I see,

"What risk!? My knights will protect me!" Abby responded quite angry.

[Unknown damaged ships may carry unknown viruses and may infect you. Even advanced medical facilities can't cure the unknown without tests and research beforehand.]

"Ah, that's a good point. Well, how about exchanging information for supplies.They need some help."

[Agreed but it'll be difficult to negotiate now. I shall contact them once they have settled for the time being.]

The silver knight bangs his staff onto the ground and begins forming a portal. Jacob enters the portal and disappears. Joshua picks up Abby as her legs haven't recovered from the jump. She is carried back to her room.

On the ship bridge the Commander awakes with ears ringing and blurry vision. The helmsman tends to the commander as he was sent flying during the event.

"Commander sir, can you hear me!?" The helmsman checks his heart as he is concerned for his Commander's health.

The Commander shoves the helmsman away to remove his helmet showing his short blonde hair and pointed ears. He rolls on his side and begins to vomit. He struggles to regain any sense of balance as his ears are ringing. A few seconds pass allowing him to focus and regain his senses. He stands up still woozy but is aided by the helmsman.

"Status report on the ship and crew!" Shouted the commander, ensuring that those under his Command knew he wasn't done being a Commander.

"Sir, The Broken Dawn fleet has 25 remaining active ships and the enemy fleet has around 30. Your plan was a success in destroying a vast majority of their fleet but as we are now, Neither side can launch a ground offensive or air to air combat."

"Why is that?"

The helmsman moves a flower making a projection appear showing their ships are placed on landing platforms with a solid red energy barrier. No one is leaving from their landing pad.

"The field around us is too powerful to break through. We are trapped here but so is the enemy fleet."

"Where is my second in command?" He asked

"She was with the wounded on deck 3 sir. An Arachne silk is much better than current medical bandages, Sir."

"Any contact with the fleet, comms officer?"

"Yes sir, a very limited one. It seems once we make a connection something blocks us and we have to make another one."

"Keep working on that. I'll be heading down to deck 3. Helmsman try getting the engines back online. We may need a way out of here fast."

"Yes sir."

The Commander pulls out his sidearm. At first sight it seems to be a gun carved out of wood but It's a piece of sophisticated technology. Flowers begin to bloom on the gun allowing golden energy to flow through the flower's roots and throughout the weapon. He puts his helmet back on as leaves start growing around his joints. "What does the cosmic breath have planned for me?"

An hour later in the ship cargo hold. The Commander and Lt Quae arrive after aiding the wounded. Lt Quae is covered in different colored blood from her party. The survivors are prisoners and will be interrogated.

"What are your orders?" Asked Lt Quae

"We are going on an expedition, LT Quae. We leave in five so get ready." Replied Commander Greesch

"Commander, I have been ready since we got here." Quae pulls out her twin swords.

Underneath the ship a broken down platform begins to lower onto the ground. A group of 50 descend from the platform in battle formation. 20 are holding blue energy barriers as if they were ancient soldiers moving towards the enemy. Behind the wall of energy and flesh is a mixture of different weaponry. Elf solar rifles and War race plasma Repeaters. Either one gives nasty burn that'll cause steel to melt upon contact. Lt Quae leads the formation in the front as Commander is in the middle of the formation to coordinate.

In Abby's room she is amazed seeing different walks of life. Very weird life but life nonetheless.

"That girl has eight legs! That one has bent legs like an animal! Those guys are like big walking cats but with guns! Are those guys green!? That one has Wings?! I want wings! What is going on?!" She shouts while her face is glued to the screen trying to spot every last detail.

[I don't know my lady but i'm forming a translation model to aid any information I learn.]

"Y-you don't...understand them?"

[I don't my lady, why?]

"Well i can understand them clearly. They keep addressing the green one in the middle as Commander."

[My lady, are you joking?]

"I'm not! I can understand what they are saying. See that red one that is currently in half. They are talking about not having enough medical supplies for the injured and that blue one. They are blaming each other for failing an attack."

[Interesting, can you keep telling me what they're saying till I have enough to make a comprehensive language guide.]

Abby has a big grin on her face hearing Void asking for help. "This feels nice, I'm enjoying this feeling of you asking for help. It's such a nice feeling."

[My lady, please.]

Abby begins translating for Void with a big smile. Meanwhile the Commander begins to casually talk with Quae to ease his troops to ease their nerves as they slowly walk towards a large metal door.

"Lt, what are your thoughts on this?"

"I don't know sir. This place makes the union's orbital platforms seem low tech." She answered honestly.

"I'm gonna have to take your word for it. I wonder how big this place is?" It might be a moon class station, maybe bigger."

"Not likely sir, What I saw before we were pulled in. This place is much bigger. This might be a sun collector station."

"How big do you think?"

"Probably as big as your mother Sir." Answered Quae as she tries to hold back the laughter and so do those beside her and the Commander. "Next to laugh, get to see how big this place is by me throwing them off the edge." The troop and Lt Quae straighten their backs as they move forward but they still have a big grin on their faces. Commander knew that she was relieving the tension but he still had to show who is still in command and to discipline her.

"Lt Quae, if we survive this you're cleaning the ship till it shines. I want even the bullet holes repaired by hand." He said cheerfully

"Yes sir!" She replied in earnest.

They arrived at a large metal door that can easily fit most land assault vehicles. Liquid metal appears slithering out of the wall. It begins to take shape as a metallic arm holding a red eye. The eye stares at them intensely ensuring not to miss even the smallest of specks on their skin. The troops are nervous but they are veterans and hold themselves steady.

"It might be a surveillance drone. We are uninvited guests. Your orders are not to fire unless fired upon." Commander gives a calm tone and stoic presence to ease the troops.

They become as stone as they still point their weapons waiting for the slightest twitch of danger. The eye begins to emit a red light scanning each one. Two pairs of voices speak from the device.

[Life signs unrecognizable: No noticeable DNA detected. Unknown lifeforms, My Lady, The ruler of the Silver Star wishes to aid those in need of medical aid but we need detailed medical records.]

Abby is currently watching the exchange between the two in excitement. She also has her fingers crossed to ensure nothing bad occurs.