I am Still a Part of the Group!

Wincu stood with her head down and bit her bottom lip. Her heart hurt, the words from her master…. She knew already, but hearing those words made Wincu want to fall on her knees in despair.

This girl being embraced by that hated man was her saviour, master and life. She had tried so hard, had been so close. Yet….

Looking up, she saw the look in the male's eyes who stared at her smugly, how right?

How can she even stay here then with his gloating look?

"Master, I will take my leave."

"Mmm, inform the ant queen that I will visit shortly to inform her of my decision pertaining the hatchlings."

"Yes Master," Wincu looked away quickly from these two and slipped from the room.

Outside she looked at the ant queen who pitifully stood by the door accompanied by student Zurück and that annoying classmate Zia.