
Ellie didn't sleep at all that night. She couldn't get her mind off that boy and she couldn't figure out what exactly happened.

He just randomly appeared by the window, looked like he got run over by a car, fell out of the building, and his body wasn't there. That's all she could really think of.

Standing up from the couch (where she had sat all night), she made her way to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school. She walked into the bathroom taking in what it looked like. Everything was white: It had white tile floor and white walls.Right when she walked in she was met with a white sink and a slide mirror, along with a shower with a white shower curtain. It was tiny but good enough.

People would think for Ellie, living in a small, tiny house would bother her, but no. She was genuinely tiny as well. She was only about 5'1 in height and only weighed 95 pounds so living in a small area was ok for her.

She quickly undressed and stepped carefully into the hot shower. She left a small crack in the shower curtain considering she lived alone and nobody else was here... so she thought. In the middle of showering she heard heavy footsteps leading up to the mirror. She froze in her spot not daring to move. She then heard the sliding of the mirror, and the rattling of a pill bottle being taken out. Then everything went silent.

Ellie peeked behind the shower curtain and saw nothing but the mirror was slid over. On the self behind the mirror was something had never seen before. Behind the mirror sat a bunch of pill bottles. She decided to end her shower and got out, wrapping a purple towel around her body.

She reached towards the self a took an orange pill container out. On the back side of the small bottle, white tap with the words "Painkiller. 2 tablets a day" but what made Ellie even more curious was that,

The bottle was empty.

Ellie shook the bottle around a bit to make sure but it was clear as day, it was indeed empty. She decided to look at the other pills to see what she could find.

She grabbed onto other bottles of pain killers and they where ALL empty. As she was investigating the pills a not on the floor caught her eye.

I'm sorry.

I took them all


Ellie covered her mouth in surprise. Whoever had used these pills used them all. And possibly overdosed?

Ellie had realized she had to be at school in 10 minutes so she had to hurry up. She dropped all the bottles into the reach can beside the sink and went to close the mirror.

As soon as the mirror covered the shelf Ellie looked at the mirror, but what she saw behind her scared the daylights out of her. Behind her she saw a boy sitting in the bath tub, with white foam comping out of his mouth, and puke on the floor beside him. He had pale blueish skin and he looked like he couldn't breathe.

Ellie screamed loudly and turned around. Nothing. "Oh my god Ellie get it together!" She almost screamed a herself. She though she had Schizophrenia or something! She ran out of the bathroom and into her bed room. She breathed loudly and sat down on her bed. "Your hallucinating Ellie. You need water! You haven't had water since yesterday morning. Or maybe food you haven't eaten in a while!" She tried to convince herself she wasn't seeing reality.

She grabbed some clothes and threw them in before grabbing her book bag and sprinting out of the apartment. She made her way to the elevator pressing number 1. She waited patiently to get to the bottom floor. Somewhere between 10 and 1 a stranger got into the elevator. He kept a good distance from Ellie but occasionally looked at her. I mean if your in a elevator with someone you don't know should you not look at them?

It reached floor 1 after a painfully long silent elevator ride. Ellie stumbled out and quickly makes her way out of the building.

Ellie hurried down the street, passing people while repeating "excuse me". As soon as she saw the school building she started to run towards it. She couldn't be tardy again! When she reached the school doors she swung them open and speed walked down the halls. The school halls where empty being that everyone else was already at there classes.

She got to her first class which was in room 307.  She quietly pushed the big brown doors open to see everyone else paying attention to the teacher who was writing something on the white board. She crept into the room and sat in her seat next to her friend Mariella. "What'd I miss?" She whispered to her friend. Mariella peeked her eyes over to Ellie and back to the board. "Nothing much get your book out. Page 417."

Ellie reaches into her bag grabbing out her school book. She flipped open the book scrolling threw pages but she almost freaked out. On each page of the whole book had black ink scribbled on it. Pictures of horrific pictures where drawn in it that Ellie could only describe as a sleep paralysis demons. Words where scribbled in and pages where ripped out. "Holy shit! What the fuck happened to you book?" Mariella whisper screeched to her. "I have no fucking clue..."

Mariella was sitting so close to Ellie now they where practically sharing a seat. Ella (Mariella) made a disgusted face. Ella closed the book and pushed it off Ellie's desk. "We'll share a book" she said as she pushed her book towards Ellie.

It was the end of classes and Ella had offered to walk Ellie home. The sky had darkened signaling it was going to rain.

"Ella." Ellie said to break a silence that had fallen between the two girls. "I've been.... seeing... odd things."

Ella looking over to Ellie with a slight confusion. "Like what things?" Ellie sighed squinting her eyes to bring back her memory. "I don't know. I think I'm crazy or something."

"Your not crazy. Tell me." Ella grabbed on to her besties hand. "Scary things. Yesterday I moved into a new apartment as you know and... everything was fine until that night. I saw a boy. Sitting on the window seat crying. But he was also smiling. He looked like he had gotten run over by a car. I got up to confront him about being in my house but he looked at me creepily. And then he purposely fell out of the window!"

Ella listened to Ellie while she explained the night and morning events. "Are you sure it wasn't a dream~" "it wasn't a dream Ella! I'm scared!" She cut her off.  By now they had made it to the apartment door. They both started at the door for a minute until Ella put her hand in Ellie's shoulder. "It's ok! Your probably just tired with moving in and everything."

Ellie takes out her keys and unlocks the door. Ella pushes the door open revealing the living room. Ella walked in with Ellie following slowly behind. Ellie looked around to find anything that looked weird or out of place.

"Stop worrying! I'll even spend the night if you want!" Ella said trying to cheer her up. Ellie nodded. "Ok well I have to go home to get my things. I'll be back soon." Ella said leaving without another word.

Ellie stood in her living room for a while before deciding to man up. She was going to check everywhere in the house.

She strides to the kitchen only peeking through the door. When she saw nothing she made her way to the hallway and took a look in the bathroom. Empty.

She made her way to her bedroom walking fully into the room. When she saw nothing she turned around to leave.... she saw a boy standing there smiling at her. Oh no.

He had a rope tied around his neck with a bluish face. Where the rope had been tied was red rope rash in a straight circle around. He didn't even blink. Ellie froze there scared to move.

The boy made a slow turn toward the end of the hallway and started walking. He never stopped smiling. Ellie quickly moved towards the door peeking over the side. "AHHHH!!!" She screamed. The boy was now hanging from the ceiling, not moving, body limp. After she screamed the boys eyes shot open. He started struggling against the rope. He grabbed onto the rope looking like he was trying to get it off. He made struggling breath before the stopped.

At this point Ellie was crying. She had had enough of this. She wanted it all to stop. He only had this scary look on his face looking at her with only his eyes head pointed down.

Ellie made a quick run for the front door. She could barely see anything, blinded by tears. Seeing something like that could scar someone for life. She accidentally ran into the corner of the hallway and fell to the ground with a thump. Right then someone had reached down to her and grabbed onto her shoulder. "No!No!No!" Ellie screamed while sobbing. "Ellie! Ellie! Calm down it me!" Ellie wipes her tears looking up seeing her best friend bending down to her. "Are you ok?" Ella asked frantically. Ellie only shook her head sitting up leaning against the wall.

"What happened? I was literally only gone for like 10 minutes!"