Chapter 24: Life



His warm hands grasped the back of my neck and waist making my heart beat out of my chest. I could feel him pressed against me as he held me in his lap. 'Again? I don't know if I can handle it again! For someone who hasn't had this in a while, he is still amazing at sex. Though I shouldn't be surprised. He's all muscle and the biggest perv I've ever met. I'm sure he's like that for a reason.' I blushed again as he started to kiss my neck.

I shivered to his lips grasping at my pulse behind the bite marks he gave me. I could feel them curve into a smile as he pushed me down on the bed underneath him. 'I guess we could do this again... Since when did I start having a thing for criminals?!' I asked myself even though I already knew the answer. Ever since I kissed Kip for the first time. 'There's just something about this crazy cannibal I love so much. My life's never going to be the same after this.'

He kissed my neck again and slid his fingers into my clit with no hesitation. I jolted in surprise and he held me down harder, moving to kiss my lips. He then took his hand away and grabbed my waist, turning me around on my hands and knees. He climbed on top of me pressing his body to my back and intertwined his fingers with mine. 'We've been in this position before.'

I blushed, expecting him to say a sarcastic remark about how he has me now, but he didn't say anything. And instead, entered me for the second time. "Ah...!" He started to move and I shook at how hard he was pushing into me. 'Romance is out of the question when it comes to this. He likes it fast, but that doesn't bother me. It's still so good.' I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming.

'I was so dumb to think that when he finally had me he would stop at just the one. I should know that he doesn't take anything for granted.' He kept going faster and I couldn't help but cum. He quickly changed positions, turning me around again and raising my leg to his shoulder. It didn't look like he was breaking a sweat.

'How does someone have so much energy?!' He opened my legs more so that he could go even deeper. I let him do what he wanted to me. The old me would have never done that. But he feels so good that the old me is hundreds of miles away. I breathed heavily and my body shook with pleasure. I managed to speak through my moans. "D-Don't stop... Right there...!"

He went faster, and I could hear his breathing grow louder and his moans grew deeper. 'He's an animal... I'm shaking everywhere. I think I'm going to pass out!' Kip's smile was so evil. He hung his head down, breathing and moaning through his smile as his dark hair swayed over his face, dripping with sweat. He held my leg to his shoulder tightly and moved his other hand to grab my breast. I moaned as he did and another orgasm came out of me immediately.

'He's going to take every last drop of cum in my body before he's done!' My body was desperately in love with his. His build and the way it moved with mine killed me. His god-like features mesmerized me and his moans made me tremble. He was a demon consuming me. He was a rough monster who loved to dominate whoever he saw, but despite that, he was never selfish.

I looked towards his hand repeatedly grabbing my breast and moved my eyes up his arm at the smoking hot tattoos covering every inch of it until they ended on his pecs. My heart was beating out of my chest and my breath became shorter. Kip's smile grew and he moved my leg down, grabbing the other and wrapping them around his waist. "Fuck." He then grabbed my hips causing him to go faster. I could tell that he was there.

I wanted it, I wanted his cum inside me. I moved in response to that thought, but he held me down strongly. "Ah, you feel too good...!" He closed his eyes and he suddenly released into me. The feeling made me moan and he leaned over me to kiss my lips. He left his cum covered cock inside me like he wasn't done making me scream. He then immediately slid his tongue into my mouth, seeking mine desperately.

Mine slid against his and he wrapped his arms around my waist starting to move again slowly. He released my mouth and kissed my neck softly as I caught my breath. "...H-How many more times are y-you going to do this to me?" He kept his face near my neck as he spoke. "As many times as I want. You're mine." I wasn't surprised by his answer, but it still made me uneasy. 'Just how many times does he want to? If this keeps going on like this, he's going to fuck me until I can't walk!' However, the thought didn't sound as horrible as I thought it would.

We did this over and over just having sex and resting when Kip got tired. But as soon as we got a long enough nap, he would jump me again. We hardly ever left the bed the whole day besides when Kip got me some more food to help keep my energy up. That night I was drifting off in Kip's arms in the dark room when a thought occurred to me. I was worried at first but the more I thought about it, the more I wondered what would happen. 'I'll ask him tomorrow. I hope he doesn't get upset.' My worry returned but I was too exhausted to think, so I fell asleep instead.

I woke up in the morning in Kip's arms like I was when I fell asleep. He was still sleeping soundly and I turned to face him. He was so cute when he slept. I didn't want to wake him but I was anxious to tell him what I realized last night. I tried to think of a nice way to wake him up but I didn't have any good ideas. 'What should I do?'

I looked down for a minute to think, but when I looked up again I saw that his eyes were already open and looking at me. It startled me a little, and Kip smiled at my surprise. I tried to shake it off by saying something. "U-Um good morning." He didn't answer me and instead, pulled me in for a kiss.

He then pushed me under him and kissed me deeper. "Mm!" I quickly pushed him back by his shoulders. "W-Wait! Didn't you get enough yesterday?!" He smiled again. "I can never get enough of you." He was going to kiss me again but I continued to hold him back.

"Wait, I need to talk to you first." He raised an eyebrow then his expression fell bored. "What about?" I sat up but he only wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face against my stomach, using my lap as a pillow. 'I should've known that I can't have a regular conversation with him.' I sighed and let him stay there. "Um, we did a lot yesterday... What if- What if I get pregnant?"
