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when ning xinmei went to the store to get some groceries,she immediately attracted all the shoppers attention,after all she was a once in a blue moon sort of beauty,with her snow white skin,soft chinese features,long waterfall black hair,long curly fan lashes,sharp nose,delicate chin,pouty red lips,light amber colored eyes,and her height of 175cm,she was very beautiful,and the soft smile on her lips only added to her charms,her body was also a top notch body with ample bosoms,willow waist,wide hips,round percky bottocks,and her long slender legs.

since she was already used to being stared at everywhere she went,ning xinmei wasn't offended by the stares people gave her,and not only was she beautiful,she had the brains to go along with her beauty,from a young age she had always been abnormally smart,she had an IQ of 200 only at the small age of 5,she was also not only smart bookwise,she was also emotionally smart,but it did take a while for that one since she was only a kid,but when her EQ was confirmed at the age of 15 it was found out that she had an EQ of 150

She lived in china where she was born for most of her life,but she came to america when she was only 13,because she got recruited by harvard,she was recruited much earlier at the tender age of 7,but she declined because she wanted to spend more time with her parents,she only agreed when she turned 13 because her parents were in an accident,and protected her with their lives so she wanted to make them proud and not make their deaths go to waste.

She graduated harvard at 15 when her EQ was confirmed,and she choose the medical profession as her major,with her minor being engineering since she like tinkering around with things when she had free time.she became a famous doctor at the age of 17,but she always kept her face hidden so not many people knew of her,she did this because she didn't want her personal life disturbed,today is her 18th birthday and she is going to the store to buy some groceries.

She was a really good cook since her mom was a cooking genius and her dad was a music genius,she received both talents from her parents,so even without becoming a doctor she could have became a musician or a chef if she wanted to become one.she went ahead and bought her groceries,when she was about to head out,she noticed a commotion at the entrance of the store,she noticed that there were some armed men who were telling everyone to get down

she was about to get down as well and cover her face so that she can take out her acupuncture needles,after all being a doctor,and a special one at that she knows the human body as much as she knew that her parents loved her,but before she could do that she saw a beautiful little girl standing there with a blank face while looking at the robbers,she also saw them assessing the little girl,and from the conner of her eyes she saw the little girls mom about to rush and confront the armed men

With no taught for her situation she took out her needles and managed to freeze 5/10 armed men down,she saw one of them about to shoot the little girl out of panic,so she immediately rushed towards the little girl and shot out her other five needles,she managed to freeze the rest of the armed men,but she still got shot right in the heart when she covered the little girls body with her own

Bai weiwei(little girl's mom):"thank you miss,hold on the ambulance will be here soon"

Ning xinmei:"i'm a doctor,so i know that i'm not going to make it"

Bai lunai(little girl):"pretty jiejie,the big car is going to come and save you"

Ning xinmei:"of course it will,promise jiejie that you will always be a good girl"

Lunai:"mhm,i promise,and i'm always good,you can ask mommy"

Ning xinmei:"i bet you are,and i hope you stay that way"

Bai weiwei:"miss,you need to stop talking and try to conserve your energy"

Ning xinmei:"it's fine,besides i'm not going to make it anyway"

Bai weiwei:"i'm so sorry,i'm really really sorry"

Ning xinmei:"it's fine,my parents died protecting me,so i can be proud when i face them"

Bai weiwei:"mhm,they will be very proud and happy to have a daughter like you"

Ning xinmei:"i'm glad to hear that"

After ning xinmei said that,everything around her blanked out,when she "woke up"all that surrounded her was a white space

Nig xinmei:"am i in the hospital,no that can't be possible,i'm positive that i died"

she "got up"and looked around,then she looked down at herself

Ning xinmei:"so i'm guessing that this is my soul since i'm positive that i wasn't see through before,from my novel experience this should either be the void or a place where i'm going to be judged"

After what seemed to be like a second or maybe a few years after all she didn't know how the concept of time here works or if there was even a concept of time,the space around her twisted and there appeared probably the most handsome guy she had seen so far,In front of her stood a 185cm tall man,with a really long light lavender her,and a beautiful pair of deep offset wine colored eyes,his skin was a healthy shade of white compared to her pale snow-like white skin,he had thin pink lips that had a natural soft smile on them,she couldn't really tell from his tang dynasty clothes,but he should have a pretty well builded body,he gave of a very ancient and lonely feeling,and in his wine eyes and star pupils she could see that he had knowledge that transcend anything she knows

