Chapter Nineteen

"God dang it, Emmet!" Pounding at the guest rooms door, I hear the guards outside saying something to each other. Stopping my pounding, I bring my ear up to the door. When I do, their conversation pauses.

Growling, I walk around the room, trying to find something to help me out. Heading to the closet, I glance around. Inside, I notice a tiny trap door. Since I have never seen it before, I carefully progress towards it, like it is a wild animal.

Pulling the door open, I look down it. The hallway behind the door seems to go on endlessly.

Glimpsing behind me, I make sure no one is there and make my way down the hallway.

Walking down the hallway, I smell dirt and a heavy musk. The whole thing looks like a mine.

A little scared about continuing, I bring my head over my shoulder to look at the fading light behind me. Taking a deep breath, I head deeper into the hallway.

It has been about five minutes since I first entered the tunnel. So far, I found some rats, a piece of wire hanging from the ceiling, and a spider web I walked through. The trip down has not been pleasant. But, arriving at the chamber at the end of the hall is worth it.

The walls of carvings and on the far side of me, there are marble statues. They are elegant, seeming like they took forever to finish. I have never seen anything like them.

Peering closer at the language at the bottom of carvings and statues, I recognize it as a language Emmet wrote in before. Passing by the text, I gaze at the pictures. Just like the statues, the paintings are made in colorful ink and are just as elegant and artistic.

Glancing up, I notice the chamber goes into a dome shape. Frowning at how this is even possible, I figure I am under a hill that is by the castle. Not knowing for sure, I get scared and start to head back, only to get pulled back the second I walk out of the chamber.

Turning around, I see a flash of light disappear. Running to the exit, I get pulled back again. For the next few minutes, I try to get out of the chamber. Not getting out, I give up. Whatever was pulling me back, shows its self.

Jumping as it shows up in front of me. Hiding behind a small stump, I peek my head over to look at it. In front of me is a small orb of light that is floating at my height. The light speeds towards me, and I hide behind the stump.

Slowly turning, the orb of light is right there, bobbing up and down. Frowning, it starts to spin. The orb starts racing to the far side of the room, and then it comes right back to me. Guessing it wants me to follow, I do.

Making my way towards the orb, it leads me to a different chamber with a giant star in the center. Assuming it was the symbol of Satan, I start to retreat.

Then, to my astonishment, the orb turns into a ghost-like girl.


"Sire! The east kingdoms units are on the way. Give them two days, and they will be ready to attack!" Glimpsing over at my war advisor, I finish signing my name on the documents in front of me before turning to him.

"Get the armies read by then. Did the West respond yet?"

My advisor shakes his head.

"No sir, The west won't get our message until tomorrow morning." Nodding, I dismiss him and turn back to my council. It is in absolute chaos. Everyone is running around, making sure everything is ready. Charlotte is still missing. But, at least Hazel is safe for now.

Shaking my head, I tap my finger, thinking.

"Okay, Emmet. The armies are ready, and I just signed the papers so the villagers can enter the safe house. My mother is helping the elders to the safe house. Sighing, I start to calm down when two guards fling the council room doors open.

"Sir! Hazel is missing! We swear we were outside of the door the whole time!"

Snapping my head to the one speaking, the council room sinks into silence as I push the guard against the wall.

"What do you mean she is gone? If you were outside the door the whole time, she couldn't have gotten out." I feel the guard swallow underneath my arm.

"You can check her room. I and fyt checked her window already, and it is still locked." Nodding calmly, I let the guard go and smooth out his jacket.

"Thank you. Now then, come with me to check Hazel's room."

Leading the guards to Hazels room, we check everywhere. In the closet, under the bed, the window, we even checked in drawers for any clue of where she went.

None of this makes sense. Her just disappearing? It doesn't make any sense. Growling at this whole thing, I storm out of Hazel's room and make my way to Charlotte's.


Getting into the outer villages was a lot harder than I thought. For one, everyone inside is a spirit. Spirits can hurt me; ghosts can't.

That is why I am kneeling on the ground with a blindfold over my eyes.

I, Charlotte, actually got caught by someone who isn't even alive.

The echo of footsteps sound, and the next thing I know, the blindfold is being ripped off.

"Well, well, well, Charlotte. Nice to see you!"

The face of the old king appears in front of me as he bends down.

"Why are you here?"

"I have a deal offer I think you will like."

"Oh?" The king points at one of the spirits, and the spirit cuts off the ropes on my wrists. Rubbing my wrists, I stand up just to be pushed down again.

"What is this said offer?" Smiling up at him, I scoff.

"I don't know. I think you'll have to untie me to find out." The old king growls before stepping away from me. Standing up, I follow him as he walks to his throne.

"So? What is it?"

Stepping closer to him, I whisper,

"Haven't you always wanted the Pheonix powers?"