Speaking to

"Ok, you are by far the coolest knight ever! You have a gun that becomes a water sword! Also you have blue smoke that's hard as steel! This is such an awesome day!"

03 ends his showcase by spinning his weapon around his finger and placing it on his leg. Abby is wide-eyed with jaw dropped.

"Void! Are there any more surprises! I want more surprises!"

[There are two more surprises. The recent warp has awakened many systems to improve efficiency and has eased much of my work around your home my Lady.]

"That's good, but anything for me?"

[I live here to my Lady.]

"I know but any more surprises, for me?"

[There is my Lady but first please name 03. It'll be rude not to give him a name.]

"Ummm, I can't think of a good one right now but when I do I'll give you a great name!"

"Of course, my Lady. It'll be an honor when I receive my name." replied 03

[03 please escort the Lady outside.]

"My Lady, please follow me." Abby follows 03 while holding Melty. She walks outside her room seeing a large amount of smaller 03s stuffed into the narrow hallway. 03 is around 9ft and these small versions are around 7ft. They still tower over Abby.

The small 03s are exact copies of the original with a few differences. The plume is much shorter and the shoulder cloak goes down to their waist. Finally, They didn't have a massive revolver but instead a rectangular red and white piece of metal as a weapon. They stand their weapon beside them as they place their hands on their chest and hold their head down.

The design of their weapon is quite simple but seems to hide more than can be looked upon. "The weapon seems to have a sword hilt at the end for a rifle butt." Abby thinks to herself wondering if they have a gun/sword hybrid.

03 kneels before Abby and so do the smaller ones. "My Lady may I ask that you stay silent till we have finished giving our pledge of loyalty."

"Um, sure?"

"Units of the Lady! What is your purpose!" Roared 03

"To follow Lady Abby's orders!" shouted the 03's in unison

"Now who do you swear your loyalty to!"

"We swear our undying loyalty to Lady Abby, till our last moments!"

"My Lady, we have finished. Will you accept our pledge of loyalty?"

"Of course! That was amazing and I thought of the perfect name for everyone! I'll name you Jack and everyone else can be called trades. You know from the saying Jack of all trades."

Jack the white knight stands on his feet and turns his back towards Abby facing the trades. Abby leans to the side to see what else is happening as Melty stands atop of her head.

"Our lady has given us names! What are your names!" Commanded Jack with steel in his calm voice.

The trades lift their weapons above their heads pulling out Snow White swords from their rifles. Pistols are made from their rifles and they place them on their sides while they hold their swords before them.

"We are the Trades of our lady! We march till the light becomes darkness! we march till the darkness becomes light! we march even if darkness remains, till the last. We stand till mountains become pebbles! We stand till pebbles become mountains! we stand even if the ground underneath is gone, till the last! We are our lady Trades!" They roared!

Abby begins to clap at such a performance "Wow that was amazing! I have so many requests but I know Void won't let me."

[This is true]

"So I have a question? Why can you talk and those two can't?" Abby points to Joshua and Jacob who are standing beside her.

Jack walks up to the two and examines them from head to toe.

"My lady, it seems something occurred and they have lost their faces. They also aren't functioning properly because of it."

"What do you mean?" asked a puzzled Abby.

"Well my Lady, their energy isn't operating efficiently. Joshua seems to have no control over a certain power of his. So he burns it to regulate it, and therefore he could lose control of it if used too aggressively. Jacob is unable to use most of his energy so if he is forced to use too much, it will cause severe damage."

"Oh, that's good to know in the future but I'm more concerned about what caused them to lose their faces?" asked a very concerned Abby

[My Lady, I think it's time to study.]

"I agree, let's go melty. Jack, guard my door just in case."

"Yes my Lady, I and the trades shall ensure nothing bothers you."

Abby enters her room as melty walks beside her. The three knights stand at her door blocking the entrance and the trades are ordered to stand at the bottom of Abby's spiral home.

Author here: Thank you all for enjoying the story. Abby shall return in about 3-5 days.