Dropping a Bomb

"Good rising suns, everyone!"

I greeted everyone with a smile. Seriously, I blinded them with it, just before Cehn and Wong blocked their view and Xi'An pulled me into his embrace. Tch, these boys though, like seriously could they not let the world see my beautiful smile?


Anyway, since the water is so high now, I thought I should ah... gather my courage and step outside and see what's up!

It has been exactly five days and either later today or tomorrow the temperature will drop and everything will freeze. I wanted to wait until then, but... Yeah... Ah, I really need to get over myself and try to at least curb my panicking ways around a large body of water, but after this we will be dropped in the sea. 

The sea... The sea... The sea… I zoned out a moment, shivering at the thought of being surrounded miles on top of miles of endless water without a solid surface. 

"If you do not want to go outside, you don't have to Tyna."