Charlotte and Emmet walk away from me, not even making sure I am fine or anything. I get why but they still could've checked on me.
Sighing, I hope onto my deer as the army starts walking again. Trying to get to the front where Emmet and Charlotte are was the hardest bit. No one would let me through.
Groaning, I stay in the back and wait for any kind of opening for me to go through. Not seeing any, I settle with being in the back. Maybe then I'll be a little more protected? Probably not. The back is where everyone gets killed, it's common sense.
Wanting to get to the front desperately, I go off to the side to cut through the army without having to go through them.
As I am about to get the front, a horn blares to the front and right side of us; the one on the side a little more distant, it must be coming from the fourth district's eastern army.
Getting up to the front, I go beside Emmet, leaning towards him."What's happening?" He jumps and almost falls off of his deer, staying on by grabbing his deer's reigns. "Don't scare me like that! And shut up. The fourth district is coming. I need you to hide. I can't have you getting hurt." Knowing I should listen to him, I don't. I mean back and sit straight in my saddle, staying beside him as he quietly gives orders to his army.
Charlotte steers her deer to me, sitting next to me a moment later. I know what she is going to say, she wants me to leave. I get that. But, I want to stay. As much as I know I shouldn't, I want to help protect my best friends.
"You should leave Hazel." Not looking at her, I stat with my head starring forward at the army. "You will get hurt. Leave. Now." Finally losing it, I turn towards her. "I am staying and you can't stop me! You understand?"
"Hazel. Listen-" The ground rumbles, Charlotte falls off of her deer along with me and the rest of the army. There's a giant roar coming from in front of us. Or maybe behind us. It's echoing around like we are in a cavern. It feels like an earthquake. The yells of an army can be heard slightly in the distance. Is this where we are going to die? No. I can't die. Not yet.
"Are we set? The army could be here any-" The ground rumbles, cutting off my sentence and causing elves to fall off their horses.
Almost falling to the ground, there a roar from what I think is in front if us. It echoes around, like its never-ending. The ground feels like it's an earthquake. But it can't be. Never once have we had an earthquake before. Then, the yells of an army. They are coming. They will be here soon. No matter how much we don't want them to. They are coming. There's nothing we can do about it.
Standing up from the ground, I yell over the rumbling, trying to make sure my army is okay. "IS ANYONE HURT?!" There's faint yelling and through the dust that is rising, a few nods.
Trying to walk towards where I hope, Refeco is. I quickly fall over due to the rumbling. Whatever the fourth district is bringing, it's big.
Grabbing onto my deer, I use her to pull myself up. She is very wobbly but it's the best I got. Holding onto her reigns, I slowly bring her through the dust, covering her eyes with one if our eyes protectors.
Stumbling through the dust, I hear movement right beside me over the roar that us echoing around. Turning to the side of me, I reach out with my dagger. "Whos there? Refeco?" I hear coughing and then I slightly see the outline of Refeco's face. Sighing, I pat him on the back and pull him towards me. "You alright?" He nods and holds onto my deer. "We need to find Charlotte and Hazel. Maybe Charlotte has a potion to help with this dust." Nodding in agreement, we head towards where we last saw Charlotte and Hazel.
Hazel is going to get us killed. I can't watch over her and make sure me or Emmet doesn't die. But, I can't leave her. If I do Emmet will know somethings up. Groaning, I think about how I can't wait to destroy Hazel. If I had her power I could fix everything.
Reaching out and grabbing onto Hazel, I pull her behind a tree, trying to make sure if there's a fight she ain't get killed too easily. "Stay here. We didn't go far from where Emmet last saw us. Just shout if you see movement." Seeing a slight movement in the dust, I figure she's nodding and start to walk off.
Opening my saddlebag, I look through the potions I have. Not finding anything that will help with the dust, I decide to get my vision potion. It helps with seeing through things, especially dust; it just doesn't clear up the dust and it only lasts for five people, hardly enough for a whole army.
Drinking the potion, the effects start to come in. Turning my body in circles, I find Emmet and Refeco making there way to where I just was. Grabbing the potion, I make my way through the piles of stumbling soldiers, tripping over feet and sometimes arms over the course of my journey to Emmet and Refeco.
"Hey! Emmet! Over here." Emmet turns my way along with Refeco. Although they can't see me, they can hear me. "Charlotte? Is that you?" Running towards them, I stumble over the rumbling ground before finally reaching them. Handing them the potion, I say nothing.
After they drink the potion, we slowly make our way back to Hazel. She is really annoying, she left. Mean of course she left. Why wouldn't she? Emmet turns towards me, yelling something. But, I can't hear him over the intensifying rumbling and the yells of the fourth district soldiers making their way towards us.