Bossy Player Agent Huang Yulan, Pt. 2

On the bustling main street at the bottom of the Mo Tian Consult Tower, the sound of Huang Yulan's voice was drowned out by a cacophony of countless inextricable noises.

Huang Yulan was a striking young woman in her late twenties, radiating a sense of confidence, determination and dominance. Standing at a below-average height, she was about one head shorter than Chang-Min or Ji Yuan. Still, her posture was impeccable, reflecting the discipline she was bringing to both her personal and professional life, which in turn translated into her figure. Her well-toned body was a testament to her dedication to fitness and self-discipline.

Huang Yulan's deep almond-shaped eyes were the color of warm honey, framed by long, dark eyelashes that accentuated their intensity. They held a glint of ambition and intelligence, revealing her sharp business acumen and strategic thinking, while conveying a sense of fierce determination. Her jet-black straight hair was effortlessly tucked behind her ears, a subtle detail demonstrating confidence and focus.

While talking to Ji Yuan, her eyes started to glow with an intense fire, displaying a steely resolve.

She then started to press her lips into a firm line after every word she said while coming closer in Ji Yuan's direction pointing her slim index finger at his chest, a gesture that despite her short appearance did not fail to scare Ji Yuan. He immediately took a step backwards and bumped into a middle aged woman who almost tumbled for a short second before finding her balance again. While she avoided tripping over, she lost some things from a grocery bag she carried. Watching this continuous disaster unfold, Chang-Min rolled his eyes, while Ji Yuan had his hands on his cheeks and his mouth wide open, looking completely petrified.

"I am sorry about these two, Misses." Chang-Min said to the lady with a composed demeanour before turning around to Ji Yuan, "Don't just stand there, help her collect her things.."

Right as Chang-Min said that Ji Yuan unfroze and got on the ground, helping the lady pick up her things.

Huang Yulan who was now standing alone with Chang-Min suddenly appeared much calmer, having an intrigued look in her eyes: "I have seen you before, you are Wicha, right?"

"Yes, that is what they call me. You can also call me Chang-Min. How come you know who I am, are you watching my streams?"

"No", Huang Yulan answered amused. "I'm not watching them"

"Then your boyfriend is?" Chang-Min was still wondering.

"My boyfriend?" Huang Yulan looked at him in disbelief. "I am married to my work, I would never waste my time on men."

"Then how come you know me?" Chang-Min asked.

"I will tell you inside" Huang Yulan was pointing to the glass door of the lobby.

Chang-Min and Huang Yulan went inside, the glass door opened automatically with a soft swoosh sound. The seven feet tall doorman, who seemed to know Huang Yulan nodded briefly.

Chang-Min could hear Ji Yuan behind them, "Wait! Wait for me. Hey!" but he paid no attention.

"Many of my clients told me, you were their role model," Huang Yulan said on their way through the lobby to the elevator. "And I am not new to the EoE scene either, I can remember watching you play on Xcentric's roster. They were calling you the talent of a century back then. The one in a billion."

They entered a sleek and modern elevator with nobody else inside it except them. Standing narrowly together, Huang Yulan was face to face with Chang-Min. With a firm voice, she told him, "But don't think you can fool me. I know all about what happened back then."

Chang-Min took off his sunglasses, revealing a challenging look in his empathy-lacking stare. He carefully bent his head to one side, while keeping eye contact with Huang Yulan, not blinking a single time. "What exactly do you know?"

Not expecting this reaction, Huang Yulan gulped, "I know what you have done back then, the betting scandal, match-fixing, boosting" she said triumphant. "You have done quite a lot of things in your short career."

This made Chang-Min lose his composure, he got closer to Huang Yulan, so she could feel his breath on her skin. He put his hand on the elevator wall right next to Huang Yulan's head, pinning her to the wall. "You know me so well" he whispered in a deep sarcastic voice emphasizing every single syllable, Huang Yulan seemed overwhelmed and turned her head to the side, before Chang-Min gently touched her balmy soft cheek and turned her face back in his direction "Everybody thinks they know me so well."

Chang-Min was interrupted by the elevator stopping in the tenth floor. When the door opened, Huang Yulan was breathing heavily and rearranged her business suite. The people entering the elevator who saw that could not suppress their giggling, and Huang Yulan started to blush.

Chang-Min and Huang Yulan did not exchange a single word until they arrived in the 21st floor, they did not even look at each other.

The 21st floor was home to Huang Yulan's office, the entire floor was only dedicated to esports affairs. As Chang-Min and Huang Yulan stepped inside they were greeted by a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary design elements representing the openness of Mo Tian Consult to use its vast experience and influence from the past to conquer new markets in the video game entertainment industry. The office walls were featuring ornate calligraphy and tasteful artwork, gracefully juxtaposed by the workspaces equipped with state-of-the-art technology and minimalist furnishing. The air was buzzing with focused energy as dedicated consultants, clad in stylish attire, engaged in dynamic discussions that they only interrupted to greet their boss, Huang Yulan when she walked past them.

Eventually, they arrived at Huang Yulan's room. She opened the massive oak-wood door, unveiling a fully wood-furnished room with a large desk and two heavy, spacious armchairs. The walls were decorated with Ming dynasty painting showing temple landscapes and flower blossom still life.

Now Chang-Min and Huang Yulan were alone again, the atmosphere between them still tense and sizzling. Chang-Min closed the door behind him. "I think you know why I am here." He paused for a while and took a seat. "My comeback to EoE 2."