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my amazing life with my husband(7)

The Ning and Tand family had started planing for ning xinmei's birthday for a while,now,and currently it is the day before her birthday,they want to make it huge because this will be ning xinmei's party where she gets introduced to the rest of the world,and at the same time they will be announcing the marriage agreement with both families so that none of the young men get any ideas on ning xinmei

Mom:"little xin,have you tried on your dress yet"

Ning xinmei:"yes mom,and it fit perfectly"

First brother:"did you like it,i personally got it for you"

Secong brother:"oh shut up,we all know that the little weasel made it for her personally"

Dad:"i would appreaciate it if you stoped calling my future son-in-law a weasel"

First brother:"great,even dad has been turned over by him,we're doomed"

Second brother:"we might not have dad anymore,but we can't just do nothing and let that weasel take away our dear little sister"

First brother:"yes,you're right we have to form a sister protection alliance"

Ning xinmei:"would both of you stop fussing so much,brother han is amazing also stop calling him a weasl plus i don't need you guys to protect me"

Second brother:"oh no,we formed the alliance too late,she has already switched over to his side"

Mom:"wow,you're defending him already although you're not married yet,and if i may ask,how did he know your perfect size,especially for your bossoms"

NIng xinmei:"mom,stop teasing me,brother han goes with us when we go shopping plus,don't think he didn't tell me that you update him on my size every month"

Mom:"well i had to,after all if he wants to buy or in his case make you some clothes,he has to know your accurate size and not just base it on his vision"

Ning xinmei:"whatever you say,but can we go to sleep now,it's almost midnight"

Mom:"oh calm down dear,the party starts at 7 pm,and normal people your age usually had to go to may stores for different things,especially waxing,but you don't have a single pore on your body so that takes two hours off already,just as long as you wake up before 1 pm since we are going out at 2:30pm,everything will be fine"

Ning xinmei:"it still doesn't mean we shouldn't sleep early"

Dad:"little mei is right,how about we go get some sleep dear"

First brother:"that's gross dad"

Second brother:"yeah,we don't want another sibiling,and you guys are too old to have kids anymore"

Ning xinmei:"okay,good night mom and dad.....what are you guys talking about brothers"

Mom:"how dare you call me old,i would have you know that i'm just 43"

Dad:"why can't you guys be like your sister and be pure,you always got to think dirty,and what l meant was literal sleep,because unlike you guys i'm tired and so is my wife,and i don't want to tire her out even more,plus if we wanted to give you more sibilings we would have done so after littler xin was born,so shut up and go sleep"

Mom:"stupid kids don't know how to appreciate their parents"

Ning xinmei:"good night mom and dad,sweet dreams"

Mom:"sweet dreams to you too dear"

Dad:"sweet dreams"

First brother:"sweet dreams everyone"

Second brother:"good night"

The elders in the house were already asleep at that time,but after saying their good night's,everyone went to sleep,when it was 8 am,ning xinmei woke up,and it was one of te lastest times se woke up,she went down stairs and made some simple but delicious breakfast for everyone,ate hers,and went to excerise for a little bit so she can be in top shape.After all the hustling and bustling of her mother and anutie Tang,it was currently 6 pm,and all ning xinmei had left to do was to put on the dress.

Her hair was in nice soft curls which waterfalled down her back,her make-up was exquiste and brother out her already bright features,especially her black eyeshadow which brought out her amber eyes and her lip gloss which brought out her red lips,she looked like an enchantres,she was wearing a one-piece princess gown which was right above her knee,the dress itself was completely black,but there were a lot of amber flowers woven on it with thread and although it looked a bit plain,it brought out her elegance even more,at the part for the bossom the material was see-through but had diamonds woven in it,it wasn't enough diamonds to blind/hurt your eyes,but it was enough for you to take notice of it

All in all she looked absolutely gorgeous and truly fit the phrase of a goddess decending into the mortal world,although ning xinmei tried the dress out before,no one saw her in it,even her mom,so they were really surprised when she came out

Auntie Tang:"wow,i must say that son of mine really out did himself this time,but with how good you look,he might just want to eat you instead,which i guess is fine now that you're eighteen"

Mom:"yeah,you do look really good,and everything is stable so if you want to have kids right now,go ahead,your grandmoms and i have been waiting to play with your children"

Ning xinmei:"mom,aunt Tang,stop teasing me"

She said with a read face,that made her blush look dull in comparasion to her red face and neck

Auntie Tang:"oh,i'm not lying,with how good you do i'm pretty sure most of the young men will only be able to think of how much better you look beneath them"