???:"hello child,for a person who died and is in front of someone you don't know,you are pretty calm"

Ning xinmei:"death was going to come one day no matter what i did,so instead of crying and being sad about what could have happened i might as well accept it and move on with my life so i can reincarnate faster or whatever plans you have for me"

???:"aren't you going to ask me who i am"

Ning xinmei:"if you aren't the god in charge of reincarnation,then you are probably a high god who toke interest in my powerful soul,a bored god who wants me to entertain him by going to a fiction world or a world of his creation,or maybe you are a person i knew in my last life if i was a goddess,or the origin/creator who is looking for a daughter or a way to relive his boredom"

???:"wow,such rich imagination,but you are right,for the last one,i am the god of origin or creation as you said,i am the void and the void is me,but i didn't pick you because i wanted you to be my daughter,i mean i had it in mind but that is only for after your soul has been tempered enough to withstand the origin energy,but with how easily you accepted your death and how you didn't crumble while facing origin energy,that is not far of,you are right about being a powerful soul,but this is your first life so no,you weren't a goddess in your last life since you don't have one"

Ning xinmei:"okay so if the second reason for me being brought here was to be your future daughter,what's the first reason"

???:"The little girl you saved was the goddess of love's only daughter out of 5 children,she was undergoing her worldly turbulations,and although she wouldn't have failed if you didn't interfere since she wasn't supposed to die then,she wouldn't have passed her test either,so you got a total of 5 wished from her mom,and four brothers,her mom also decided to keep what you mortals call periods painless for you,and the little girl herself also granted you the soul of a husband who will be able to follow you into each of the worlds you will go to"

Ning xinmei:"so from what you said i'm going to assume that i am getting a quick transmigration system"

???:"yes,you are,oh,you also get 5 more wishes from me after all i might adopt you in the future"

NIng xinmei:"thank you,i would be glad to be your daughter,but what happened to my parents"

???:"they were good people throughout their lives so they got reincarnated into a world that is based solely on cooking and music,had their talents upgraded and will become top of that world,their love was also strong enough to withstand purification,so they will be together n that life too"

Ning xinmei:"that's a relief,but since the goddess of love already decided to make my periods painless,i don't really have much of any wishes left especially after knowing that my parents will live long happy and healthy lives"

???:"no problem,i almost forgot to mention that you also get 10,000 exp points for starters,don't worry that might seem like a lot but it actually isn't"

Ning xinmei:"That's okay,also what is your name,after all you haven't adopted me yet so i can't call you dad"

???:"my name is li fangwei,you can make your wish when you feel like it because it will always be in your system interface,also you don't have to worry,except for your hair or eye color changing you are always going to look the same"

Ning xinmei:"that's a relief,and thank you for everything"

Li fangwei:"don't worry about it,do you have anything in mind for your system design"

Ning xinmei:"not really,just as long as it is cute an we can get along with each other well"

LI fangwei:"okay"

And then out of nowhere a pink little fluff ball appeared

Li fangwei:"this will be your system from now on,once you feel like you've went through enough worlds and just want to reside in the god realm,you can choose for the system to be your daughter or a distant cousin who you are close with,you also get to name it"

Ning xinmei:"okay,i'm going to name it ivy,also once i settle in the god realm can i still travel to different worlds"

Li fangwei:"of course you can,most gods have to first become a high god before they can do that,but you get to do that at the beginning since you are going to be my daughter in the future"

Ning xinmei:"that would be lovable and well appreciated,also once me and my future husband settle down in the god realm we are going to leave you with a lot of grandkids so that you won't be bored while we are traveling"

Li fangwei:"i would like that,ivy finished downloading the first worlds database so you should be on your way now,and don't worry about living me alone,after all i control time so what might seem lite hundreds of thousand years to you could only be a second to me"

Ning xinmei:"okay,i will see you soon"

