I am

Commander Greesch returns to his standing position. "With this it seems I have nothing else to offer. I shall be returning to my fleet to spread the good news."

Lady Void waves her hand calling for Jacob the silver knight to escort Commander Greesch back.

"Ah, before I forget. I have a simple question for you, Commander Greesch."

"Yes Lady Void, I shall answer to the best of my abilities."

"My golden Knight Joshua came in contact with a ship crew that called themselves the Dark Elves. Are they part of your Empire?"

Commander Greesch's face begins to lose color. He adjusts himself as a flying gyro begins to hover around him.

"Lady Void to answer honestly to your question, it'll be a difficult one. Dark Elves aren't a race in the Empire but they are Elves who have committed crimes against the Jade Empire. Crimes vary from planet to planet, race to race but once you have been branded as such, there is no returning from being a Dark Elf."

"Such strict laws, it seems I have to reevaluate my views on them and the Jade Empire. I thank you for your candor. You may return now."

Commander Greesch kneels once again and Lady Void tilts her head slightly. The Commander leaves the room with Jacob escorting him out.

Once the door has closed behind them. A loud scream is heard from Lady void rather Abby behind the Helm.

"I can't believe he was actually talking to me! I...s-so...happy! I...got to say...hi!" Abby begins to cry rivers of black and white tears. Abby falls onto her knees as years of sadness and lonesomeness begin to leave her body. Joshua comes to her side and places a hand on her back to comfort her. This made her cry even more so as the endless stress started to vanish.

[My Lady, I know this is much but you'll get to meet more people. Please calm yourself.]

"I know! And thank you!" She yelled while fighting through her tears.

An hour has passed as she has cried herself to sleep. She has mentally exhausted herself. A bed forms underneath her and lifts her off the floor. Several robotic arms surround her bed. The arms move a large blanket that covers Abby and they tuck her in.

Abby tosses and turns in her sleep for three days. Void can only imagine what dreams she is having as Abby hasn't stopped smiling since she closed her eyes. Void is gonna hate what needs to be done. A metal arm appears beside Abby and begins slightly shaking her.

[My Lady, it's time to wake up.]

Abby grabs the metal hand and begins crushing it as if it was paper. Abby lets go and turns over. Void begins repairing the hand.

[A 15% percent increase in strength, I shall calibrate accordingly.]

Void summons more arms to wake her but has a better idea. Void retracts the arms and makes a table beside Abby's face. A smooth cold feeling begins to lick all over Abby's face. Abby struggles to open her eyes as an unknown creature with a feline face and red eyes, is sitting before her. Abby rubs her eyes thinking it's still a dream. She opens her eyes again and it's still there. Abby stares at this silver creature noticing its other features. It's about two feet in height with draconic wings. The creature has a long curved tail with feathers around its four paws. The creature proceeds to lick Abby's face with its cold metal tongue.

Ruuuaw, The creature spoke. Abby's eyes open wide and she quickly sits up. "What the!-" In her panic, she falls off the bed. "Void! There's something here!"

[I know my Lady. I put it there.]

The creature jumps on the bed and stares longingly at Abby. Abby stares at this silver-colored metallic creature. "What the metal is that?!" shouted Abby.

[While you slept I was data mining the information from section 10. These are called c.a.t.s; Centralized, Autonomous, Thermal, System.]

"I am frightened and amazed. Please continue." Calmly asked Abby as she stood up from the floor.

[Their main function is to repair and connect the remaining sections. Now we'll have more time for studying and lessons. Isn't that great my Lady!]

"I suddenly feel tired again." Abby picks up the cat and it licks her cheek. "At least I won't be alone anymore and I won't be walking for days on end so having some extra study days won't be too bad. Isn't that right Melty?"

The cat named Melty opens its wings and purrs in agreement. A stoic voice that Abby has never heard speaks beside her. "You needn't worry about being alone my Lady, We shall always guard your person and follow any command you give us."

Abby turns with eyes opened wide to see a large white knight kneeling beside her. "Umm, what?"

A few of Void's red eyes appear beside Abby. [I didn't expect him to speak.]

"Void explain?"

[This is the second surprise, also my Lady, surprise!]

"So what is he?"

[This is creation 03. 03 is your third knight, A Commander unit that'll lead a mass-production unit that can be upgraded and diversified.]

"Oh ok, so stand up please?"

03 stands up showing his magnificent figure. Abby notices and is slightly shocked to see it on 03. He has a face or something that is like a face. He has a vertical red line running down his helm. Abby begins to scan every part of 03. He is colored star white with a red plume hanging from the back of his head to his shoulders. A bright red shoulder cloak encompasses his right shoulder then extends down to the floor. It covers his right arm and leg.

03 moves his cloak so Abby can see a blue revolver that seems to have some sort of liquid flowing around the grip. The weapon is larger than her torso then he grabs it and points it upwards. The barrel has this spiral design with no actual barrel and what seems to be eight spikes. Abby isn't sure if these are the bullets or the chamber for the bullets. The grip seems elongated and straighter than a normal revolver. It seems more fitting as a hilt for a dagger or sword. The grip also has a circular guard to protect his fingers and to use it as another weapon.

03 seems to be pumping something into it as liquid begins flowing from his hand into the revolver. The revolver chamber and barrel seems to snap upward with a liquid moving upwards. The liquid is pulsing at an incredible rate that it seems solid. The liquid blade becomes spiral in shape and is 7ft in length. 03 moves the sword and lightly stabs the metal floor. A hole is easily made then he lifts it upwards pointing it at the wall next to him.

03 pulls the trigger making a hole in the wall while retaining the blade shape. The shot made no sound as 03 retracts the water from his weapon. Finally he lifts his left arm expelling a large cloud of blue smoke. The smoke seems to make a large solid circular shape around his arm to cover most of his front. 03 makes a finger motion to make Abby come closer, which she does. Abby expects to go through the mysterious blue smoke but is surprised that it's solid. Abby pushes into it trying to go through it but to no avail.