
The ships begin moving as hundreds upon thousands of flowers begin blooming across the hull of the ship. Three bright red beams fire into the distance spiraling away from the main ship. The fleet takes notice and notice they are being blocked. The fleet is now on full alert.

"Sir we broke through the block but I don't know how long it'll last." Shouted the Comms officer.

"Contact the whole fleet. I want my words to be heard by all."

"Your connected sir."

"Hear me, Broken Dawn Fleet! I'm sure you figured out we are flying into an enemy trap. This mission success will not be about winning but about surviving. This success will change the Empire's future so we will not stop for those who are left behind and for that I hope you forgive me. If your ship is burning, abandon it. If you are captured, fight to the end. If you are stranded, may the cosmic winds return you home and Rest assured once this mission is complete I will avenge those who fall here. Now everyone guns up! The sun is about to shine!"

The Commander is blocked once again. He has no way to communicate with his fleet but the air around the fleet becomes mountainous. Morale is high and everyone is eager to fight. Even the new recruits want to earn medals.

The entire Command center becomes tense till a cheerful hoarse voice cuts through the thick air. "Commander, Lt Quae reporting for duty." The Commander turns to see his second in command.

A battle hardened warrior whose beauty is rivaled by her skills with dual swords. Lt Quae has dark red hair, snow white skin with red-gold armor covering her from head to her eight legs. She salutes the Commander by showing the palm of her hand. A sign of respect, weakness, or trust in her race.

"Ah Lt, I was wondering when you were gonna show up. Did the recruits reach your standards?"

"Not at all sir, They still need plenty of work but i had to cut it short because of the red alert. I'll finally be able to stretch my legs. I was getting stiff in this ship. Damn Elfin ships have too much clean air, it makes me feel too comfortable."

The ship takes a direct hit rocking the ship. The attack came from the rear as to disable the commanding ship but the Commander moved a strong tree branch to disperse the shot preventing any damage. The shot becomes a signal to other hidden ships to attack and now the Broken Dawn Fleet are being attacked in four different directions.

'Sir! Damage to the ship is superficial and the enemy fleet are now on sensor. They number 120 ships, all 300 meter cruisers with 6000 fighters to swarm us. Scans show they are approximately 1000Ms away and gaining.They have a mix of fighters, bombers, and interceptors."

"So only my ship is able to win in power. So the traitor has made his move against the royal family." He mutters to himself

"Helmsman activate the distress signal, hopefully we can get a signal through. Gunners fire 2 whistle rounds and 3 sun orange rounds. That'll get the fleet into orb formation. We'll use their numbers against them. Helmsman all full forward, we keep moving ahead without stopping. We must reach friendly space."

The fleet begins moving their ships making an orb around the center ship. They begin releasing their fighters and keeping them in the formation around the ships. A train military fleet would slowly attack and reduce the number of ships but The unknown fleet is headstrong as they rush their fighters before waiting for heavier support to enter the formation.

"All guns fire!" Bellowed the Commander. The main ship targets the swarm of fighters and unleashes intense yellows beams of heat. The fleet does the same firing intense beams of plasma at the swarm.

"Sir, successful attack 2200 fighters have fallen and our fighters have engaged the swarm. Our ships have engaged the enemy main fleet and are keeping them at bay."

"Keep a tight defensive screen as we move forward. I don't want anything to get past 200Ms." The leaves on the tree begin glowing yellow. Flowers begin firing intense beams that seem to curve to hit their targets. Fast ships are able to maneuver out of the way, most of the time but the slower bombers are easy targets.

"Sir a group of heavy boarding parties are heading towards us. They seemed to have hid a form of senor cloak."

"Lt Quae, head to root 5 and enjoy yourself." spoke the Commander as if he were telling a friend to enjoy a day off from work.

"Yes Sir!" Lt Quae jumps up and begins to run on the ceiling to avoid any foot traffic. She runs with a smile as she finally gets to enjoy combat once again. The security forces see her running down the ceiling and quickly follow her.

"Now gunners leave an opening for the boarding parties at root 5. Lt Quae will be welcoming our guests."

A loud chant comes over the comms from Lt Quae and her forces.

"They will be welcomed with open arms!"

The siege has lasted a total of 8 hours without stopping. The unknown fleet has taken heavy losses but refuses to retreat. The Broken Dawn Fleet have re-established comms ensuring no more blocks. This has helped take fewer losses but they still continue to mount.

"Commander! We have lost ships 3,8, 10, 22, 25, and ships 28-32 have taken heavy damage. They have sent a message and are volunteering to stay behind to show them how to fight properly."

"Tell them their no overtime pay for volunteering and may the winds guide them well."

"Sent sir."

"close formation for the lack of ships and relay to me our forces and theirs."

"40 ships left with 1200 fighters remaining out of 3500. They have 80 ships with 3000 fighters remaining."