
A random shot is fried destroying yet another eye device. The whole lot fired at the golden knight before them. They fire till their weapons overheat making a hissing sound as heat is vented. They made a thick cloud of steam from their volley of weapon fire. They cheered an easy victory. The golden knight lifts his arm making it poke out of the steam allowing an intense wave of fire to be shot towards the Dark Elves. The Dark Elves closest to the golden knight are set ablaze leaving only ashes. The others were lucky enough to have seen the attack coming lay on the ground to avoid the fire. The fire seems alive as it burns metal blocking their way back into the ship.

The Dark Elves are in panic seeing the golden knight shine ever so brightly towering over them. He lifts his other hand that has the everlasting dark flame spread making a transparent material. The flame remains at the edges as snowflakes slowly fall onto the ground. A cold breeze makes the Dark Elves sutter at the sudden drop in temperature yet sweat profusely from the heat behind them.

"Open fire!" Dozens of plasma weapons of different shapes and sizes assault Joshua's shield yet none penetrate nor ricochet. The energy rounds are merely absorbed. A Vagabond charges forward using his weapon as a club. He strikes the shield but his weapons begin to dissolve. He notices it but too late as he can't stop his momentum. His upper half is eased and within moments his lower half falls onto the floor. The leftover body slowly starts to freeze.

Joshua grabs the metal bar hanging from his waist. Flames erupt from his right arm and are absorbed by the metal bar. The metal bar starts forming a solid blade made of pure fire. The blade is sun orange with such intense heat that the metal underneath begins to melt. The heat radiating with the sub-zero temperature makes the entire area into torture chamber.

Another red eye appears. [Please put up a decent fight. It'll be my first time collecting such data.] They hoped for another chance of forgiveness but It is merely spectacular for the slaughter. Joshua lifts his shield and charges forward. The Dark Elves with no chance to run continue to fire. This does not stop Joshua as he runs into the Darks Elves easing anyone who isn't able to move out the way. 

Joshua swings his sword turning those closest to ashes in mere seconds.

"Fire with the ship guns or we're all dead!" Roared a Dark Elf

The ship moves a few turrets and locks on Joshua. The turrets open fire sending boulder size plasma rounds at Joshua. Large clouds of steam block people's vision as the sound of melting metal makes them cheer.

Happiness is soon gone as the sound of sizzling melting starts moving towards them. The orange glow of Joshua blade seems to open the burning gates of the afterlife. They look upon Joshua's golden body and not even a Scratch as his shield never falters.

[To take such an attack and not even be fazed. This is excellent news! Now Josuha, leave none alive to show the others that any sort of violence shall be eliminated.]

Joshua lifts his weapon and shield into the air. He stabs his sword into the metal sending intense flames turning the remaining half into ashes. He waves his other hand sending a powerful blizzard making frozen statues. Those of the Broken Dawn Fleet look on with horror as a golden knight slaughters their foe with ease. The ships of no flags begin asking for forgiveness and are willing to listen to any command.

Joshua killed all before him but he started entering the ship. He enters and those who are looking upon can only watch as his blade cuts through the ship body or freezes entire sections. The entire battle lasted a few minutes as the Golden Knight leaves to return from once it came. White crustaceans begin flooding from the floor. The swarm begins to collect whatever remains, leaving it spotless.

Abby, who was eager to have her first visitor, is frozen in fear as she watches Joshua's massacre. Abby takes a few steps back seeing how easily her protector can take lives without so much of a second thought.  

"Why were they killed?!" She Roared

[They were violent and were willing to fight to their last. I had no choice but to order Joshua to remove the threat.]

"I'm completely fine! They couldn't even get through the door!" She yelled even more forcefully.

[I can't risk your safety on the smallest of chances my lady. We are heavily outnumbered and no matter how powerful your protectors are they can't stop everything.]

In her rage she has problems breathing and has difficulty standing up. She falls onto her knees as death happens in her home. Abby always wanted a happy home filled with life as it has been nothing but loneliness. Her dream seems to be shattering. Her chest begins to emit a blue light. The light suddenly expands into a blue pulse of energy. Abby's breathing becomes normal and the nightmare she saw before seems like a bad dream.

"Your right, my safety was endangered. You took the right course of action." Abby stood as her words were calm and relaxed. The opposite of what was happening earlier. Abby then shakes her head and seems to snap out of what was happening to her.

[My lady, it occurred again.]

"Did you learn anything this time?"

[No my lady, I took any and all reading but it still baffles me. I apologize for my lack of knowledge on this subject.]

"It's ok, I seem to accept death as the norm, how a cruel way to accept death, so easily. A simple flash and I seem to be unfazed by it. someday I'll figure out what this crystal does. Are there any more problems with the others?"

She looks back at the monitors as the other ships quickly surrender. A sense of relief overwhelms her as she doesn't want anymore senseless violence.

"Void, no more monitors for today."

[Yes my lady, I follow your will. Commander Greesch is ready to meet you. Shall I have Jacob escort him or shall I postpone it.]

"I want to meet him. I can't turn down my first guest but let's do it in another room."

[Yes my lady right away]