Then she disappeared from that area only to reappear in a different space,this space unlike the one before had a 3 story villa sitting on top of a lake,they was also a spring located on the other side of the house,she could feel some sort of weird power from it so she knew that it was the spirit spring,there was a lot of rolling green hills and the air was really fresh over here,she could also see some sort of zoo that had specific creatures listed and their correct habitats

Ning xinmei:"what is all this ivy"

Ivy:"well host,this is your personal space in regular worlds only you can enter,when you go to a world of cultivation and bound with any pets you can bring them to this space if you don't want to leave them behind,and also if you go to an apocalypse world,you and the people you trust will be able to enter,but the will only be able to see things gathered from that world,and the villa"

Ning xinmei:"thank you for the information ivy,this will be very helpful in the future,do you have any recommendations on what i should do now"

Ivy:"You could drink water from the spring and that would permanently get rid of any waste from your system,and it could also block out all of the drugs and poisons attempted on you in all worlds,it will only be ineffective at blocking of aphrodisiac when the person who is going to save you is your future husband"

Ning xinmei said nothing and only blushed at this statement,after all being a doctor means she knows what the system is talking about,but she had never been in a relationship before,since she had never really liked anyone,but if she did like someone holding hands is enough to make her blush let alone the process of making babies,this in one thing about her that will never change

Ning xinmei:"just give me the data for the first world ivy"

Ivy:'okay host"


name:"my amazing life with my husband"(made up)

author:"shen wei"(made up)

plot:"Ning xinei was a heavens favorite from the moment she was born,she was beautiful,was born in a top ancient family which was second only to the family her fiancee was born in,had two elder brothers who loved and doted on her,had 2 parents and 4 grandparents who would try their best to give her everything she wants,living in such a good life,everyone would understand if she turned out arrogant,but not only did she not become arrogant,she was also really down to earth along with her high IQ,and EQ,she had the dream life countless people wanted,her fiancee was also a decisive person who would only love on person for his entire life,and her fell in love with the moment she was born,and throughout his life never looked at another woman besides her.went abroad with her fiancee to help him develop there at the age of 15,they were super successful and were known worldwide as a match made in heaven,decided to join the entertainment industry at the age of 18 after they came back from abroad,with her beautiful face,gorgeous body,nice attitude and not easily fooled personality,along with her talents she was like a fish in water and became very popular in a mere 3 years,then she decided to settle down,officially married her husband who was always supporting her and looking out for her,she then quit when she found out that she was pregnant at the age of 22,lived happily with her husband and 2 kids which were a pair of dragon and phoenix twins till the age of 80 while her husband was 82,they both died naturally in their sleep and in each others arms,got found by their great grand kids,and were buried in a big fanfare with everyone mourning their death"

Ning xinmei:"wow,she really was a heavens favorite,but i don't see anything wrong with the story,so why does it have a ranking of B"

Ivy:"that was the original story,till it got changed,also Rank C worlds could be considered vacation worlds,you can choose to go to one every 3 worlds,or you can stack up on them"

Ning xinmei:"okay,and let me guess a reborn person,or a transmigrated person changed the story"

Ivy:"yes host,it was a reborn person who changed the story"

Ning xinmei:"first tell me about her life in the original and the tell me what the new story was like"


