2030-08-31: Missile attack.

The video of the hooded vampire who confronted the human thief is receiving quite the spotlight. Plenty of vampires gain a sliver of bravery from her that drives them to fight back against contemptible human beings. But some use this as fuel and get revenge even to those people who quit tormenting vampires.

Steve recognizes her voice from the video- he already memorized how chilling her voice is from all their interactions. So he shows it to his father and Frederick who both feel relief from learning the news about her. They predict this will happen, someone is bound to cross her lines. 

Meanwhile, Rhine has been searching for the Vampire Empress in some parts of Canada, mainly in British Columbia since it is the nearest place to Glacier Bay. He checks his phone for emails then his social media when a viral video suddenly catches his attention. After giving it a watch, he keeps his phone back to his pocket and finally has a specified place to go.

The injustice and unfair treatment that is given to vampires in regards to law decrease to an outstanding degree. The police force makes a unanimous decision to spread the word of the Vampire Empress's surprise visit- not to people, but all police departments. They uphold confidentiality even to their families or they will have to face permanent dismissal.

After days of searching from her last trace in Washington, D.C., Rhine eventually spots Milla with the help of people hacking into surveillance cameras. They succeed in getting her actual location and reach an inattentive Vampire Empress. This is induced by the populated city of Las Vegas and all the loud sounds coming from the casinos- one of the loudest places she has ever been to.

Trained to manually calculate exact coordinates, he brings out a burner phone and dials someone, "36.1699° N, 115.1398° W."

On the other side of the call is a wide room filled with more than 100 people in a ten-story building found in an undisclosed location from the public. Miles and miles of cables and wires arrayed throughout the 172,000 acres of land they are in. The room resembles a launch control center with all the large screens, computers, and people wearing a headset. While each person is busy working on a specific task or system. 

The generals sit in one enclosed transparent room which is elevated in one corner as they watch the professionals do their jobs below them. The launch director listens to their instructions and supervises everything that is supposed to happen. After the coordinates are successfully positioned, the launch director verifies with the generals, "Standing by and ready to launch. On your cue, generals."

"Start the countdown and proceed unless signaled to abort," the assistant launch director who is with the generals relay their orders.

"Starting countdown… 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... and 1. The missile is on its way to the target," the launch director announces.

Somewhere in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea-launched cruise missile is launched. It is a type of low-flying strategic guided missile, carrying a nuclear warhead. Now traveling at a relatively slow speed to its target- the Vampire Empress. She cannot possibly stay in one place all the time so Rhine has to update them about her coordinates. This way, the personnel who are responsible for inputting the coordinates can match it with the missile.

Milla hears the missile launch and turns her head to its direction while everyone remains oblivious of what's about to take place. She feels it coming closer and closer, what's weird for her is it seems to be following her in some way. Looking around, humans and vampires alike are scattered everywhere- this gives her the push for her next judgment.

Everyone is busy walking around her while she lingers in the middle of the pedestrian. No one cares for this hooded individual until she removes her hoodie, revealing her dark red hair then bends down into a starting running position. They end up giving a second glance at her before realizing who this random person is. This starts an upheaval as a wide space is unexpectedly bestowed for her and a crowd forms around her.

"Seek shelter. There's a missile incoming." Milla wears her duffel bag and runs using her full speed towards the South Pacific Ocean. Her speed creates a strong wind that forcefully pushes back the individuals closest to her. They see a nearly invisible blur only if they focus intently on her and then nothing.

The vampires run away and do not dare to doubt her words after what she has done for them. No one is stupid to belittle a serious warning like that. They seek shelter immediately while yelling to confused people about the missile threat. Complete mayhem breaks out that spread everywhere after the Vampire Empress's warning leaks on the internet.

"Target not-" Rhine cuts off when he is about to report Milla's disappearance to the generals. His mind is being controlled by the male vampire who has an encounter with Milla at the seafood restaurant. Rhine stands like a robot as he ends the call. He leaves him there as he runs after Milla with a speed faster than hers.

The Philippines general tries to contact Rhine but he's not picking up. So the general rapidly state the problem to the assistant launch director, "We lost contact with Rhine. Let them locate her again. Go!"

The latter relays the urgent message and all of them are on their toes, a few people running to help fix the problem, and some cannot help to rise in their seats. The ones responsible for hacking into the CCTV cameras do their job, searching places around her last known coordinates to locate her.

"Calculating her coordinates…"

"Hurry up! What's taking them so long?" The generals are complaining but they are in a soundproof room- no one can hear them from below. The assistant launch director knows not to pressure the guys below so he chooses not to disturb them.

The head of the team calmly says to his superior, "Calculating… locking on to her… and there you go! Push the final button and the missile will follow her until it makes contact." With the go signal from the generals, the launch director pushes the final button.

Milla is almost at the pier in San Diego, CA. Not stopping for a moment, she tosses her bag to the side before diving into the deep blue water. Her speed causes her dive to be far away than normal. Then she keeps swimming deeper and deeper, farther and farther from everyone. 

The only thing she has in mind is to bring the missile away. She swims as fast as she can- causing large ripples on the water forming into huge waves. Both the sky and the land look like it's filled with thunder because of the missile sound flying over the United States. Glass from buildings starts shattering where the missile passes through.

"Oh, shit shit shiiiit! Run!" Those who have not been informed are still outside, going about their daily routine. So just from hearing this from afar causes everyone to panic and run. People are shouting, crying, and looking out for themselves, running inside buildings but some people could not do it on time. Instead, they lie down on the ground, cover their ears and nose.

To make it out alive- that is everyone's wishes during these times. No one even warns them, they haven't talked to their loved ones yet or say their goodbyes. Those who are fortunate to have their families with them, they hug each other like it would be the last time.

The faint ringing of phones in the background accompanies the deafening sound of the missile. Then, a lot of chiming sound comes after, indicating a message notification. This infuriated all of them especially those who are now lying down outside.

"Emergency Alert: 

CRUISE MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO THE UNITED STATES. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL," they send an intentional late push notification to all residents and tourists' phones. So the Vampire Empress would not be forewarned. This message is also blaring across all televisions and radio stations in the United States.

"Emergency Alert. This is not a drill. Cruise missile threat inbound to the United States. Stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter in a building. Remain indoors while away from windows. If you are driving, pull safely to the side of the road and seek shelter in a building, or lay on the floor. We will announce when the threat has ended. This is not a drill."

The number of leaders who agree to lower their anti-missile defense systems is higher than those who disagree with this ridiculous idea. Some of them are willing to risk harming their people so they can take her down and stop their insurrection. No one can go against the majority or they will earn the animosity of the different countries. But the president of the United States decides not to abandon his country despite having the time advantage to fly out.  

The male vampire reaches the pier and discovers that the missile is still on route to Milla's direction, gaining on them. He lets go of Rhine's consciousness who is muddled for a few seconds before it dawns on him that he has to save himself first. Then the male vampire hides in a dark alley and focuses on the missile instead.