
Abby takes his hand as she gently enters into the cloud and appears in a dim lit room. The room is run down and broken beyond repair. Rust, burn marks, and possibly weapon fire cover this room. A vast difference to where she was before. She never liked connecting sections because it raised hundreds of questions, with no answer.

Jacob passes through the orb and stands behind Abby. She begins to lead the way with the two knights closely walking behind her. She spots a working terminal among the wreckage. She removes fallen pieces of metal and other pieces of debris. She sits down at the terminal while the knights stand guard. The screen begins to type something out.

Life-detected: unknown-lifeform, are-you-the-new-owner?

" yeah, I'm the new owner. I didn't have much of a choice."


"Well I have nothing better to do so yeah let's start."


Two devices appear from underneath the terminal. Two solid bricks of steel start turning liquid and begin molding themselves around her hands. They encompass her hands and solidify, locking her in. Abby closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in then out.

Key-detected, commencing-connection-to-key.

A spiral light of white and black begins to shine upon Abby's chest. The light burns her chest revealing a colorless crystal. The crystal is embedded into her chest as it begins to glow a rainbow of colors as it seems to be absorbing the spiral light. The screen begins flashing numbers and unknown symbols as she feels pulses of energy travel through her body. She can feel the cold broken place around her becoming new once again. The metal releases her and Abby feels quite energetic yet exhausted.

A mechanical arm appears with a new shirt as her shirt is currently burnt where the crystal resides.

[My lady, congratulations on connecting to section 10. I have begun repairs throughout the section and have acquired a vast amount of power. Everything is now running at 100%.]

"That's good to hear so did we get anything new?"

]Yes my lady, but it'll take time to review it but what i have gathered so far. This section is called the core. It is the power center of your home.]

"That explains why i feel so energetic. Can i see this core?"

A screen appears before Abby showing a bright white orb but Abby can feel its immense power. "Is that the core?"

[Yes my lady, it seems to be a white dwarf star. The mathematical equations and the technology to allow a white dwarf star to be harvested is quite...complex.]

"Complex? That's a rare thing for you to say. Well it seems like I'm done for the day. I'm gonna take a nap or run some laps, call me if anything happens."

[Yes my Lady but it seems like you won't be able to nap quite so soon.]

"What do you mean?"

[The connection of the core seems to have started an auto program that I can't stop. I recommend for you to hold onto Jacob.]

"Why is this going on?!" Roared Abby as everything begins to violently shake around her. She stumbles trying to regain footing but Jacob gently grabs her arm. Abby is pulled toward Jacob's leg and grips tight as the shaking becomes more violent. Jacob slams his staff producing an electrical field protecting the three of them as debris starts falling onto them. Jacob Shield turns metal into puffs of smoke. Joshua kneels beside Abby using his body as an extra measure of protection. Abby closes her eyes as it seems like the ends of days. The crystal in her chest glows white making her fear be known.


[My lady I do apologize.]

Everything disappears in a flash of light as Abby and her home suddenly blink out of existence.

Meanwhile in the depths of unknown space a mysterious ship of a 1000 meters has a mighty tree living atop of it. The vacuum of space is no place for organic materials yet a healthy tree grows with numerous green leaves covering the top of the ship with its roots spreading throughout the ship. The ship is colored a bright green with gold trimmings but it's not alone as it is surrounded by a fleet of 50 ships each made of metal with no signs of vegetation. The ships are each a few hundred meters in length. These simple ships are of a simple yet elegant design with a mix of gold and red coloring but are overshadowed by the center ship.

In the command center located at the base of the tree various flowers surround a Warrior covered from head to toe in bright green armor. The armor is unique as it has various colored flowers blooming throughout the armor. This walking flower field grabs his leg as an old wound begins aching in pain. He moves his arm bringing up a gold flower before his face. Numbers and unknown letters begin appearing onto the flower. He puts it away and walks through a wall of flowers. He turns and notices his entire command is working but everything seems to relax. He walks over to the helmsman in front.

"Helmsman, how much further to reach Empire borders?" Asked the warrior. The Helmsman places his hands onto the control panel and a flower wraps around the helmsman head.

"We'll arrive in 3 standard rotations, Sir. Any faster and we'll be easier to be detected."

"Helmsmans, it seems we have already been detected. increases all ships' speeds and places us on red alert. I want all hands battle ready. I can feel the cosmic winds shifting."

"Yes sir, but nothing is getting picked up by our ship sensors."

"Exactly, try scanning the fleet and tell me if you notice anything."

The helmsman starts scanning their own ships and notices that they don't exist on the sensors. He opens a flower on the outside of the ship to physically see the fleet beside them. The helmsman tries to contact the rest of the fleet but nothing goes through.


"I know helmsman." The warrior walks back through the wall of flowers and begins moving different colored flowers. His voice begins to ring throughout the ship.

"We are under heavy shade. Fire three red whistling rounds and prepare for battle!"