Lui yingshi:"a minor character in the story "my amazing life with my husband",she was a pampered little girl from when she was born,her family was part of the top 10 families,so although she didn't always get everything she wanted,she had everything she needed and even more,was engaged to Feng wanchen who was the heir to the top 5th family,he was handsome,and gentle,and was also in love with her,although she turned out arrogant,she was still loved by her parents,grandparents,little brother and her fiancee,since she was the only granddaughter in the lui,and shi families,decided to join the entertainment industry at the age of 18,which was one year before ning xinmei joined,because she was from one of the big families,people were always trying to curry favor with her,she always threw her weight around,but people taught she was cute when she did that because she was born petite and looked cute,so she was always forgiven,but she never took work seriously and caused a lot of movies with potential to get flushed,although they didn't fail,they could have done better if she wasn't in it.Met ning xinmei and tang mohan at xinmei's 20th birthday,although people were still currying favor with her,xinmei got more attention because she was prettier,nicer,and was also richer that her,so she disliked xinmei but not too much till she met mohan and she started hating xinmei because not only was xinmei having an easier time than her in the industry,she also had a more handsome,and richer fiancee,so she tried to drug xinmei at her birthday party but ended up mixing it up and getting drug instead,luckily she got saved by xinmei who then took her to her fiancee who was currently her husband,but to her it was xinmei fault that she got druged ,so she always tried hard to mess up xinmei but never succeeded she kept up her arrogant attitude and never bothered to reflect on herself,her husband couldn't take it anymore and divorced her while taking away their 2 kids,that day xinmei was out with mohan,and their kids,so when she saw yingshi being drowned in the rain,she offered her an umbrella with a sweet smile,yingshi took this smile as mocking,and ruched towards xinmei to push her towards the coming car,but mohan reacted fast and pulled xinmei back so yingshi ended up dead instead,then she got reborn to the time when she was 16,a day right after our female lead went abroad"

Ning xinmei:"did she accept her mistakes and change after she was reborn"

Ivy:"no,she did quite the opposite"

Ning xinmei:"okay,what is the changed story"


Changed:"my amazing life with my cold husband"

Story:"after being reborn 10 years to when she was 16,li yingshi joined the entertainment industry 2 years earlier than planned and with her future knowledge quickly became famous,also started plotting things for when the female lead will come,on the day the female lead came home from abroad,she arranged some fake fans to make it seem like the female lead didn't care about her fans,she also painted the female lead as an arrogant and unfeeling person,which blocked the female lead out of the entertainment industry,but that wasn't enough for her as she schemed to steal all the business deals the female lead was planning to take on and succeeded,became well known in the business world as well, and druged the female lead and took some photos which caused the male leads parents to break of the engagement,not because they didn't trust the female lead but because they were trying to found out who caused this whole mess,but before they could find the person who did it yingshi planned an accident for them once she noticed that they were on her trail,also killed of her fiancee and caused his family to be bankrupt so that she doesn't have to deal with him anymore because she knew that he wouldn't agree to cancel the engagement,schemed her way to the male leads bed and got "pregnant" even though the male lead never personally touched her,but the male lead agreed to marry her thinking that he is not worthy of the female lead anymore since he betrayed her,but he never touched her or even lied in the same house as her,yingshi blamed her failed marriage on the female lead,and on top of bankrupting her family,she also made sure to kill all the remaining family of the female lead.so at the end of the story the male lead killed himself since his family and the love of his life was gone,and yingshi took over,with the Ning and Bai families gone,there was no more top 2 or 3rd families,and since she also killed of the family of the male leads mother which was the chen family,there was no top 4th family either,after her parents found out all that she had done,they commited suicide along with her brother which also caused the demise of the lui and shi families which were the 9th and 10th top families,so at the end she controlled the #1 family,and destroyed the remaining 4 and replaced the top 9 families with puppets,after the death of her parents she still didn't repent,but she loved her parents enough to die for them so she set of 14 nuclear bombs,2 in each continent and took the world down with her"

NIng xinmei:"what is wrong with her,someone helped you twice and you repaid them by trying to kill them,and when you got a second chance,not only did you not repent,you even went as far as to kill everyone"

Ivy:"she is one scary person,host,do you want to be born as a baby,or go there as a 15 year old a day before you travel abroad and a two days before yingshi was reborn"

Ning xinmei:"i want to go as a 15 year old"

Ivy:"what do you plan to do to yingshi host"

Ning xinmei:"well considering what she had done i would rather kill her,but there are too many people who love her enough to follow her,and understanding how they feel since my parents sacrificed themselves for me,i will try to put some come sense into her,but if it doesn't work,them i will build an artificial island and put her close friends,family,and fiancee on it for the rest of their lives or at least until she learns her lesson,if needed i will pretend to be reborn after she was reborn and tell her how she ended in the last life and even stimulate it with the help of the system store so that i can knock some sense into her"

Ivy:"that is a good idea host,but remember if you meet someone like her but in an apocalyptic world,knocking sense into her won't work"

Ning xinmei:" don't worry,i know that,let's get going"

Ivy:"okay host"