Chapter 23: Sex

I moved up to kiss her lips again and took off my pants, immediately pressing myself up against her body as soon as they were off. I couldn't believe that she was letting me be so close to her. I kissed her deeply and bit her lip. She moaned and I kissed along her cheek into the curve of her neck where the bite marks I had left on her were almost gone. I fit my teeth into the leftover indents that were fading.

The feeling of her bare body being pressed up against mine with her breasts moving into my chest was turning me on so badly. I bit down my teeth into her throat and her amazing blood filled my mouth. She moaned and I licked her neck, wanting more of her incredible taste. 'She's finally mine!' I pulled away smiling and wrapped her legs around my waist, pushing my hips to hers.

My size was definitely larger than average, and I could tell that she was nervous. I pressed my thumb to her bottom lip and smiled evilly at her. "Don't worry. You're so soft it'll slide right in." I moved my hand to her ass before she could answer and pushed my dick inside her quickly. "Ah-!" She trembled and I couldn't help but let out a moan as well.

I haven't felt this way in too long. I started to shake as the demon inside me took over my entire body. I leaned over her and kissed her lips as I started to move. I made my hands rest on the bed on either side of her and she moved hers to hold my arms. I felt so good moving in and out of her that I automatically sped up.

She let small noises escape through her breaths, and I pulled out of her kiss enough to speak. "I'm deciding the pace." She blinked slowly, her breaths short and lustful. "...Oh-okay." She was being too cooperative for her own good. I sped up more and kissed her neck. I liked it rough and hard, though not having to force her to do anything was so unusual for me.

I pushed myself back up so I could go even faster. I couldn't stop smiling at how good it felt to finally have my desire for her being satisfied. Her soft and velvet insides rubbing so fast and tight against me made my heart quicken and my breath growl. She was moaning now and she gripped my arms tightly. I loved seeing her enjoy me so much. She was so pretty and I didn't want this to end.

She felt so good with every movement I made, I thought I was going to cum immediately. My breaths became shorter as I continued to push myself further inside of her. It felt amazing to have her want me back, I never thought it was possible for sex to feel better than it already did. 'I never imagined that someone would actually want me. I made my peace with the fact that no one would ever willingly like or want to be with me. But I'm here now, with her...'

My thoughts were clouded out of my mind and replaced by the feeling of pleasure. "Oh... I love you so much..." I bit my lip and closed my eyes to the feeling of her body intertwining with mine, and hearing her loud breaths as we fell deeper in pleasure. I slowed down and took it out to grab her waist and turn her around quickly. I pulled her ass to align with my hips and pushed inside again. I moved fast and Liza moaned as I could feel her orgasms hit my dick. "Ah...!" She bit her lip. This position felt different but just as good.

I kept my hands on her ass, so I could push deeper but that only made it harder not to scream. I only spoke softly through my breath as I held back my thundering moans. "...Oh god... You feel so good...!" She moaned in response and I could feel the heat starting to rise. I was almost there and my heart was beating out of my chest. I went faster and let my breathing get louder as I smiled again at how good it felt to be inside of her.

She called my name and I continued to go faster. A sensation fell over me and I was there. I couldn't stop and my entire body was filled with an amazing feeling of gold that was so bright and hot to take. Suddenly, I released and filled her with my cum. Everything became wet and some of my semen fell out onto the sheets as I pulled out. I could only think about how I loved that feeling.

She trembled and I stopped, collapsing over her, holding myself up enough so I wouldn't hurt her. I kissed her neck and pulled her chin around with my hand so my lips would meet hers. Sweat was dripping down my back and behind her neck. I kissed her over and over as I turned her body around to face me. Even after I was done I continued to feel good as I kissed her, and held her tight to me.

I was still smiling and the insanity in my mind wasn't going away. 'I'm satisfied now, but I'm not going to be in a few minutes. Little does she know that I'm not letting her leave my side until I convince myself that she is finally mine!' I wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled my face in the curve of her neck. "Feel good?" She caught her breath. "... Y-Yeah." I held her tighter and closed my eyes.

I was tired from moving so much and I could tell that she was too. 'I haven't done that in a while.' I thought as I moved off of her, keeping my face in her neck. 'Even when she's sweaty, she still smells amazing.' Her breathing became softer as we rested, and when I pulled up I saw that she had closed her eyes to sleep soundly. I smiled softly seeing her sleep. 'She's so cute. I guess I can wait until she wakes up to do this again.'

I pulled the covers over us and lay comfortably beside her as she wrapped her arm around me in her sleep. I was still having trouble believing that she loved me, but I didn't want to doubt it. I closed my eyes again and rested for a while until I felt Liza leave my grip. I awoke not knowing how long we slept, but I didn't care and only wanted more of her touch. I sat up and she was still next to me doing the same and rubbing her eyes.

I smiled at her and she blushed as our eyes met. I got closer and kissed her before she could say anything. "Did you sleep well?" I couldn't find it in me to stop smiling. 'What is wrong with me? Yikes, don't answer that question.' She smiled a little and avoided my gaze. "Yes." Just as she was about to get out of bed I grabbed her arm and pulled her back into my lap. "Wha-?! What are you doing?!" I held the back of her neck with my hand and pressed her back to me with the other. "Don't go. I need more of you. Let's have sex again."