Chapter thirteen

The clinging of swords are all around me. People are yelling. I see some getting hurt but staying in formation. This is terrifying. I can't do anything but just sit here why people get hurt.

Spinning around, I stay in the middle towards the back where there aren't any enemy soldiers. I can still hear the clash and clings of swords.

Turning to my left, someone starts charging towards me, they look crazy. Someone cuts in front of me and stabs the soldier, looking back at me afterward. "Are you okay?" Nodding, I try to figure out how he managed to stay in formation but also save me. Knowing now us not the time to ask, the elf turns back around, going back to his position.

Looking around, I realize we won't last much longer, not with the way it's turning out. The fourth district has many more soldiers than us. They have a giant brute up at the front as well. Unless someone does something, this is a suicide mission. I need to do something. But what can I do? I can't fight! I don't even know how to use a sword.

The formation suddenly breaks. Something is charging towards me, it's huge and can't dodge it easily. It's the giant brute guy that was upfront. Now, it's coming straight towards me, its potions on it's back bubbling.

"This isn't good... This is not good at all..." Mumbling to myself, I turn around, trying to find something that will help. Seeing nothing, I start to freak out, my chest getting right, making me feel like I can't breathe. This has never happened before I don't know what to do. Sinking down to the ground, I cover my heads with my head; the brute getting closer.

Through my blurry gaze, I see people trying to kill him. But, the formation is broken, soldiers from the fourth district are getting in.

Finally losing it, I scream. Louder than I have ever screamed before. I see Charlotte running to me, something in her hand. I close my eyes, something washing over me. It feels water; it isn't wet though. The feeling courses through me.

Opening my eyes, the brute is several feet away, Charlotte next to him the bottle empty in her hand, and everyone else either knocked out or hurt all around me.

Standing up, I soon around slowly, looking at what happened, questions filling my head. Why am I not hurt? What happened? Where's Emmet? Are my friends okay?

Walking slowly around, the trees that we're once around us are broken, bent and some are on the ground. The grass us flattened all around me. One flower is standing alone, nothing else by it. The weird thing is that it's exactly where I was standing.


I don't know what happened. One moment I am trying to make sure the brute doesn't get to Hazel and the next there world goes into a blur and then I hit a tree and my world went black. Maybe the big guy died and all his potions caused this.

In all honesty, I don't know. The rumbling has stopped and the dust has died down. It is completely quiet except for the occasional groan from a soldier. Whatever happened here, it is devastating.

Standing up, I prop myself up against the tree. All around me trees are destroyed. Either bent or just half away to the ground, some have already fallen. The grass us pushed all the way to the ground. But, one spot is not damaged. The grass is flattened. It looks... Normal.

Carefully walking over the soldiers and debris, I walk over to where Charlotte is laying down on the floor. Her shoulder looks a little bloody but otherwise, from the distance I am at, she looks fine.

Hazel us nowhere to be seen. She isn't where the middle of the formation was but, I also don't see anything that would say she is dead.

It looks like there was maybe an explosion where she was... That may just be proof enough.

Turning Charlotte over from her side, I take a good look at her head, making sure she isn't permanently damaged in the head. Seeing she looks relatively fine, I make my way to Refeco who is to the left of her; The brute to the right.

Checking on Refeco, he has a small cut on his head and a few more on his arms and face but he is also fine, no permanent damage.

Starting at him, I switch my face between him and Charlotte, trying to decide if I should wake them. After a few seconds, I make up my mind and slowly start to shake Refco. When he doesn't make any movement, I move onto Charlotte, who's breathing is a little more stable. Shaking her gently, I get a response.


I can't feel anything. Not a thing. It's like I am in space or something. There's no sound or anything. The best explanation is I am dreaming.

But the shaking, someone is shaking me. I need to get up. Did the potion work on Hazel? Is the fight over? What happened?

Come on body! Work!

I start to feel the shaking more. Feeling is coming back to my arms and legs, I can feel again and hear.

"Charlotte? Are you okay? Charlotte!" Coughing, someone starts to lift me up so I am sitting straight, my back against a tree.

Slowly opening my eyes, someone's face is in front of mine, it's blurry though. Then, I recognize the face. It's Emmet.

Blinking my eyes fast, I open them wide before squinting, trying to get rid of the blurriness. "Um Charlotte? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I am fine. What happened?" Emmet shrugs and stands up, holding out his hand. "Don't know. I can't remember anything after the big guy almost got Hazel." Nodding my head slowly, I look around, trying to find Hazel. "Is She still here?"

"I also don't know that. I have only found Refeco and you. Everyone else seems to be enemy soldiers." Frowning, I grab the cracked and empty potion bottle beside me, bending down to pick it up. "I am sure she's fine... Hopefully." Emmet sarcastically laughs before walking in front of me. "She's nowhere to be seen. The chances are low. I think for now we just need to figure out what happened. We need to find Hazel and get out of here. Afterward, we can analyze any information we find why looking for Hazel. Okay?" Nodding in agreement, I walk to the right and Emmet walks to the left.

Mumbling to myself, " Let's find Hazel, shall we?"