Chapter 25: Mystery

I did do a lot and came inside her so many times I lost track. But the thought of her getting pregnant never crossed my mind. I smiled and kissed her stomach. "If you are, then that messed up motherfucker is going to be so loved." She gave me a surprised look. It was obvious that she didn't expect me to say that, but there was no way I would be mad about something I got myself into.

"I'll let you rest today if you want." I forced myself to say that even though all I wanted to do right now was take her naked body and force myself inside it. She lay back on the pillows against the headboard in relief. "You, would really have a baby with me?" I let go of her and pushed myself up to kiss her. She kissed back slowly until I released her lips. "Sure. But if you don't want one I can cut it out for ya."

She gasped and covered her mouth in surprise. "U-Uh! N-No thanks! I want one! I-I just never thought it would happen so soon..." I sat up and took my clothes off the floor. "Good. That process is messy, and you're the one person I don't want to open up." I got off the bed and held my clothes in one arm as I walked to the door. I didn't bother changing since I was on my way to shower.

I worked up a lot of sweat yesterday and I didn't want to take the bathroom in my room so Liza could shower too. I felt Liza's eyes on me and turned my head as I opened the door. "I'm going to shower. I'll be back with some more food." She nodded and I left the room. Later after we both got clean and ate, Liza made me let her explore the mansion.

I didn't want to but I still followed her just in case something happened. We were walking down a hallway on the third floor when I started to get annoyed. "I thought you were going to rest today. If you have energy I want to use it for something useful, like moving really fast against a headboard." She sighed. "Stop being so gross. There is more to life than sex you know."

I blinked. "Like what?" She rolled her eyes. "Ugh, never mind. I just wanted to get to know the place I'm going to be staying in for a while." I didn't say anything and just looked at her. 'I guess that makes sense. But I would rather force her up against a wall and bite her again.' My body shivered slightly as I thought that.

Then Liza sighed, continuing to look ahead. "I'm just glad that the nightmare's over and we are safe now." That reminded me. 'Oh yeah, this probably isn't the best time to bring this up but,' I rubbed the back of my head with my palm. "About that... Didn't you say that the warden had a key card?" She stopped walking and turned to me surprised.

"Y-Yeah, but, he's dead, isn't he? I thought you killed him." I crossed my arms. 'I wish. I guess she didn't know how it turned out either.' I could tell on her face that she was getting nervous. But that wasn't any excuse to lie to her. "No. Another prisoner stopped me and after I saved you he disappeared." She was stunned. She looked away slowly. "Do, you think he followed us? That can't be. If you didn't kill him, he must have died to the wave of prisoners that came after we left."

I shrugged. "You're probably right." I was disappointed at how possible her guess was. 'I wanted to kill him. But I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Lucky bastards.' After reassuring herself Liza continued to explore the mansion. I followed and by the time she was done, it was late afternoon. The more I thought about how the warden disappeared the more anxious I got. I knew that even though he was a jackass, he was still the toughest guy I've ever met.

There's no way a broken jaw, arm, and fist would stop him from escaping. Though, if he did try to find me, he would have to take care of the injuries first in order for him to have a sliver of a chance of killing me. That reminded me. 'Am I going to start killing again? I used to hate all humans because all of my experiences with them were horrible. But now that I have Liza, I don't feel a need to eat anymore.' This was the most confusing thought I have ever had.

'Also, if I get caught again committing a crime, I'll end up back where I started. Back in a lifeless cement box, doomed to a life without freedom. And I would never see Liza again.' That thought shook me to my very core. I looked ahead at Liza walking a few feet in front of me. I then immediately wrapped my arms around her, making her stop. "H-Hey! What now?!" I snuggled my face into her long red hair. 'How can someone smell so good?!'

I tightened my grip around her. "...I will always protect you." She went silent in shock. It was a very random thing to say, but I wanted her to know that. "I will always be there for you. And I will always love you with all my heart." She let out a small gasp and I let her go to see why she did. She was looking back at me with a stunned expression.

"What?" She raised an eyebrow. "Do you know what you just did?" I stared at her blankly until she answered herself. "You were being... Romantic!" I blinked. 'Really? That is what romance is?' She smiled a little and blushed turning towards me. "And... You're good at it too..." She then wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

'I really need to get used to being kissed first. I can feel my cheeks turning red.' She pulled away with her arms still around me. "If you say more stuff like that, here's a tip. Nothing turns a girl on more than that..." My eyes widened. 'I need a dictionary on all this romantic shit 'cause I'm convinced.'

Later that night after we went to bed I woke up with another sleep paralysis episode. I haven't had one in a long time. Nothing had happened so far but the suspense was killing me. At least Liza was next to me in between my arm and body. I wanted to go to sleep so bad but my brain wouldn't let me. Suddenly, I saw something outside the door at the bottom of the bed. Eyes. My heart started to beat rapidly. 'I'm not afraid of it. But I've always been alone when I had sleep paralysis. What if it does something to Liza?'

It slowly came closer into the room. It was dark so I could only see the silhouette of a man. In his hand, there was a knife. He had a limp and dragged one foot across the floor as he came closer. His eyes moved from me to Liza. At that moment, my heart sank into my stomach and the pounding of it echoed like the banging of a gong in my head. 'No...! I have to move...! Don't make me watch this!'