2030-08-31: The intimidating male vampire.

The male vampire lowers his head as if contemplating the consequences of what he is about to do next. Seemingly decisive, he shuts his eyes with the wind slowly building around him. Until it hastens that it forms a spherical dome because of the continuous motion.

The strong current of air makes his hood fall off- revealing his messy silver medium-length hair that is slowly changing into all white with a few blue streaks of hair. Then the wind around the missile moves to engulf it, hampering it a little.

He lifts his head and gazes at the missile, showing his previous dark red irises are now mixed with crystal blue in the left eye and gold in the right- both being dominant. Simultaneously, the missile stops mid-air close to the water. Milla becomes aware of it but continues swimming despite being perplexed.

Meanwhile, the male vampire's eyes blaze more every passing second with his hair floating in the air. This is beginning to take a toll on him, seeing his clenched fists begin to get tighter and furrowing of his brows. The missile stands by for a measly 30 seconds but for him, it's tedious.

No one would be able to identify him because of the air that is opaque around him. The glow of the combination of blue and gold inside it is what remains visible, and it looks like it's swirling with the air. Gradually, the distance between the water and the missile increases.

Then it keeps climbing up to the sky, backward. Milla senses this happening that she halts and turns her whole body around to observe the missile. She is not the only one who sees this, because the staff responsible for analyzing the missile's coordinates notices it too.

The generals and the launch director already commence the initial celebration because they believe she cannot outrun it forever. But the staff calls for the director's attention instantly, "We have an emergency! The missile seems to be malfunctioning! And it's about to leave the Earth's troposphere-"

"How is that possible? The missile passed all the tests. Someone gets us a visual of the missile, now!" The people in the elevated room are not blind not to read the situation below so the assistant launch director explains everything to them.

Another staff notifies the launch director through his headset, "Showing the visual on the big screen, right about… now."

Everyone is speechless upon watching a vertical missile flying in reverse, even the generals stand up in bewilderment. The launch director is appointed to his position for being calm and composed, so he naturally strives to find the problem and come up with a solution.

He gets the people moving, "How's the system of the missile? Continue checking. Is there something interfering with our signal? Can we retake control over the missile? Find out where the missile is heading. Don't let it out of our sights. Calculate its speed and look out for a possible collision."

"Everything is working faultlessly, sir. There's nothing wrong with the missile."

"Our signal is still connected and no one else is."

"It was programmed not to be overwritten after pushing the final button. But the problem is, its target coordinates remain the same yet we don't have any theories about what's going on. Though we're trying to beat our algorithms."

"Status report: Missile entered the stratosphere and is still ascending."

"Speed is slower than its expected speed."

"..!!" Some employees exclaim in alarm and surprise when the missile drops suddenly with no particular reason at all. But the explanation behind it is the male vampire's exhaustion that he loses focus for a moment. The missile's programming isn't making it easy for him.

Then it abruptly stops when he regains it back, the wind enveloping it again- turning the missile until it is vertical without moving from its position. Faster than before, it proceeds to ascend. On the other hand, Milla reaches the surface of the water and looks up to the sky with her surprisingly calm expression.

"The missile speed is increasing and still increasing. Entering the stratosphere. Entering the meso- no, thermosphere-"

"Sir! Possible collision with a meteor upon leaving the exosphere."

The launch director quickly inquires, "Did we regain control over the missile? We can't risk hitting the space station with the explosion."

"Negative, sir."

"Is there anything we can do?!" He cannot help but turn his back on the screen when no one answers him. With his palms together and their sides touching his lips, he closes his eyes and apologizes in his mind for the astronauts up there… and their families on Earth. 

All of them have horrified looks on their faces. Furthermore, some of the generals and employees could not help but pull their hairs and lower their heads in guilt. 

The employee tasked about the possible encounter says in a spiritless voice, "Collision in 30 seconds… 20 seconds… 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1."

Precisely, before the missile completely leaves the Earth's atmosphere, a meteor hit it. Everybody quits glancing at the screen and removes their headset as not to hear the ear-splitting sound from the blast.

"It… it didn't explode inside our atmosphere? The space station is safe!" A vehement voice- a woman's cries of joy reverberate inside the room. They respond to her with silence.

Until they realize what she's talking about, they look at the screen and wear their headset at the same time. The blast takes place outside of the atmosphere, they have no idea that a vampire saved them. He extracts all of his might to influence the limited remaining of air engulfing the missile, giving it a final thrust.

The blast disappears completely in the absence of an atmosphere. Moreover, thermal radiation also disappears. For the blast wave to heat, it needs air but there is none. 

In reality, there is a slight effect of the explosion. Communications in different parts of the world experience issues then it comes back to normal. While people and vampires alike in the United States wait inside their homes or buildings.

The dome-like air around the male vampire rapidly dissipates, letting out the glow of blue and gold which it seems he's absorbing them. With his last bit of strength, he creates a large imperceptible blast that breaks all glass and things running in electricity.

Milla sees the blast and feels the presence of an intimidating individual in the middle of it. He tries to run away but everything he did drains all of his strength, 'Ahh- I'm way far from being similar to her family… I need to… practice more.'

She appears in the dark alley with her fight instincts on the roof. It is conspicuous that he is out of strength especially when he takes that one step. This single movement proves how weak he is right now that he loses his consciousness and faints. She is on time- catching him before his head hits the ground.

She witnesses his hair turning back to silver. He also gawks at her before his eyes close, revealing his eyes changing back to dark red and black. His hoodie is the ultimate game-changer, 'It's the intimidating vampire from that restaurant!?'

Then the blast vanishes and so does the two vampires.