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my amazing life with my husband(2)

When they were all done having breakfast,they all walked around the garden for an hour to help with digestion and to also enjoys the beautiful views of the the flowers about to bloom,when they came back inside it had only just turned nine

Ning xinmei:"don't you have to go to the company brother han"

Tang mohan:"nope,i cleared my schedule for the next 5 days"

Ning xinmei:"but we are leaving tomorrow"

Tang mohan:"yep,i finished my work early just so i can have three days of with my girlfriend once we go abroad"

ning xinmei blushed at being his girlfriend but said no words of refusal

Ning xinmei:"what are we going to do today mom,and dad"

Mom:"we were planning to take you shopping for your luggage,while your grandparents and his hang out"she said while pointing to mohan when she said his

Ning xinmei:"but are uncle and auntie free to go shopping with us"

Tang mohan:"of course they are,just like how your brothers take care of the family business while your parents only help when needed,my parents do the same"

NIng xinmei:"what,but brother han,you are only seventeen"

Tang mohan:"don't worry,i can handle it,besides don't think i don't know that you sometimes help me with the company matters"

Ning xinmei was unable to refute or say anything back because it is true that the original would sometimes complete half of the paper work for tang mohan

First brother:"not fair,when we took over mom and dad,you weren't this concerned"

Ning xinmei:"that is because you have second brother to help you,besides you're 20 while second brother is 18,but mohan has no one,and he is also one year younger than second brother"

Tang mohan:"but i have you"

when he said that the four elders just walked into the car that was waiting for them and drove off,ning xinmei's mom dragged her dad with her and they went to get ready for going out,while the two ning brothers were almost crying tears of blood at not being able to refute their sister while also having to watch tang mohan flirt with her

Ning xinmei:"i'm going to change brother han"

Tang mohan:"okay,wear something the same color as mine"

Ning xinmei:"o-okay"

Then she ran off to her room,while her brothers were gnashing their teeth behind her,tang mohan was wearing a little purple shirt with black pants,so ning xinmei wore a black shirt with a purple mid-thigh skirt,and black stockings with purple flats since they're going to be walking for quite sometime,she tied her hair in a high ponytail since it's currently summer and she doesn't want to get too hot,she used an exquisite blank ribbon to tie her hair,it was something that tang mohan gave her that he personally made.

When she came out her parents,and brothers complimented her looks,while tang mohan had a big smile on his face which became even deeper once he saw the ribbon she was wearing,ning xinmei saw her staring at her ribbon and knew what he was thinking,so before mohan could say anything she jumped in the car waiting for them

Ning xinmei:"let's get going,we have been home for an hour and it's already 10,we have to go now if we don't want to get stuck in J city's traffic jam"

Tang mohan knew that she was just trying to avoid further embarrassment from him,so he shook his head while smiling and sat on the seat next to her,her brothers sat in front of them while their parents decided to drive today instead of making the chauffeur do it.In 30 minutes,the got to the biggest mall in J city which is actually a store that mohan and xinmei opened together at the tender age of 12,and 10 respectively,and in a simple five years,it became the most visited mall.

[The main family business for both the tang and ning family is in the capital,but the are currently in J city for tang mohan and ning xinmei's flight,they got to J city three days ago]

They parked the car,got down and looked around,they first went to the traveling section and got two suitcases,one with a deep blue color with a sunset making it look like the ocean and another with a light pink color filled with different colored clouds making it look like the sky when the sun is setting,they were couple suitcases that both involved the sunset from different perspectives,they then went to the clothing section and got some clothes for all 4 seasons,they didn't need to prepare much since they were still going to go shopping once they got to europe

First brother:"do you really have to go little xin,you could just leave this guy to go by himself you know"

Second brother:"yeah,he's a grown man,he can take care of himself"

Ning xinmei:"first off,i'm worried about brother han,second you guys can come visit anytime,thirdly because we are now expanding at europe,i'm going to see you guys more than you think,also first brother i'm going to tell my future sis-in-law to not go with you when you travel,after all you are a grown man"

She immediately shut them up with their reasons,tang mohan was trying to hold his laugh at the sudden aggressiveness of his fiancee,while their parents were talking to each other on the side with a friend they run into,tang mohan calmed down immediately soon after

Tang mohan:"we've been shopping for the past three hours,how but we go get lunch"he said while looking at his rolex watch

Ning xinmei:"okay brother han,why don't you go ahead and reserve our spot on the fifth floor while i get uncle,auntie,mom,and dad"

First brother:"what about us?"

Ning xinmei:"you should go with brother han first brother,and second brother can come with me,after all if both of you leave me alone dad might kill you"

Second brother:"dad,mom is the more scary one,dad might physically kill us,but mom will mentally kill us,then torture us,before killing us"

First brother:"she will make us feel like we are worth nothing,and the she will say 'you only had one job,yet you couldn't even do that' after that she will put her hand on her waist and say 'if you can't even do that then what else can you do with the life i gave you'"

Second brother:"true,then when we say we are her children,she will say 'since i gave you life,i have every right to take it away',i'm telling you,mom is really scary"

Ning xinmei:"please,mom is the sweetest person i know besides auntie,now come on let's get going already"

tang mohan just laughed at the siblings antics,while mumbling under his breath about how cute ning xinmei looks with her haughty attitude while saying they should come on,They all went to do their respective jobs,and soon the eight people had a lovely lunch together while having a nice conversation about what ning xinmei and tang mohan plan to do during their trip abroad