My Little Beauty

I cut her off. What this sister of mine had to say I honestly had not one ounce of desire to hear. It might just annoy me so much I'd do something that I might later regret.

"Please, allow me to just stay here in peace." 

"Humph, who would want to stay in this place anyway?" Yandera snarled, after I heard eldest speak. 

"Little Ty, Yandera may seem self-centred, but she cares in her own way. Sigh, I will bring my cubs to visit when you are stronger. Remember, little Ty, continue to grow stronger and if you can't, surround yourself with the strong." 

Tears suddenly leaked from my eyes and I felt pathetic. I nodded but, thinking she couldn't see me, I replied, hearing my voice crack.

"Alright eldest sister I will."

"Remember that once you leave the void, you will forget everything, little Ty. Your wings are so beautiful! Even though they are bound they are extremely beautiful!"