
Abby grabs a broken piece of metal and begins craving something onto the wall. She uses all her strength to write a single word. She backs away to admire it. A day that she thought would never come. "Today"

Commander Greesch is being led by Jacob. The Commander is shocked gazing upon Jacob. He could tell that he is no match for the Silver knight. He also notices the strange symbols in his head. He ponders to himself if it's a ranking system.

He is being led by Jacob without his battle armor but in his dress uniform that has been made at his request. He is surprised at the materials and how it got every detail right. A splendid blend of Jade and white colors. He has become quite worried about becoming a representative for his fleet rather than the Jade Empire. A single error can destroy his fleet or cause major harm to his kind. Thousands perhaps billions of lives are weighing on each word he speaks.

Jacob stops as a door opens. Jacob enters making Commander Greesch wait outside. A few moments pass as the door opens again. Commander Greesch is shocked to see an orb of storm clouds appear before him with no sign of the silver knight.

[Walk through it, You'll be safe.]

He closes his eyes and takes a step forward. He opens his eye revealing a large golden knight before him. He freezes seeing another of these knights. He calms himself to notice another strange symbol on his forehead but a broken crown takes his attention. The golden knight leds the way escorting him through a silver hallway. They turn the corner and enter a golden hallway.

Commander Greesch's eyes are blind by the light as he enters. His eyes adjust to see an unbelievable sight. A golden sun letting down its warmth onto a glistening city at the edge of a pink calm lake. The sight of an unending forest alongside mountains with snow covered peaks makes Commander Greesch's heart aches as if he found his lost love. He goes up to the window and can feel the warmth on the glass.

"What is this paradise?" he mutters to himself.

The slam of Jacob's staff snaps him out of his dreams. He sees the two knights standing beside a door at the end of the hallway. He walks up to the door. Commander Greesch Straightens his back and takes a deep in then out. The door opens as he prepares himself.

"Enter, you have nothing to be afraid of." A warm feminine voice is heard giving a sense of comfort.

The knights, having no face stare at Greesch so he hurry inside. He takes another deep breath and enters the room.