Practice So We Can Survive (Various POV)

Later, when she answered their calls, maybe he can show her that they had become strong enough to stay by her side.

Those wide eyes filled with such disbelief still haunted him, when he saw them and her tiny form he could not help but want to hold her in his arms and refuse to let go. 

In fact, he felt that he would hold her soon, he just need to continue growing in strength. 

They both needed to also live so that she could move on, steadily. 

With this motivation, Baek-hyeon relaxed his mind and body, digging deeper to force himself to push on, strengthening the bow. 

The bow itself was well crafted, something he had heard her mention and upon researching out of curiosity.

After he had come to realise that the bow itself was an item which had been known as a traditional weapon dating back to the first century AE time frame.