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my amazing life with my husband

When ning xinmei could make sense of what was going on around her,she realized that she was on a soft fluffy bed filled with cotton,and she could tell that the blanket,pillow,and bedsheets were made from the finest silk,she almost didn't want to get up,suddenly an influx of memories rushed to her head with caused her to rub her temples to lessen the pain she felt.

Ning xinmei:"ivy,what happened?"

Ivy:"you just received the memories of the original host"

Ning xinmei:"it feels too real"

Ivy:"honestly host,you can consider these characters as your future incarnations"

Ning xinmei:"why is that?"

Ivy:"like the creator said before,you have a powerful soul,so even if you didn't save the daughter of the goddess of love,you would have been a heavens favorite in your future incarnations as well,so just consider them as your future self"

Ning xinmei:"wow,thanks,that makes me feel better,i don't have to feel like i am taking over someone's love and family"

Ivy:"you don't have to feel like that host,because even if they weren't your future incarnations,they would have been the you in a parallel world,not many people in the multiverse have the same name,but you will always have the same name in every world"

Ning xinmei:"thanks,so what time is it"

Ivy:"it is currently 5 am in the morning,and you are leaving for the airport tomorrow at 10 am which means you have to be up by 8"

Ning xinmei:"what do you suggest i do now since i don't feel hungry"

Ivy:"you could do some exercises,after all it is good to keep in shape if you plan to still join the entertainment industry"

Ning xinmei:"from the memories of my past self this family has a high status in the military so she was required to train"

Ivy:"then you have to keep up her training schedule"

Ning xinmei:"what do you suggest i do"

Ivy:"you could do some of the exercises in your head for an hour,then you could surprise your family with a nice breakfast"

Ning xinmei:'okay ivy,set a one hour alarm for me"

Ivy:"yes host"

For the next hour ning xinmei took a long run through the garden then did some simple push-ups,sit-ups,planks,jumping jacks,squats,and she also did the splits,when ivy told her she was done,she went to take a nice hot shower

Ning xinmei:"the feeling of hot water running all over my body feels great,and this shower even has a massage function"

Ivy:"the ning couple wanted the best for their daughter after all"

Ning xinmei:"speaking of mom and dad,i have to go make breakfast"

[because she lived alone after her parents died and with her mom being a cooking genius,ning xinmei can cook really good food caple of being served at a six star hotel,and the current body she occupies also knows how to cook,she just didn't cook often]

Ning xinmei went downstairs and made breakfast,there was three cups of tea for her two grand moms,and mom,there was also five cups of coffee for her two grand dads,dad,and two brothers,she also made some english toast,pancakes,fried eggs,boiled eggs,she also made some rice porridge with pieces of meat in it.

Her first brother was the first to come down stairs when he smelled the aroma since he was the 2nd biggest foodie in the house besides herself,her second brother followed right after since her first brother woke him up.Her mom and dad came next followed by her four grandparents

Ning xinmei:"good morning mom,dad,first brother,second brother,papa,grandpa,nana, and grandma"

first brother:"why are you up so early little xin"

Xin mei:"because i can,also i wanted to make you guys breakfast since i'm leaving tomorrow and won't see you guys for awhile"

Second brother:"you just had to remind us about the fact that animal is taking you away"

mom:''stop calling your future brother-in-law an animal"

Dad:"but he is taking my sweet xin away"

Xin mei:"stop acting like i'm never coming back daddy"

papa:"yeah son,i'm her grandfather and i'm not even complaining"

Dad:"that's because you actually like that boy"

Grandpa:''are you not satisfied with the fiancee your father and i picked for our dear grand daughter"

nana:"stop teasing my poor son too much,but their right honey,that boy is the perfect match for little xin"

Grandma:"even i agree,plus that boy doesn't have a single scandal and he is very nice to little xin"

Ning xinmei:"can we stop talking about brother han and just eat"

First brother:"you're not even married and yet you're speaking up for him"

Before ning xinmei could rebute her brothers words,the doorbell rang

Dad:''that's weird,i don't recall inviting anyone over"

no one knew who the person at the door was because none of them invited anyone over today,when the butler opened the door,ning xinmei could swear that she felt her heart beat faster than when she finished exercising,because the person who walked through the door was the most handsome man she had seen before,and that is saying a lot because she did after all see the creator.