Ning xinmei:"but i don't want that,i only want brother han"

Mom:"if he was here and he heard you say that,then whatever little self control he has left since he wants to marry you first might disappear"

NIng xinmei could say nothing and only kept her head down

Auntie Tang:"i'm going to send mohan up hear,set a timer so that you guys can come out in exactly one hour or when you hear you name"

Ning xinmei:"okay auntie"

After that madam Tang and Madam Ning went down to call tang mohan to accompany ning xinmei,after that they went to their respective husbands and greeted the guests with them,tang monhan went up stairs after his mom informed him,when he came into the room he was stunned speechless and almost dropped his jaw,because in front of him ning xinmei was standing straight while looking at him,ning xinmei had just turned on the alarm,and when she was getting ready to sit she heard the door knob turning so she looked at the origin of the sound instead of sitting,that's why she was standing

Ning xinmei:"b-brother han,d-do i look okay"

Tang mohan:"sorry,i was just shocked at how good you look so sorry if my expression said other wise,i really don't want people to see you like this,i want to keep you all to myself"

Ning xinmei(blushing):"b-brother han how can you say such words so easily"

Tang mohan:"naturally because it's my mei'er,you're the only one i would ever say such words to,and you should know that better than anyone"

Ning xinmei:"of course i know brother han,if i didn't know you well enough i would think you were a playboy with how cheasy your words were"

Tang mohan:"you can view me any way you want,after all i am yours"

Ning xinmei:"i-i'm y-yours too brother han"

Tang mohan(matter of fact tone):"of course you are,you can only be mine,and i will also only be yours"

For the next hour or so,all they did was chat,with most of the chatting being tang mohan teasing ning xinmei,they heard ning xinmei's name being called,so tang mohan grabbed her by her waist

Tang mohan:"shall we m'lady"

Ning xinmei:"of course we can"

When they walked down the stairs,there were a lot of gaps,and a lot of people atrted murmering after ning xinmei showed up,may of them was of compliments of her beauty,or comments of jealousy,especially one girl who ning xinmei could feel her disdain and dislike even wothout the help of ivy

Ning xinmei:'what is her hatred points ivy'

Ivy:''her dislike is at 25"

Ning xinmei:'wow,i haven't even done anything and yet she dislikes me"

Lui yingshi was almost about to explode form anger the moment she saw ning xinmei,especially when she saw how intimate she was with tang mohan,her anger was so strong that even tang mohan sensed it,so he sent a cold look down her way which caused lui yingshi to shudder while at the same time thinking of how great it will be if such a cold man fell for her,she was in her own little world and looked at tang mohan with fervernt eyes,which made him dislike her more,and want to stay away from her while keeping ning xinmei away from her too,ning xinmei was pretty mad about how lui yingshi was ogoling her man,but when she taugt about how handsome tang mohan was,she understoond where lui yingshi was coming from so she took no action to block her stare

Ning xinmei went around and greeted all the guest introduced to her by her family or her fiance's family,a lot of people were amazed at how much she knew,and how polite she was,and a lot of the paparazzi were taking pictures of her and tang mohan like they were crazy,all in all so far everything was going great and she recieved a lot of admiration,finally it was time for her to greet the family of lui yingshi,lui yingshi's parents along with her fiance and his family were all pretty nice and respectful.When lui yingshi said hello she had the sweetest smile on her face while offering ning xinmei a drink

Lui yingshi:"it's nice to meet you jiejie,how about we have a drink together"

Ning xinmei:"excuse me for being rude,but i'm one year younger than you,so i can't be your jiejie"

Lui yingshi felt humiliated,so tears started welling up in her eyes

Lui yingshi:"so are you saying that you don't want to accept my drink,is it because you look down on me"

Most of the people in the crowd weren't stupid,and knew what's going on,but they did nothing to help,not because they wanted to see ning xinmei fall,but because they wanted to test her ability

Ning xinmei:"sorry if i ofended you,but brother han said i shouldn't accpet things from strangers,especially foods and drinks,also i never refused your toast,i only said that i can't be your jiejie since i'm younger than you"

lui yingshi couldn't really say much with ning xinmei's reasoning,but she felt an even deeper sense of dislike towards her when she mentioned tang mohan

ivy:''her dislike has increased to 30"

ning xinmei could only raise her eyebrow at this,lui yingshi pretended that she tripped when her plan didn't work,but before the drink could spill on ning xinmei,some held down lui yingshi's hand,and also pulled ning xinmei back at the same time.