
Commander Greesch enters the room seeing no one. He stands alone waiting for this mysterious Ruler.

The room suddenly begins to liquefy and slowly becomes a luxury suite. The room becomes snow white with red furniture around him. A fireplace is made beside him that burns black. The commander is surprised to see such a transformation. It reminds him of the medical facilities that appeared before him. A thought rings through his mind. "She is able to change everything around her at will!" This made a cold chill crawl up Commander Greesch's spine.

The wall before him begins to open showing The Ruler of the Silver Star. A figure wearing a starlight helm with gold tracing with the symbol of two circles on her forehead. Her helm shines ever so bright but her dress that covers her body has such obsidian darkness that even light can't shine upon it. The only light that does shine through the darkness is a bright golden one, that emits from the center of her chest.

She places her hand onto her chest and slightly bows "Greetings Commander Greesch, I am the Ruler of the Silver Star. You may call me Lady Void." She spoke with warmth in her voice.

In response, he kneels before her and closes his eyes as he faces Her Majesty. Commander Greesch's actions are humiliating and a betrayal to the Royal Family by kneeling in such a way, but he owes her that much.

"It's such an honor to be graced with your presence, Lady Void. I'm Commander Greesch of the broken dawn fleet. A Sun Elf Citizen of the Jade Empire." He answered earnestly and honestly.

"You may rise, Commander. The honor is as much mine as yours." The warmth that was in her voice like before slowly became cold and mechanical. Commander Greesch thinks to himself that he may have insulted Lady Void.

Commander Greesch stands to apologize for his sudden behavior but he notices she has a green hue around her neck and on her hands. He nearly loses his calm demeanor. His mind begins to race.

(Meteoric armor! If she has a full set of armor she can buy my entire fleet! She has power and the resources to fuel it. Lady Void, I thank the cosmic winds you are a kind ruler.)

"I thank you for treating my crew and giving us harbor while we recover. Tell me what I can do to repay you for such kindness." He said in a tone that mirrored said kindness, bowing his head slightly.

"You need not repay me. It's the least I can do after such curiosity." Her voice was now completely cold and mechanical. A rapid change from before, which makes Greesch uneasy. Still, he maintains the discipline in his voice and keeps his back straight.

"You humble me with your words but may I ask what has caused your curiosity?"

"My home was pulled to a mysterious signal and upon arrival, I encountered a battle of different fleets. That would pique anyone's curiosity, wouldn't it?"

"I agree but even I don't have all the answers. It would be a waste of time."

"This I know to be true, but it doesn't matter in the end. My home is now involved with your Empire. Our fate seems intertwined. This small matter regarding your fleet is the least of my concerns."

"Thank you for your understanding Lady Void and I do apologize for bringing you forcefully into my nation's affairs."

"I shall accept your apology in full."

"Thank you again for your kindness, your Majesty."

"Now onto the matters of payment for medical treatments, I require none. I merely wish for a cultural exchange. It seems I'm quite lost."

"I shall personally hand over navigation charts and the culture of my kind."

"Excellent to hear Commander Greesch! Now please accept these gifts. These financial assets should be enough to repair your fleet and tend to your crew's needs once you return home."

A chest slowly raises from the floor beside Commander Greesch. The chest opens to show various gems, jewels, and rare metals including pieces of meteoric ore. Commander Greesch's face remains stoic seeing such rare treasures but his mind is racing.

(These are mere gifts!? The Royals wouldn't give such rewards to a mere commander. I'll be able to pay off my fleet debt with these! The pieces of meteoric metal alone could support my fleet till I'm an old Elf.)

Commander Greesch closes the chest. "Thank you for these gifts. You have my utmost gratitude and The Broken Dawn Fleet's unconditional surrender."

"I see and I shall accept it in full. Now I shall state my rules for prisoners."

Commander Greesch lowers his head to hear and accept the treatment of his soldiers. Lady Void places her hand underneath his chin and lifts his head. Her warm voice from before floods Commander Greesch with relief.

"Your fleet shall be housed with appropriate accommodations. They shall be fed good food with access to clean water and proper medical care. You all shall temporarily become citizens of the Silver Star for your stay here."

Commander Greesch is shocked by hearing such good terms. Taken aback, he fights the tears threatening to come forward.

"Lady Void, I thank you on behalf of the cosmic winds for such grace and kindness. Please accept my apology as I have judged you to be a harsh ruler."

Lady Void's voice becomes cold and mechanical once again. "Commander Greesch as a formality I accepted your surrender but there is more value in having you become my friend then hostage. I see no point in having prisoners when friends can do more together than apart."

"Lady Void I thank you again for your unheard of hospitality and continuous mercy. We of the Broken Dawn Fleet shall be at your service for the remainder of our stay but I must ask that you please take care of those under my command as temporary citizens." Greesch closes his eyes and bows his torso.

"You have my word as Ruler of the Silver Star. I'll give your fleet more than enough time to recover and I'm quite eager to learn more of your kind and the galaxy at large."