Through the door came a man with a height of 180cm(our heroine is currently 165cm tall,her final height is going to be 175cm,and our ml's final height is going to be 190cm), broad shoulders,thin waist,long legs,deep facial features that were almost too unreal, his eyes were golden,and not golden brown,pure golden,sharp tall nose,thin pink lips,skin of a healthy bronze color,neck-length jet black hair,along with his retrained dominant aura,ning xinmei felt like she could drown in his looks for all eternity.

what made her even more excited was that,although he looked at her family with warmth,it still couldn't hide the coldness in his bones,but when he looked at her,she felt like winter just transformed to summer,and felt like she could melt under his gaze,she couldn't help but look down while blushing,and when tang mohan saw her reaction towards him,the smile on his face became even more genuine.

When her papa,and grandpa saw their little interaction,they were even more glad that they choose this man for their grand daughter,they felt each others gazes,so they looked up and smiled at each other.

Tang mohan:''good morning aunt,uncle,and elders"

First brother:"hey what about us"

Second brother:"yeah,don't think just because our family likes you means you can do anything"

Tang mohan:"(deadpan expression)oh,got it"

Then he walked towards ning xinmei with the earlier expression on his face replaced by a warm gentle smile

Tang mohan:"good morning mei'er,aren't you going to greet your brother han"

Ning xinmei:"(with her head still down)g-good morning brother han"

The two ning brothers at the side saw this and felt like their sister had been stolen away from them which caused them to despair

Tang mohan:"it's very rude to talk to someone without making eye contact my dear"

When he said my dear,ning xinmei's pink face turned completely red

Ning xinmei:"m-my d-dear"

Tang mohan:"well,you are my dear fiance(acting sullen)or do you not want to be my fiance"

When ning xinmei heard that she hurriedly looked up and hugged him

ning xinmei:"n-no,i still want to be brother han's fiance and future wife"

when she said that everyone pretended not to hear anything while tang mohan had a huge smile on his face,ning xinmei realized that she had been tricked so she hurriedly let go of him much to tang mohan's disappointment

Ning xinmei:''the food is going to get cold then it won't taste good anymore"

When she said that the family realized that they should have been eating since 15 minutes ago

First brother:"well yeah,but what about him,what is he doing here"

When he said that,although he didn't say anybody's name,everyone knew who he was talking about

Tang mohan:"i came to steal breakfast along with my fiance for a day of fun"

Papa:"you can steal the breakfast,but little xin is staying here with us today,besides she is going to be with you for the next three years anyway"

Grandpa:"also,i want grandbabies but not so soon,so you better watch yourself tang boy,or me and your old man will have a nice long chat"

Tang mohan:"don't worry grandpa,i will take care of mei'er and will make her the happiest woman"

Grandpa:"hump,who's your grandpa,go and eat already"

Everyone finally got seated and had a delicious breakfast together

nana:"is it just me or has little xin's food got better"

Mom:"i can taste it too"

Grandma:"wow,little xin,you've really out done yourself this time"

First brother:"my sister is the best"

Second brother:"she's my sister too you know"

Tang mohan:"mei'er today's breakfast is really delicious,and as for ning chen(first brother) and ning cheng(second brother)enjoy it while you can because in the future only uncle,aunt,elders and I will eat my wife's food"

ning xinmei got shy and buried her face in her palms when tang mohan called her his wife,while the two ning brothers were scowling

Papa:"only us and you,what about your parents,old man,and old woman"

Tang mohan:"they can taste my wife's cooking on holidays"

Grandpa:"ha,wait till your old man gets a hold of this news,he will beat you"

Tang mohan:"nope,he will probably call me unfrial,while patting me on the shoulder and telling me that my wife should always come first,besides if he hits me,grandma will kick him out of the room"

Papa:"hahaha,that is true,it will make a good tea time story though"