2030-08-03: Isn't this... moving too fast?

Meanwhile, the other side of Milla's lips lifts up slightly making it look like she has a terrifying smile on her face as she thinks while lying on her bed, 'So, it was you, Captain Rhine. I knew it, I still remember the vampire who tried to attack me from behind. Coward. What are your intentions hmm? I'm dead curious and it's time to reveal it.'

Late at night, someone in black leaps upwards from a balcony to hang onto the lowest part of the roof and swiftly lifts up that someone's own body. The individual moves as light as a feather that no one hears or senses someone moving in the dark. Even the vampires patrolling don't see this individual run on top of the long roof like he/she is just walking in a straight path rather than a tilted roof, that's how quickly that someone is.

He/she lands on a balcony on the other side of the roof with no sound made and is about to knock as silent as possible when his/her hand accidentally pushes the balcony's door open. Looks like the vampire prince doesn't have the habit to lock his doors, it makes everything easy for this certain someone. But he/she senses someone dashing near the balcony's door left side ready to attack.

The individual nonchalantly but speedily enters the room, covers Steve's mouth directly, and holds his right shoulder, then pushes him easily to the bathroom which automatically opens the lights. This certain dark red-haired someone slowly closes the door and takes off her oversized black hood. The wide-eyed Steve is even more taken aback compared to earlier when he only got a good look at the dark red hair. 

All the bathrooms in the mansion are designed for them, vampires, to suppress the sound inside. Since no one wants to hear someone using the bathroom whilst they eat or lie on their beds. Milla gestures to him to shut his mouth but Steve is still frozen in place with gears turning inside his mind, 'Why is the Empress here… inside my bathroom? Isn't this... moving too fast? Doesn't she like to take it slow?'

The vampire prince blinks and Milla once again disappears in front of him. He's about to look for her and turn to his left when he feels her hands on his shoulders stopping him. Steve's mind is in turmoil especially after seeing their reflection in his wide mirror- the vampire empress is behind him, she's so close to him with her face facing the side of his face which makes the prince continue to ponder, 'Why is she looking at me like this? Am I really that handsome? Or did she fall in love when we first met? Well… I can't blame her, who wouldn't? AHH- What are you-'

She closes in his left ear and her breath is making the prince feel goosebumps in his entire body- a good one. Milla whispers in his ear and this erases all of his remaining composure causing him to be incapable of moving, "Don't utter a single word." 

With all his might, Steve responds with a single slow nod. He's thankful that Milla covers the side of her mouth because seeing her lips move and how close she is, tends to make him imagine wonderful things. But, Steve's common thought in his mind is, 'What does she want... to do with me?' 

In usual cases, Steve can handle all the women and what's happening to him right now is what he thinks those women might have felt. And now, it's the other way around. He can't stop his cheeks from feeling hot, as Milla proceeds with her whispering, "I have an order for you and that is to do something for me. Do you think you're up for it?"

Thus, the start of Steve's dirty thoughts, 'I didn't expect the Empress to like kinky stuff, wait- what are the kinky stuff during the 17th century…? But, I am totally up for anything that she wants me to do-' 

His train of thoughts comes to a halt when he feels Milla is about to move away from him. Before he can answer, he unconsciously can't help but gulp, then speak with a hoarse whisper, "Y-yes."

Fast enough, Milla returns to her position earlier, making Steve more nervous and gulp again. Unbeknownst to Milla, she's been whispering with a soft voice giving rise to the prince's desires, "You're dead if you tell anyone about this. First, you have to see Dionne…"

After hearing what the Empress said, he stops giving attention to her next words because of his thought, 'Does she want to have a... threesome with me and my friend? I- I can't do that, I never imagined doing that with Dio! Ugh. But, the Empress-'

A cold sensation surrounds Steve resulting in him to slowly raise his head up and peek at the mirror in front of them. Locking eyes with Milla who might have eyes that could kill, gone is the soft voice, replacing it with a dead-serious tone, "Are you listening?"

With an anxious and weak voice, he murmurs, "Of course… Empress. Ahh- you were saying that I have to- *coughs a little* see Dio."

Milla closes her eyes, tilts her head upwards, it's evident that she is controlling her anger from setting off particularly due to her frowning and tight-close lips. Steve doesn't know why but this sight of hers is so damn tantalizing for him. He's a little restless when she finally opens her eyes, all void of irritation.

This gives him some optimism towards what she's about to say. But, her next utterances feels like she just drops a hundred of boulders over his expectations, "Tell Dionne tomorrow that you heard about the Empress traveling by herself after they've accomplished making the laws and ask him if he knows it. That's all you can say, nothing more."

"That's it?" The vampire prince doesn't succeed in containing his emotions and disappointment which he quickly regrets after, "I'm sorry, Empress. I will obey your instructions."

Milla shows a questioning look to Steve with her brows furrowed, "What were you expecting? Nevertheless, you can't tell that someone ordered you to do that and the fact that I'm the one who gave you the order. I'll take my leave, remember, I was never here."

She left the same way she arrived in his bedroom, wearing her hood then leaping to the roof. While the vampire prince takes a few minutes standing still to comprehend what just happened in his own bathroom. Feeling desolated and lifeless, he drags himself to his bed and let his body fall heavily on it. He forces himself to face the ceiling and stares at it for the rest of the night.

'Why am I disappointed? It's not like I wanted something to happen between us. Ri… right? Definitely! There's a lot of women out there who would gladly die to have me. Ughhh…'