Chapter four

Still annoyed with what happened with Emmet and the door, I followed him to what I guess, is the council room. Listening to their conversation, I try to figure out if Emmet is a prince. I didn't have to much time to dwell on it as Charlotte and the Jayden/Artanis guy come walking out. I quickly hid behind a statue they stop a little way after it. Not trying to risk being caught, I stand there, forced to listen to their conversation. All I heard was something about Jaydens beloved and Charlotte's castle being destroyed. Guessing that she is a princess, I think about how they've lied to me about who they are.

Stepping out from behind the statue I walk into the council room. Emmet is sitting in the chair slumped down years running down his face. Running towards him, I get on my knees in front of him and grab his hands, wiping some of his tears away with my other hand, I look at him. "Hey. Shhh, it's okay. I promise. Just calm down. There you go." His tears slowly stop. He looks down at me before getting up, pushing me to the ground. "I have to go." Getting up I run after him. "Emmet! Please! Come-" He holds up his hand and makes a shh sound. "Just stop okay. I'll deal with you in a minute. I promise we'll get you out of this place." Raising my hand after him, I stop trying to get him to come back and just spin around, looking at the council room, whispering to myself,

"When did my life turn into a mystery?"

After the fiasco with Emmet, I explored the castle. I found where the dining hall is and the kitchen. There was a pile of apples so I helped myself to one. After I stole an apple from the kitchen, I headed left to the denying room and eventually found the ballroom.

It had marble floors and wood walls. There was a stage with different kinds of instruments.

Walking out of the ballroom I walk to a balcony the Is nearby, looking down into the gardens. "I wish there was a sun. Its be so much brighter.."


Hazel wipes my tears off my cheeks, whispering things to me. Realizing what is happening, I stand up, pushing her off me. Walking away she calls after me. "Emmet! Please! Come-" I raise up my hand. "Just stop, okay. I'll deal with you in a minute. I promise we'll get you out of this place." Turning back around, I was out of the council room and towards my bed chambers. mumbling to myself. "I can't let her get involved in this. As the prince of this region, it is my duty to protect the people inside. She may not live here, but she's my friend. I cantlet anything bad happen." Nodding my head at my words, I open my door to my chambers.

Looking around, I don't see a single drop of dust. They must have cleaned it every day, waiting for me to return. Shaking my head at how idiotic it was, I go to the vanity, staring at myself. Wiping any traces of tears from my eyes, I hit the vanity. "Get yourself together! You have a world to save." Starting at myself for a moment longer, I hit the vanity and push my self away from it. Sitting down on the bed, I put my head in my hands.


Walking out of the maze, I see Artanis already sitting down. Growling, I walk up to him and hit him. "I told you I was going to win." Sighing I sit down next to him. "Yeah whatever." He lightly punches me in the arm. "don't be like that! You only lost what? Fifty times?" Groaning, I hit on the head. "Shut up!" He laughs and gets up, walking around the maze. "Come on! Let's go see how Emmet is. He has been off sense he got here." Following him, I frown. "He has? I haven't noticed?"

"Well I have. I think it's the stress of being back here. I am not sure but that's what I think. It makes since too." I shrug and walk into the kitchen with him. "I guess so." Taking an apple from the basket, I throw it at him before taking my own. "Race ya to the ballroom?" Artanis smiles. "Of course." He takes a bite of his apple before taking off in the direction of the ballroom. Shaking my head, I forget, once in my life about ruining Hazel.