Chapter 10: Malfunction

I meant what I said. I didn't let her go the whole day. She eventually gave up trying to escape after a few hours, and just put up with my constant need for attention from her until nighttime. We were both lying on my bed, and I had my arms around her, holding her back tight to my chest. After a while of silence, she mumbled. "Can you stop spooning me? Your grip is getting tighter by the minute."

I realized she was right and loosened my arms a little. "I can't help it. I don't want you getting away from me." She didn't answer me and I noticed that her skin was glossy from sweat. I waited until silence re-entered the room to speak. "Take off your sweater. You're burning up."

She crossed her arms. "No." I tightened my grip again. "Why? You're wearing a dress under it so I won't see anything." She moved her hands to my arms attempting to loosen them. "Still." I started to get annoyed. "You're just trying to piss me off, aren't you? I want to see my bite. It's annoying when you hide it from me." She snapped back. "Why? What are you, a vampire?!" I sighed. "I like seeing it because it reminds me that you're mine, and not to hurt you." She was silent and her anger went away for a moment. "...Not to hurt me?"

I realized how horrible that sounded but it was too late to take it back. "...I like hurting people. I can get really crazy at times, like when I first bit you. It normally feels good to cause someone pain, but I didn't like causing you pain. So when I see that bite it reminds me to be gentler with you so I don't feel that way again." She relaxed and I loosened my grip. I let go of her waist as she sat up and pulled her sweater over her head.

As it lifted off of her, I could see that the dress was a thin, soft material held up by small straps, and a v-neckline. I pulled her back down next to me, but this time, I faced her towards me. I looked at her realizing that this was the first time I'd seen this much of her upper body. I've never seen her chest. Her breasts were perfectly round, and the crease between them was turning me on so badly. I pulled her closer to me, and her body fit with mine like a puzzle piece. Her breasts pressed up against me and I closed my eyes. She realized what I was doing and hit me. "You're such a perv!!"

I opened my eyes again and ran my fingers along my bite on her neck. "...When was the last time you had sex?" She blushed and hit me repeatedly until I grabbed her arms. "You're disgusting!! Is that the only thing you ever think about??!!" I looked into her eyes. "No. You're the only thing I ever think about."

She stopped struggling, surprised, but then glared at me. "Why do you want to know?" I smiled. "I was just wondering since you're always so fidgety on the subject. Also because you're on edge and stressed most of the time. Someone having sex regularly rarely acts that way. So I thought you needed some." She pushed me away and sat up angry. "I'm not on edge or stressed!! And I definitely don't 'need some!!' Many virgins my age are fine and happy about-!"

She cut herself off and my eyes widened. I sat up next to her, and my mouth dropped. She covered her mouth and I stared at her trying to find my words. 'That makes her ten times hotter now that I know that no one has been inside her! But how is that possible?! She's so pretty!' I thought. "...How... Are you not dead?" She uncovered her mouth and punched me in the shoulder. "Shut up!! It's normal! With the job I have, I'm lucky I've dated at all!" I looked at her blankly.

"When I said you needed some, that was an extreme understatement." She crossed her arms and turned away from me. "Whatever criminal." I then pulled her towards me and kissed her passionately. She was about to push me away, but then she got lost in my kiss.

I ran my hands up her back and into her long dark red hair and pushed her back down on the bed as I hovered over her, feeling every part of her mouth with my tongue. I pulled away slowly, kissing her once more before speaking. "Tell me you don't want me." She looked at me, her expression a mix of confusion and lust. I kissed her again and brushed my cheek against hers. "Tell me you don't want me, or I won't stop. I'll continue to kiss you, take off everything you're wearing, and fuck you all night. So tell me no."

I couldn't believe that she hesitated. My heart raced as the few seconds it took for her to answer me seemed like an eternity. "...No..." I exhaled and fell beside her. 'Thank god. I don't know what I would've done if she said yes.' I wrapped my arm around her and closed my eyes. She was so warm next to me that I couldn't help being so comfortable. My desire to sleep grew too much to fight back, and I gave in.


I woke up in the morning, and the room was very dim. Kip's arm was around me, and he was sleeping peacefully. 'He looks so calm when he sleeps. He doesn't look like the man who would kill for fun. I can't believe the things I let him get away with.' I realized how long I'd been here, and moved his arm carefully to avoid waking him. 'I must've fallen asleep in his arms. I don't know why I didn't try to escape after he fell asleep. Nor do I know why I keep coming back here to him.'

I put my sweater back on and slowly walked to the door. I scanned my key card and the door unlocked. I covered my mouth. 'Oh no. Did the sound wake him?' I slowly turned around and saw that Kip was still fast asleep. I exhaled in relief and opened the door to leave.

I was glad that the door automatically locked as soon as it was closed, so I could run away after it made the sound. I slowed down after I reached the end of the hall and sighed in relief. 'What is wrong with me? I can't believe I spent the night with a cannibal.' As soon as I was down the hall enough, I started to think about what Kip said. 'All of those horrible things that Kip said the warden did to him. We're they true? I think I should know by now that I shouldn't trust Kip with anything he says. But I can't help but wonder. I need to find out the truth. But if I say anything to the warden, he will know that Kip told me, and do something horrible to him.'

I turned in the hallway heading to the security room. 'Maybe I can see something on the security camera footage.' I scanned my card and the door opened. But to my surprise, the warden was already there. He and some other guards had opened a control panel and seemed to be doing some maintenance. I swallowed hoping he didn't see me and backed up attempting to leave.

I was about to close the door when the warden saw me. "Dr. Red? You are here early." I tried to act casual. "Yeah, I uh, my clock was way off." He gave me a blank look. 'Really?? My clock was off?? What kind of excuse is that?!' I thought as I turned to leave. The warden then called for me, making me freeze. "Did you need something in here?"