Good morning

A young woman sits atop a balcony with her feet dangling over the edge. She looks over a starlit sky seeing darkness with cold winds that hide the beauty that surrounds her metal home. She watches the horizon as the golden sun slowly starts rising over the edge of the world. She closes her eyes and lets them slowly adjust. She gives a small smile seeing the golden sun come over the horizon. She looks down seeing a pink lake hundreds of meters below her shine as a mirror does against sunlight. The pink lake that encircles her tower home. A lake she never wants to cross nor could she. The sun keeps rising as it starts hitting the tip of skyscrapers across the lake. A city that she admires and calls the 'view' because that's all she can do from her home. A world of endless beauty and wonders yet a painted world that feels more like a prison than a home at times.

"A cold metal home is all I know. My dreams are my only escape yet those are hollow fantasies. There are no faces or voices, just more emptiness. I have been here for so many years that I don't wish to remember but my caretaker knows as she has been here with me since the beginning. I merely want to have a friend and someday a family, Someday."

She stands up as the sun comes into full view. Her hair and eyes seem to shine even brighter than the sun. Her left half is as white as the stars. They seem to burn ever so bright. The right half is as dark as the space between them. A darkness that seems to devour light itself.

She turns around and enters the room. The sun light behind her lights up the room showing the word 'Someday' craved on every inch of the room. A voice of male and female speaks from nowhere but can be heard beside her.

[Good morning my lady. Did you rest well?]

"Good morning Void, I slept fine as always besides always feeling

[That's excellent to hear, my lady. We have a busy day today. Have you done your morning ritual?]

"I have, and will i be able to finally connect to section 10?"

[It seems so my Lady. We are merely a step away.]

"That's excellent to hear but you know you can call me Abby. I'm tired of being called a lady all the time."

[I understand my lady but I have no place to call you by your name.]

"Suit yourself. Please prepare my work clothes for me."

A metallic arm appears from the ground and places a set of clothes for her. A set of cleaned rugged clothes.

She leaves her room as two large figures kneel before. A golden knight who shines as bright as the sun and a silver knight whose armor is as sleek as lighting.

"Morning Jacob and Joshua, how are my knights doing today." She asked cheerfully

"Good morning Abby, did you sleep well because we sure didn't because we don't need to sleep." She spoke mockingly trying to talk for them.

The two knights don't respond towards her humor. They stand up after she greets them. The two knights tower over her as they stand 9 ft in height. She gives a small laugh at her own humor. The golden knight waves his hand allowing the wall to open beside him allowing more light and warmth to enter.

"Someday." she mutters to herself. She then looks at the two glistening knights. "Still can't get over how impressive you two are."

She looks upon the golden knight she named Joshua. He is heavily armored with every inch of his body covered leaving no opening except his face because he has no face. Abby has looked inside both to see nothing moving these suits of armor. The knight Joshua has the number 01 etched above a broken down crown. The golden knight has a mysterious dark flame in his left hand ever burning. Abby and Void have inspected the flame as it doesn't burn but has a cold touch to it. Joshua seems to only have a simple metal bar about three feet in length hanging from his waist.

She turns to the silver knight named Jacob having the number 02 on his helm. Jacob is slightly smaller in physique as his armor is more elegant even with exotic cloth covering his upper back and shoulders. Jacob carries a staff a foot taller than himself with a spinning gyroscope on the top. It doesn't seem attached to his staff as it tends to hover around him but rather prefers to rest atop of his staff. The unusual thing about Jacob is that he has two broken pieces of metal on his back and on the back of his head.

"Well let's head to section 10 and I'll finally be in the double digits. I should celebrate with either square cookies or square cookies!" Abby spoke quite cheerfully as she tried to hide her exhaustion.

The silver knight has blue electrical veins form onto his hands. Abby can feel the static in the air as her hair starts pointing upwards. The gyro begins to spin at an unbelievable rate. Jacob places his hand underneath it gives it a slight push making the gyro hover in the air.

The gyro begins to form small storm clouds even small lightning bolts hit the ground. The clouds combine to cover the gyro in their mass. The clouds begin expanding into an orb taller than her knights. The orb has a bright glow inside of it.The golden knight walks into the orb storm and disappears in the bright light. A few moments later the golden knight arm appears with his hand open towards her.

[Be safe my lady.]