Now wonder

The Commander puts away his weapon as he walks towards the front. Lt Quae voices her opposition but it falls on deaf ears. He stands before everyone as the eye lowers itself just hovering above The Commander. The Commander removes his helmet showing his Elf features. "Greetings, I'm Commander Greesch of the Jade Empire and I lead the broken Dawn fleet. If your ladyship is willing to provide medical care I'm grateful but how can we be sure that you can be trusted with such private information?"

[Stand away from the door]

The door begins opening upward. It slowly reveals an empty hall.

[My Lady orders are absolute. She wishes to provide aid so aid will be given. We have no intention of attacking you.]

Commander Greesch ponders to himself as he looks around seeing the various wounds and injuries on everyone. Lt Quae comes over to have a word.

"Sir we can't trust them. They could be luring us into a trap."

"I understand your concern but if you look around we already are prisoners but we are also unknown lifeforms. This 'Lady' is a neutral party. We can only play nice and hopefully the cosmic winds are guiding us carefully."

"But Sir!"

Commander Greesch lifts his hand showing his palm to Quae. She nods in her and steps aside.

The eye leans forward as Commander Greesch comes towards it.

"My heartfelt gratitude for your Lady kindness. We shall prepare the necessary data but when we move the wounded can we bring armed guards for everyone's peace of mind."

[Thank you for your cooperation but that will not be needed. Medical facilities shall be built here. Moving wounded will be problematic.]

"I understand and I shall start bringing the data."

Commander Greesch begins ordering those around him to bring the necessary data and to help prepare the wounded to be moved out of the ship. Commander Greesch stands perfectly still as he stares at the red eye. Lt Quae stands beside him ready to attack with her dual swords.

A few minutes passed but the Commander's stoic face never wavered. The Commander's appearance is a Mountain before a storm. A data chip the size of his hand is given to him. A slot opens up before him. He places it into the slot.

[Quite unique you all are. Healing pods and solutions are being made.]

Towers of liquid metal begin appearing behind Commander Greesch. Each one 10 meters in height. The towers put everyone on alert but Commander Greesch remains calm. The towers collapse onto themselves. The pool of liquid metal starts taking shapes of white metal pods. Dozens of pods with a window in the front to check on them. A green liquid begins filling up the pods with small white crustaceans each a millimeter in length swimming in it. 

Medical pods are finished and are ready for use. The liquid is breathable so no one will drown and a timer will notify once the individual is fully healed. Limb growth is attainable depending on their injury.

"Once again I'm thankful for the lady kindness."

[The Lady wishes to meet you in person after a thorough medical exam. You can choose to decline.]

"It would be an honor to meet her ladyship but first my contact my fleet and get an update about this kind Lady."

[Understood, I shall be here once you're ready.] The red eye and arm turn back into liquid metal and retreat back into the wall.

A group carries a bipedal Lizard with green scales whose legs have been removed from the waist down. They place him into the pod submerging the soldier. The crustaceans start gathering around his injuries. His injuries slowly start growing flesh and bone. A countdown timer appears showing unseen numbers to the Broken Dawn Fleet crew.

"Why aren't the rest of the wounded in those pods?! Move those root deep legs and Move!" Roared Greesh at those who were in awe of what's happening before them.

Once the wounded were getting the help they needed. Commander Greesch was able to inform the other ship captains. The mysterious block had disappeared. The captains wished him luck. Lt Quae is now in Command of the Broken Dawn fleet. Commander Greesch heads towards the door making the red eye appear once again.

"Thank you on behalf of everyone of the Broken Dawn fleet. I have been informed that you were able to recover our lost ships and If your Lady is still eager to meet. I shall be honored to meet the saviour of the Broken Dawn Fleet."

[I have informed her and waits patiently. Please enter the room beside you as I need to perform various medical examinations.]

A room appears beside Commander Greesch. The Commander can feel a small breeze pushing him forward. He enters the room.

Meanwhile, another ship bearing no flag has its entire crew of 200 begin firing at a large metal door trying to force themselves in. A metal arm appears holding a red eye.

[Hostile actions will be eliminated; this is your only warning.]

"Glob thy wake!" Shouted someone as an insult.

A few shoot heated plasma the eye making it fall onto the ground. They lift it in the air as a trophy.

"We Darks Elves shall no longer be criminals or mercenaries but Kings of this place! The Jade empire won't stop us nor any other Empire!" They shout in excitement as they continue to assault the metal door. The door opens showing a golden knight towering over them. Another eye appears.

[Your surrender is now null and void.]