2030-09-01: Who are you?

In one of New York City's boroughs stands a tall skyscraper called The Manhattan Tower located in Midtown Manhattan. It is one of the hotels that has a 7-star rating in the whole world with its spiral exterior design that can be turned into an entire screen. 

The day has barely started for the two vampires who are still sleeping inside the pitch-black penthouse. Total darkness because of the ceiling-to-floor thick window's interchangeable features. 

Guests can make their windows transparent but they're not visible from the outside, or simply push a button in a control device to change it to any background they want- including different locations all around the world or simply all black. The light gray blackout curtains that automatically draw itself with the use of a single device also helps in keeping the sunlight away.

It is so peaceful and quiet- the same cannot be said to the outside world. It's the complete opposite since the news about the missile attack spread like fire in a forest, and it is too late to stop it or undo what went on. Protests against the government arise because people almost died. Another reason is the late emergency alert they have received resulting in multiple injured people.

The government's spokesperson does an immediate live conference to make things clear to the public. He announces, "...The president is inside his office during the missile attack. We are currently investigating what caused the delay in the emergency alerts sent to everyone. The floor is now open for questions."

Reporters then begin to ask their questions and all of them have a similar concern, "Is it true that the missile was sent to assassinate the Vampire Empress?"

The spokesperson answers confidently, "It is only a rumor without valid proof and investigations."

"Is it because of the incident last 27th of July with the 15 construction workers?"

"These are merely assumptions and everyone is advised to be comprehensive about the issue. This is not the time to be pointing fingers blindly."

Another reporter inquires, "Based on the surveillance cameras that caught her- her blur mostly, the missile seemed to be following her direction even diving towards the ocean. How would you explain that then?"

Before the spokesperson can give a response, somebody follows and asking a lot of questions, "Are you letting her pay by sending a missile to where she was, not bothering about compromising people's lives? What would happen-"

So he interrupts him and instructs them, "Kindly wait for your turn before speaking or-"

"We could only imagine what might have happened if the Vampire Empress didn't choose to warn everyone then head into the ocean, right?" The aggressive reporter persists since he has a feeling that they will not let him talk again later on. Some reporters also cannot help but nod their heads in agreement.

The government cannot afford to raise people's doubts even more so they avoid kicking the reporter out in the meantime, "We might have to ask you to leave next time if you do not obey the protocols. To answer all of your questions, we're still getting to the bottom of it. For now, we are asking you to wait as we keep everyone updated."

"What is your opinion about her saving thousands of lives by warning people about the incoming missile?"

The spokesperson genuinely smiles as he remembers that he would have lost his family if it weren't for Milla, "We are deeply grateful and indebted to her."

Besides the ongoing conference, The Manhattan Tower's management and some personnel are restless- some are enthusiastic too. It is all because of last night's experience. They were about to call the police after catching sight of an unconscious man being carried like a sack of rice by… a woman.

Two men went near her to help carry the unconscious male by supporting him on both sides. Unknown to them, a middle-aged male had been following Milla, or the male vampire to be precise. He wanted to fetch him particularly after the humans touched the vampire, he began sweating in fear and it's not because of her. Something else is making him feel nervous.

The Vampire Empress proves that not only a male can be a knight in shining armor, but they do not know this. Their speculations are he's either her victim or a lover. No one assumes that she kind of saved him except for the one following them.

She decides not to leave him there, only to be found out by someone else. Specifically, by whoever sent the missile, she deduces that the missile coming her way and only to her direction is not simply a coincidence. Neither him being in the same place as she is, twice in a row cannot be considered as luck so she needs answers from him.

When the hotel's manager was informed about the Vampire Empress, he hurriedly reached and took over the receptionist's work to guarantee that no mistakes would be made. "A pleasure to have you here, Vampire Empress. What room would you like to stay in?"

Milla unenthusiastically replied and she sounded so exhausted, "Anything would do with fewer people around and less noise. Make it quick, I'd like to rest soon."

The manager nodded to her and he knew what room he'd give to them after seeing the Amex Black Card, "Let me escort you to our most premium penthouse on the top floors. Would you like me to carry your bag?"

Annoyed at him, Milla stayed silent and casually tossed the bag to him. They entered the elevator for guests full of mirrors that produced endless reflection, there's also a small chandelier that lights up the inside. The elevator stayed open until the manager tapped the hotel card on a control panel. 

He also tapped something that made the elevator's walls transparent, letting them see the view outside the hotel. Then, a female AI flashed on a screen that caused Milla to widen her eyes and jumped a little, "Are you heading to the 142nd and 143rd floor? Please confirm."

"142nd, please." The manager responded and the female AI said, "Thank you for the confirmation. Please enjoy your stay."

The elevator opened directly to a two-story penthouse, "Do you want us to take him to the bedroom?"

"Just leave him there," she pointed at a long white couch. "Is there anything else?"

He moved to a control panel near the elevator, "You will see this in every area here, just touch it whenever you need something. This is the hotel card that gives you access to the elevator and these two floors. Please enjoy your stay, Vampire Empress."

He tapped the card to the elevator panel before handing it to her so they could ride the elevator. After the doors closed, the three of them could finally breathe. They could not believe that they saw her in person and on top of that, she's with an unfamiliar male. 

Their restlessness up to now is understandable. It increases as they wait for her to contact them. Unfortunately, they practice maximum confidentiality so they cannot openly talk about it or let the public know. 

Milla wakes up before noon and remembers the male vampire so she looks and turns to her left side. Extending her hand, she reaches for the bedside table to get the control device- opening the lights. Getting off the bed, she prefers walking barefoot because of the warm relaxing feeling from the shiny wood-like design of the floor.

Looking downstairs from the railings, she sees him sleeping where she left him- on the couch. There are five bedrooms in this penthouse, one master bedroom and two regular bedrooms upstairs, and two guest rooms on the first floor. But she's too lazy and tired to move him into one of the bedrooms before taking a rest that turns into a long sleep.

She observes him for a while, remembering the color of his hair and eyes changing all of a sudden yesterday. She fails to realize she's been studying his face from his slightly thick silver-black eyebrows, pointed nose, and lips that are slightly bigger than hers. He could easily rival with Lionel's attractiveness or even beat him.

She feels something different about him but she cannot point it out. 'Who is this guy? Why can't I feel his presence? Is he following me, but why? I didn't hear anything about this seemingly powerful vampire, did I? He's much more powerful than that arse-worm and… may be more powerful than me. Where did he come from?'

Her thoughts are interrupted by a loud groan from the sleeping vampire who keeps switching his position. She immediately shakes her head to stop thinking about him and notices that he is about to fall off the couch. But she just stands there waiting for him to wake up, doing nothing.

Then an outcry follows a loud thud with the male vampire rubbing his nose and his middle area, "Aww- ouch! My nose and my-"

Milla tries to let him know she's there, "Ah-ahem."

"Uncle, is that you- y-you!? What are you doing here?! I- I mean, who… who are you?" He realizes his hand is on top of his pants and instantly removes it before standing up.

"Really? Do you think you sound convincing enough? Try harder." Milla crosses her arms as she lifts her left eyebrow, "Who are you?"