Chapter 9: Cruel

I decided to stay awake the rest of the night petting Fangs. He had a good time but I was getting depressed. I sighed. 'I'm never getting out of here am I?' I've been hoping to never come to that conclusion, but it was hard to ignore. I've never been outside since I was arrested, I don't even remember what the world looks like anymore. Really the only thing that's ever unpredictable about this place is when Liza comes to see me, and I only met her a month ago.

I thought the night away and I didn't realize it was morning until I heard the door unlock. I looked up to the door and saw Liza walk in. Today she was wearing a red turtleneck and a black dress under it, as long as her ankles, and the same black flats as yesterday. 'Why has she been wearing turtlenecks lately?' Then I remembered when I assaulted her. I bit her on the neck and the lip.

'She's probably hiding it to piss me off, or, it's that she didn't tell the warden I bit her.' She closed the door behind her and leaned against it with her arms crossed. "Have you thought about telling me what really happens to you instead of training?" I ignored her question and smiled. "Come closer." She shook her head. "Not until you tell me."

My smile faded. 'Wow, she really isn't going to let this go, isn't she?' I closed my eyes. "Okay. I'll tell you. But you have to come here first." She gave me an annoyed look. "Oh no. I'm not falling for that again!" I sighed and lay back down on my bed. "Alright. Then I won't tell you."

She paused for a moment then walked towards me. The moment she was close enough, I grabbed her arm and pulled her on top of me. "Hey!" I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. She pulled away. "Stop it you jerk!" I sat up and looked into her eyes and put a hand on her cheek. "You can't stop me from wanting you more than anything else in the world." She blushed, and her expression relaxed. "Stop it and answer me." I sighed. "I can't tell you or the warden will kill me."

She got annoyed again and struggled harder to get out of my grip. "Ugh! I knew this was a trick! Let go of me, you liar!!" I held her tighter and made her look at me. "Maybe you didn't hear me. I can't tell you or the warden will kill me. Meaning, he will take a gun, and shoot me in the head." She froze letting me continue.

"No, he would want me to have a slow death, so he would freeze me more than usual, which would be weeks. Or he would hang me upside down in the furnace until I burn to death; He usually takes me out right before then but not this time. Or he would have the guards beat me more, starve me more, or he wouldn't untie me from the cinder block after he lets me drown in the well every time he wants to teach me a lesson." She Looked up at me with terror. "He, he really does all of that stuff to you?"

I nodded. "Also not to mention, the crowbars, boot parties, blowtorches, experimentations, the choking, the rape, the force-feedings of god knows what, the dislocations, and being buried alive every other week." She was speechless and her expression stayed horrified. I brushed her hair behind her ear. "Please don't do anything about it. Because if you do, I will die the second the warden finds out I told you."

She sat up quickly. "H-How can I not do anything about it?! I mean-! I can't let him do this to the prisoners-!" I interrupted her. "No. Only me." She blinked. "What?" I sighed. "He only does all of that to me. The others do get something like that when they've done something wrong, but it's never as bad as what he makes me go through." Her eyebrows slid into a crease. "Why? Why does he only do those things to you?"

I waited a moment to answer her and looked away. "...Because he's afraid of me." She was surprised by my answer but waited for me to continue. "...I'm not like the others. The others usually have disorders that hold them back. But whatever I have makes me stronger. Believe it or not, I am the most dangerous prisoner in this place."

I looked at the pile of bones in the corner. "He knows that I fake my level of strength, but he doesn't know how strong I really am. And that scares him." Liza gave me a worried look. I could tell what she was thinking.

'Should I really be this close to the most dangerous person in this prison?' I knew that after telling her that, she would lose all trust in me that I wouldn't hurt her. I got closer to her and she moved away a little, even though she was still sitting on my lap. I slid my fingers to her neck and pulled down the material covering my bite. I put my arm around her and pulled her neck to my lips.

I could feel her shaking. "I'm going to die," I whispered. "So please let me kiss you." She stopped shaking and answered me even quieter, barely loud enough to hear. "...You're not going to die... I won't let that happen." My eyes widened and I moved my cheek to brush against hers. I said nothing and she spoke quieter. "...You interest me..."

My heart skipped a beat. 'She's afraid of me, and she doesn't like me, but she is still the nicest anyone's ever been to me. The only one who didn't want me to die.' I moved my lips back to my bite. "You have no idea how hard I'm fighting to resist you... Maybe... Just, one moment of weakness...?"

She didn't move, subconsciously allowing me to open my mouth, and fit my teeth into my bite mark. She inhaled as I bit down, piercing her skin a second time, and blood started to flow out into my mouth. "Ah!" I kept my mouth on her neck, letting it fill with her blood. 'This feels so much better now that she let me do this to her! Her blood is so good!' I thought as I kissed her neck, not letting a single drop go to waste. I licked my mouth clean and brought my eyes to meet hers.

"Why did you let me do that to you?" She hesitated. "I... Don't know..." I smiled. "Is it because there's a slight possibility that you might maybe sort of like me?" She quickly got annoyed. "Of course not!!" I hugged her, pressing her up to my chest. She blushed as I expected. "You are delicious by the way." She raised an eyebrow. "Gross."

I rested my chin on her head. "It's a compliment." She sighed. "Are you ever going to let me go?" I smiled again. "The warden will have to pry you from my cold dead hands." She struggled again. "Oh come on Kip! Let me go!" My heart skipped a beat again hearing her call me by my name. "Oh, Liza." I grabbed her waist and pushed her down on the bed as I climbed on top of her. "You're not leaving my side tonight. I won't let you." She groaned. "This is why I don't like you!!!"