Chapter 8: Mine

She hesitated on what to say and closed the door behind her. "T-The warden said you got back from training again so I wanted to make sure you were okay." My eyebrows lifted in surprise. 'Wait, she wants to make sure I am okay? Me?!' It was obvious she was nervous, and she avoided my eyes. She then saw the pile of human bones and dried splattered blood in the corner, and jumped terrified. "W-Who is that?!"

I looked over to the bones and remembered everything he did to me. "Let's just say that fucking bastard deserved it." She was shaking in fear now as she turned to me. I hated seeing her so horrified. She sighed and looked up at me. "I-I want to know what really happens to you when the warden says you were out for training." I knew that I could never tell her that even if I wanted to. "I was training."

She waited a moment. "...Bullshit." I was surprised. I didn't hear her swear often even when I was pissing her off. Hearing her say that was super hot and made me want her more. "I can't tell you." She crossed her arms. "Why?" I turned away from her. "Reasons." She looked at me concerned and stepped closer, unwittingly entering the range of my chains.

As soon as she did, I immediately grabbed her and pulled her in to kiss me. "Ah!" I pulled her down to the ground so she was on my lap with her legs around my waist. "Mm! Stop!" She tried to push me away but failed, and I kissed her once more before looking into her eyes. "I never thought you would make such a stupid decision." I could tell she was still afraid and had trouble saying what she did next. "...Y-You said you loved me. I-Is that true?" I blinked. "I did?" She got annoyed. "You don't remember?!"

I smiled, 'It must've slipped out when I was telling her off.' She crossed her arms again and turned away from me. "I'm sorry I told the warden what happened. But you scared me, and I wouldn't like it very much if you were mad at me for your mistake!" I said nothing and pulled her in, hugging her tight. She was surprised but didn't fight back.

I kept my smile. "I would never be mad at you. And it doesn't matter if I don't remember saying it because I'm telling you now. I love you." Her eyes widened and she pulled away from me. "I don't get you at all!!"

She tried to crawl away from me but I stopped her by grabbing her waist and pressed my chest to her back. She froze and I let my chin rest on her shoulder by her ear. "I'm not asking you to get me. You're the only person I'm happy around and that is enough for me." I reached my hand out and placed it over hers, intertwining my fingers with hers. I chuckled quietly. "I like this position. It's one of the many I want to do with you once you are mine." She shook. "...You're so crazy..." I nuzzled my face more into her neck and whispered, "Maybe... But you're the one who always comes back to me."

A long time had passed and I hadn't let her go. I had moved to sitting against the wall and I held Liza on my lap. She hadn't spoken since she told me I was crazy and I didn't care. 'What has gotten into her? I captured her and she's sitting on my lap not fighting back at all. Maybe she knows now that I wouldn't do anything to her.' I couldn't help but be curious. "Liza? Why did you step within my chain length?"

She waited a long time to answer but I had too much patience to know what to do with. "...I wanted you to forgive me-" I cut her off, pressing my cheek against hers. "I forgive you." She was shocked. "What? B-But you said you would break me in half if I ever told the warden!" I sighed. "When will you learn that everything I do is to get a reaction out of you?"

She was quiet for a moment. "So, you don't hate me?" I was surprised she would think such a thing. "I would hate myself before I would ever hate you. I thought you were the one who hated me. Why would you let me touch you again?" She sighed. "I don't hate you. But I don't like you either!! Not in the slightest!! But, for some reason, I find you interesting." That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. "I love you so much."

She got uneasy. "Stop it!! Stop saying that you pervert!!" I laughed. "I love you I love you I love you." She fought to get away from me but I held onto her tight. She was blushing and poorly hiding it. She was so cute when she blushed. I then got her restrained and hugged her again.

"Thank you for the best day of my life." She stopped struggling and looked up at me surprised. I leaned in and whispered in her ear. "You are mine. Mine and no one else's. Remember that." I let her go and she immediately slapped me. I felt my cheek and smiled.

The pain she caused me felt better than any other. She got up and ran to the door. "I will get you to tell me what's going on around here Kip! How about you remember that!?" She ran out the door and closed it behind her. I was stunned. 'Kip? Oh right, that is my name. No one around here ever calls me by my name. It's usually piece of shit, useless, mental, or psycho, along with other bad-worded names.' I smiled. 'Hearing her call me by my name is making my chest hurt. I really hope I get to see her tomorrow.'

I got up and sat on my bed. Fangs came up from beside me and I let him crawl onto my hand. "She doesn't hate me. I'm having trouble believing it." I lay down and closed my eyes. It's been days since I've slept, and I was too tired to say no tonight so I just gave in.

I soon regretted it when I woke in the middle of the night and I couldn't move. 'Oh no. Another sleep paralysis episode. Great.' I looked around to see what I was going to hallucinate about tonight. In the corner of my cell, there was a black figure with huge eyes, small pupils, and a mouth curled in an inhumanly large smile, with a mouth full of sharp teeth. 'Yikes. That is some nightmare fuel right there.'

I blinked and it was gone. 'Yep. Nightmare fuel.' I looked around again and realized it was standing right next to me. I would've jumped if I could move. It was just standing over me, staring at me with that creepy ass smile, and wasn't moving. It suddenly got closer and I could feel my heart beat out of my chest. It was right in front of my face and it was way creepier up close. It then screamed and I suddenly could move again. I sat up and the thing wasn't anywhere to be seen. I caught my breath. 'That... Was a new one...'