online conversations. Everyone is aware and reading the online forums except for the one being talked about- Milla, herself. Even the Grand Elders are aware of this because of Steve, they have decided not to tell Milla since they don't know what would be her reaction to it. She has yet to discover the internet and if they are being honest, they hope it will stay that way.

Meanwhile, the internet is going crazy because of the Vampire Empress. Various fan clubs are created idolizing her. If you can't defeat them, join them- the proverb is convenient in explaining almost everyone's situation. As far as they can guess, nothing exists that can bring her down from her throne. If only they knew, but they are better off not knowing it, everyone is.

"Bite me," many people seem to be saying this online that it became a trend, unaware of the real possibility that may happen if a vampire does bite them. Their only reference for saying this is the vampire movies or series they have watched- a human turning into a vampire if bitten by one.

A few people who appear to know a lot of things about the real vampires speak up for the common good of those nescient human beings. Some of them have actual vampire friends or acquaintances, some seen or heard it happened to a person close to them making their claims unfeigned. Their claims caused people to delete what they've posted and made them rethink what to say online.

"Ahh… these ignorant people. Should I pray for all of you?"

"Fact: If you're bitten by a vampire, you won't turn into a vampire. Don't count on it. You might bleed to death if you don't get to a hospital, pronto."

"I can attest to that! But, anyone wants to know what would happen if a vampire and a human had a child?"


"Chill! Haha. They are still considered mortal, but they will have a longer lifespan than a normal human. Also, they will have very little enhanced subpar skills compared to a vampire's. There you go, marry a vampire! LOL."

"Imagine marrying the Vampire Empress UwU"

"Falling in line with those who dream to marry her *insert a picture of a very long queue*"


Early in the afternoon, Milla orders Frederick to summon the Grand Elders and the vampire king in the study room of the mansion. No one has any idea why or what is her reason for summoning them. But, they are afraid that she caught up with whatever's going on on the internet, and they don't know how that is possible.

When they enter the study, they see Milla wearing a simple but elegant long dress that barely touches the ground. It's a round-neck loose white plain dress with little tight long sleeves and slightly tight only on the waist of the dress. The dress coupled with her extremely fair skin makes them think that they are looking at a goddess instead of a demoness. They prefer her to be the former one, but maybe there's no perfect being existing. Or is there such a being that exists?

The spacious study consists of bookshelves with diverse types of books, paintings from famous artists gifted to the vampire royalties, black couches scattered in every part of the room, a long table in the middle of the room with white elegant chairs surrounding it, and a fireplace. Not used to being royalty, Milla sits on a single couch by the fireplace staring at the fire whilst she waits for them to join her. Coming back to reality, they stride towards the long couch which is slightly in front of Milla.

Before sitting, they bow to Milla and greets her in unison, "Good afternoon, Empress Milla."

"Hmm." Milla still isn't looking at them so they slowly try to sit. Slowly that is, testing whether she wants them to get seated already. Not hearing any disapproval from her, they finally take a seat after getting close to it with only inches remaining.

After a long nerve-wracking minute of waiting, Milla turns to their direction and again declares something they didn't expect, "After the laws are finalized, prepare my travels to different parts of the world. I will travel alone and I want it to be discreet."

Frederick failing to conceal his concern and worries for Milla asks her, "Are you sure, Empress? I can accompany you on your travels if you want. There will be a lot of new and unfamiliar things out there. May I ask why you want to travel around the world?"

Hearing the concern behind his voice, Milla answers him truthfully, "I want to see what the vampires are experiencing because of the pests called humans." Shocked can be seen all across their faces after hearing her answer. No one can dispute her, especially for that reason. 

After that short meeting, all of them leave the study room. Milla looks at the hidden hallway from her perspective and smirks in a split of a second, then disappears. The vampire king senses Milla glancing at the hallway, so he dashes to it and catches the disappearing back of the captain of the elite vampire guards.

After that short meeting, all of them leave the study room. Milla looks at the hidden hallway from her perspective and smirks in a split of a second, then disappears. The vampire king senses Milla glancing at the hallway, so he dashes to it and catches the disappearing back of the captain of the elite vampire guards.

"Rhine, is that you? What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be near here, we were having a private meeting," the vampire king questions the captain of the elite vampire guards without any hesitation. His reason? He knows that Milla is aware of Rhine's presence all along and she obviously can catch everything they say.

The captain of the elite vampire guards has a slicked-back moderate-length black hair and dark purple colored irises. His eyes look sharp like he has a constant glare that he can't switch off. Rhine is the arrogant, pompous, and strong captain with a build that makes others call him the "Adonis". 

That is until they see the vampire emperor but it's not that easy either. It's more possible to see his right-hand man, Josh, but still rare to appear anywhere. Whenever someone has the limited opportunity of meeting Josh, it feels like the vampire emperor also graces them, his presence.

Going back to the vampire king scrutinizing Rhine, the captain of the elite vampire guards, who seems not perturbed even in the slightest bit. Rhine turns his body around and jogs toward the king. He calmly answers with a bow and a slightly apologetic tone, "Vampire King. My apologies, I didn't know there was a private meeting happening here. If I knew, I wouldn't proceed with my patrol around this area. Do you have some orders for me, Vampire King?"

The vampire king doesn't look convinced, but he weighs in his mind Rhine's loyalty throughout the years of him being the captain. And he can not think of any reason that will make Rhine lie to him. So, the vampire king dismisses him even if he feels something doesn't feel right, "None at this moment, you may go for now."

"Thank you, Vampire King." Rhine bows to him once again as he waits for the vampire king to leave first. He then took off to meet up with the elite vampire guards. While the vampire king can't stop thinking that he has to make sure no one, even the most loyal one of them, can't be a threat to the vampire community. That is why he will follow this slight uneasiness he's feeling.

Captain Rhine gathers all the elite vampire guards to ask them but Milla hears it too, "Do any of you have something to report to me?"

They look at one another because no one seems to have something to report. But, Dionne speaks up to remind their captain, "Captain, I did tell you earlier that the vampire prince heard about the private meeting and was asking about it to me, right? He also told me that it seems important and we should avoid getting near the meeting."

Hearing this, Rhine glances quickly at the direction of where the mansion is. Then, Dionne calls his attention back to them, "Captain? I reported it to you, right?" He responds only by nodding his head, not knowing that Milla senses it too.

Gathering his confidence by believing no one can accuse him by these words they might have heard. He casually orders them, "If any of you have something to report about anything at all, report it right away to me. Understood? You can all go back to your patrols."

The elite vampire guards answer in unison, "Yes, Captain."