Pink Chandelier (Various POV)

I blinked my eyes open.

The feeling of both pain and weakness overcame me immediately.

I could still hear my screams ringing in my ears and feel my body twitch on reflex from within that small world. I grimaced at the realisation that pain was in order to protect the remaining two who had saved me. Both saved my life and given me hope of life in the beginning. They had also been the first aliens I had ever come in contact with that had driven me close to my limit. 

I felt like I had no energy and presently was operating on fumes.

For a moment, I thought that I should simply allow them to die, but shook those thoughts away. 

I owed them; I owed them basically this last, final life of mine, so no matter the danger, the pain or even agony, I will keep them safe. 

After all, they were my only remaining saviours.