Emmet is furious. With district four and Charlotte. He just can't get over the fact that district four would do something like what they did to Artanis and that Charlotte left.
I, on the other hand, are more worried about what will happen with the war. Emmet hasn't told me anything about what's going to happen. He is just sitting there, tapping his finger on the chair, staring at Artanis and Artanis is staring into nothing.
Sighing, I stand up and walk towards the door. "Well, if you aren't going to tell me anything, I am going to go find someone who will." Emmet looks up at me before nodding and looking down once again.
Shaking my head and groaning, I walk out of the room and go towards where I hope, is the council room.
Opening the doors to the council room, I look inside. There is no one. Frowning, I close the door and head towards the kitchen, maybe someone will know something there.
Pushing the door to the kitchen, I look inside. And, as you've probably guessed, there's no one. Groaning with frustration, I head to the balcony.
Leaning of the side, I see a bunch of soldiers gathered out front. I see some of the people I saw in the council room earlier and I see cooks, maids, and servants. They are all standing outside.
Now outside of the gate, there are thousands of people yelling. They must be the villagers. They've probably already found out what's happening.
Looking below me, I try to find a way down. Picking the closest staircase, I head to it, making my way down towards the hoards of people.
Finally, getting down the staircase, I run into the queen who looks absolutely furious and guilt-ridden? It's hard to tell if it is guilt or if it is her fury. I'd learned it's hard to tell with her.
Walking up to her, I am immediately pulled back by guards. "Hey! What're you doing?! Let me go!" They hold onto my arms tightly, not answering. Trying to kick them, their armor prevents me from doing so. Not being able to kick, I scream, calling for the Queen. Eventually, she looks at me and comes forward, telling the guards to let me go.
"Hazel! What are you doing here? Where's Emmet and Charlotte?"
"Emmet is with Artanis. Charlotte left. I don't know where." As the Queen is about to respond, there are running footsteps behind us. Looking behind us, we stare at Emmet who is standing on the top of the staircase. "I am actually right here. I figured I should help with the fighting."
"Well, if you aren't going to tell me anything, I am going to go find someone who will." Bringing my gaze up to Hazel, I nod and bring my head back down. I hear her groan and then the door opening and closing. Shaking my head, I look at Artanis. "Hey? I have to go. Promise me you'll be alright?" Artanis looks at me and blinks. Taking that as a yes, I walk out of the door and head towards the courtyard.
Running towards the stairs, I look over a balcony to see Hazel being held by guards. Spinning around, I run to the closest sets of stairs, as my mom and Hazel talk. "Hazel! What are you doing here? Where's Emmet and Charlotte?"
"Emmet is with Artanis. Charlotte left. I don't know where." As Hazel finishes her sentence I finally get to the top of the staircase. They both look at me. "I am actually right here. I figured I should help with the fighting.
My mom walks up the stairs and outs her hand on my cheek. "I really am sorry Emmet. I promise I'll do better." Walking away, I pull her hand if my cheek. "Probably not." Hazel frowns at me and grabs me by the elbow. "She's trying to start over with you Emmet." I shrug. "Don't care. Now if you excuse me, I have an army to lead."
Going to the armory, I quickly change into some armor and grab a deer, putting armor on my deer as well. Afterward, I walk out and head to the front of the army, getting on my deer.
Getting a little nervous as I watch my soldiers, I look to Hazel who gives me a thumbs up. Smiling, I then bake to my soldiers.
"My army! This day will represent the day we get revenge for the people the fourth district killed! Never once did we retaliate! Today that will change. Today, we go to war!" The soldiers raise their swords along with me, shooting.
Turning back around, I forget about Charlotte and Hazel. Only focusing on one thing, getting revenge for my friend.
Smiling, I head forward, the clank if my soldiers following me. "Time to go kill."
"He thinks he can tell me what to do? Well, he can't. I'll leave by myself if I want to" Grumbling to myself, I strap a saddlebag to my deer and get on it, lightly kicking it in its side to get it going.
Running through the gate, I head towards the east where most of the army's of the fourth district are at.
I know I shouldn't be doing this alone, I may end up like Artanis, but I have to do this. I can't let my friend suffer and not get revenge. If anyone knows what to do about Artanis, it's the people that hurt him.
Hearing the thud of hooves, I look behind me. The army is already here. Why Emmet leading them. Groaning I stay where I am, waiting for them to catch up. It's not like I would get out of this anyway.
Emmet stops beside me, a furious look on his face. "You didn't make it far."
"I had trouble with the very. It would come with me. "Ahh. The usual trouble with the deer." Looking ahead of me, he was me on the shoulder, making me look at him. "Would you like to get revenge for Artanis together? I sent an army to the West so we have a good chance of getting the people who hurt him." Moving my head away from him, I go forward. "Well then, I guess we better get going. We don't want to miss them now do we." Emmet laughs and follows me, raising his sword. "Move forward! We have monsters to kill!" Smiling at what he said, we pick up the pace