
"We can win if we keep up this pace. We are nearly at allied space! Keep fighting!" Howled the Commander as the ship takes a heavy bombardment from the rear.


"Damage minimal but Sir, We are being pincered! Another 130 ships have appeared in front and another 130 behind us! They are 500Ms from our position."

He moves a golden flower hoping for ally ships nearby but a large volley of plasma is detected heading towards them, removing any hope.

"We lost ships 11-18! What are your orders sir!"

He lifts a few flowers to look at a live map of all forces, ally and enemy. "All available ships hard break left, we are breaking through and we shall provide rearguard support. Let's show them the might of the Jade Empire!"

The remaining ships break hard left plowing through the unknown fleet. The Commander has several flowers connecting to him and the ship. Ship seems to become alive as it stays at the rear providing heavy fire support. Plasma rounds have no effect on the tree as it seems to absorb them. The unknown fleet has to close the gap in order to hit openings but the ship guns can easily rip through their ship. The continue to fire afar as the tree branches begin peeling its bark, a sign of weakness rather a sign of prey losing its means of defending itself. Now it's a waiting game for the pack hunters to tire the lone predator.

Sparks and fires are spreading throughout the command.

"Sir, we can't take more abuse! The entire enemy fleet is behind us! Anymore or we'll break apart!"

"On my order, hard stop."

The Helmsman almost goes insane hearing that order but he knows his Commander isn't that crazy...probably. The Commander lifts three red flowers and begins channeling the tree's stored energy from cosmic rays and funnels them back into the leaves. The ship is struck a few times as he isn't focused on defense. He looks upon the golden flower seeing that they are gaining on him seeing his position.

"Sir, Now?!"

"On my command!"

The attacks start getting heavier and heavier as the enemy fleet starts surrounding him. They are hungry beasts slowly killing the injured predator but even the deadliest of predators will do anything to survive once they're backed into the corner.

"Full stop!"

The ship stops abruptly causing crewmen Throughout the ship to fly in one direction. The Commander is able to hold himself in place as he notices the entire enemy fleet surrounding his ship.

"I hope you all can hear this! May you become the dirt I walk upon!"

The Commander punches the center red flower making the tree leaves glow crimson. The enemy fleet try to maneuver out of the way but the red leaves fire off striking a majority of their fleet. The leaves pierce through the enemy ship's hull but don't cause any major damage for most of them.

"Helmsman full ahead now!"

"Yes sir! And might I say you are Insane if we survive this!"

"IF! The cosmic winds will make sure of it!"

The ship uses its larger size to plow through the enemy fleet. The crimson leaves begin to glow as the energy there starts becoming unstable. One after another red fiery explosions start appearing. The cosmic radiation is now spreading freely and without care. It is now beyond safe limits so any ship caught will have crew melt from the inside out and with no leaves on their tree to absorb the cosmic radiation they are also endangered. A mad dash to who can keep running at their fastest.

An alert appears on the ship sensors. "Sir, an electrical storm is forming 500Ms away."

"Excellent! The cosmic winds are in our favor. All ships head into the storm! It'll disperse the lethal radiation and hopefully lose this rot. Once we're through everyone get to allied space!"

The Broken Dawn fleet heads into the storm with the remnants of the unknown fleet right behind. The Commander has a large grin under his helmet knowing he has survived. He has won and lives to tell the tale.

The storm keeps getting larger and larger till even their sensors can no longer operate. The Commander still orders "ahead full" knowing behind them isn't that much better. The eye of the storm starts turning gold then a large silver object bigger than most planets appears through the storm. " By the cosmic winds, what is that!?"

The object opens up and begins to forcefully swallow all of the ships. "Helmsman take us out of here!"

"Can't sir! The pull is too strong! Everyone is getting sucked in!"

"Brace for impact!" Roared the Commander as they started disappearing into the mouth of the object. The lethal radiation that was close behind is being dispersed by the object. The Commander smiles for a moment as they are saved from one problem but are about to face another.

While the ships are being sucked into the object. Abby begins to vomit from her first space warp. Joshua pats her back helping her feel at ease.

"What happened and why do I feel like my brain inside my feet!?" She asked quite sickly

[One moment my lady, I have to orient myself as well.]

"Didn't know you could throw-" Abby threw up again.

[It seems we have travel through space and we have arrived at the closet signal? Section 1 rather the eyes if you have forgotten the name you gave them. Have collected a total of 400 ships from local space. What are your orders?]

"Collected? What exactly is happening!?" Abby shouted quite confused

Three monitors pop up beside her allowing her to see an overview of three different groups of ships. One a ship with a large growing through the top of it. Another group of red and gold and another all blue.

[Please forgive my lady, I had no means to stop it. It must have been a hidden protocol.]

"Remove that protocol and please no m-more warps." Abby said while trying to hold back vomit.

[Yes of course, my lady]

Abby, having regained some balance, sits down and looks at the monitors seeing a lot of busted up ships. "They must have been in one heck of a fight. Do we have any medical supplies to give them?"

[We have medical facilities that are capable of treating various injuries and illnesses, but we must have detailed medical records. We could cause more harm than good.]

"I see so we provide any support?"

[I have aided in putting out numerous fires and have kept them apart and sealed to ensure no more violence.]

"Great! I'm gonna go say hi"

[No! Unauthorized personnel may be a risk to her ladyship.]