"you ready to go?" Natalies bestfriend asks.
"yeah" Natalie grabs her luggage "let's go"
They drag their luggage downstairs and puts it in the cab waiting for them and gets in and it drives off.
"I can't wait to get to miami, these two weeks about to be the best" Layla says.
"I can't wait either"
The driver arrives at the Airport about 15 minutes later and they get out grabbing their luggage then pays. They walk off inside and waits for their plane.
(Ima skip cause this is irrelevant)
"Did you see that cute guy you were sitting next to on the plane?" Layla asks as they leave the MIA airport.
"Yeah, we actually talked for a few minutes, his name was adam"
"Well adam is fine" Layla says with a laugh.
"Yeah he was, i'm hoping there's some fine ass boys out here"
"Layla and Natalie!" Their friend britt waves at them and runs up to them hugging them "it's been way too long"
"hey boo" Layla hugs britt.
"Finally you guys arrived, let's get going cause we already have plans" She grabs some of the suitcases putting them into the trunk.
"what plans?" layla asks as they all get into the car.
"We're going to a pool party ladies" She says with a smile.
"I hope there's some fine ass men and ladies there" Layla says with a laugh.
About 27 minutes later Britt arrives to her house and they step out grabbing their luggage.
"well damn britt, you ain't let me know you was balling like this" Layla checks out the house.
"Nothing but money over here baby" Britt laughs.
They drag their stuff inside the house setting it down "okay so you guys can check out the house or i can show you guys"
"We can show ourselves around"
"Okay, i'm gonna go get ready" Britt walks off upstairs.
"This house is beautiful and we got an ocean view!" Layla runs outside checking it out.
"Let's go find our rooms" They run off inside and upstairs opening one of the doors and sees a boy laying down on a bed.
"May i help you ladies?"
"No sorry, we were just checking out the rooms" Layla replies.
"I'm guessing you both are britt's friends?"
"oh" he looks back to his phone.
Layla slowly closes the door "he's weird"
"But hot"
"Right" Layla laughs "next room"
They open the next door and a girl is laying down next to some boy.
"oops sorry" They close the door back.
They finally find their rooms and starts finding bathing suits to wear. They pick out their outfits then waits downstairs in the living room.
"I forgot my roommates were home" Britt says "this is my friend titi and her boyfriend randy"
"It's nice to meet you both" Titi hugs them.
"Nice to meet you too"
"Hi ladies" Randy shakes their hands.
The other boy comes walking downstairs "and that's Aaron"
"And Aaron is ready to go" Aaron says as he grabs the car keys.
"Okay lets go"
Everyone follows Aaron outside to the cars and aaron gets into his car with titi and randy while natalie and layla gets into the car with britt and they drive off.
They arrive at a big house blasting loud music and lots of people inside and standing outside drinking and having a good time.
"Okay so here's the rules, don't get too drunk cause i remember you both used to be the only drunk ones"
"I don't get wasted anymore" Layla says with a laugh.
"Can't say the same for me"
"just stick to a limit of 3" They get out the car.
They walk off inside followed by everyone else "let me introduce you guys to someone"
Natalie & Layla follows Britt to some guy drinking and talking with people in the corner.
"Hey Jordan" She hugs him "guys this is Jordan and this is his party, he throws the best parties ever"
"It's nice to meet you, i'm natalie " Natalie shakes his hand.
"You too" He shakes layla's hand too "and what about you?"
"I'm layla" Layla smiles.
"It's nice to meet you too" He smiles and looks her up and down.
Britt clears her throat "Well let's go get some drinks"
"Grab me a drink nat, i'm gonna sit here and talk to Jordan"
"Okay" They walk off.
They walk into the kitchen pouring them some liquor and juice then chugging it.
"Miami is so beautiful compared to texas"
"Yeah, it's so nice over here" Britt sips her drink.
Natalie pours Layla a drink then walks over and hands it to her.
About 25 minutes later Natalie is dancing with layla and britt while drinking.
"let's get in the pool" Layla says as she removes her top.
They walk outside then gets undressed and hops into the water. They party for a while having drinks and playing around in the water and dancing.
About 2 hours later they get ready to leave.
"Come on Layla it's time to go" Natalie taps Layla tryna wake her up cause she's knocked out on the couch.
"i got this" Jordan picks her up carrying her outside. He puts her in the back of the car then closes the door.
"thank you" Natalie thanks him.
"No problem, i hope you had fun"
"I did"
He smiles then walks off inside and natalie and britt gets inside the car and she drives off.
They arrive home & Natalie and britt carries layla inside and up the stairs to her room laying her down.
"Thank you for helping me"
"No problem"
"Well i'm gonna go to bed" Natalie says.
"Okay goodnight"
"night" Natalie walks off to her room.
She gets in bed switching through facebook and instagram while watching TV.
"ugh, there's nothing to watch" She sets the remote down then leaves the room. She's on her way to the bathroom when she see's Aaron door cracked open. She looks inside to see him changing out of his clothes and just stands there and watches him. He strips down to his boxers and she can't help but to look down.
"Damn" She mouths.
Layla door opens and she walks out "Natalie, what are you looking at?"
"Shhh!" Natalie says covering Layla's mouth.
She looks back into his room and he was walking towards the door so she pushes layla back into her room and rushes in there closing and locking the door behind them. She hears Aaron door close and takes a deep breath in and out "You almost got me caught"
"Caught doing what?"
"Watching Aaron get changed" Natalie laughs.
"Damn, i wanted to see" Layla groans and holds her head "i feel like i got kicked in the head 5 times.
"Yeah you did drink a lot."
"Yes, Jordan had to drag you to the car"
"ooh my baby" she laughs.
"Layla you know i love you but you need to stop drinking so much"
"I know"
There's a knock on the door and Layla opens it and standing there is Aaron.
"I didn't get to introduce myself, I'm aaron" He holds his hand out.
"Hey i'm layla" She shakes his hand.
"I'm natalie"
"Well ladies do y'all wanna come hang with me?"
"Sure" Layla answers.
"Alright" They follow him to his room closing the door behind them.
"Nice room" Layla says.
"Thanks" He walks over grabbing the TV remote and turning it on to family guy.
He then walks over to his bed laying down "y'all can come sit"
Natalie & Layla walks over sitting down and he starts digging in his dresser and pulls out some weed. He starts crushing and rolling "do you girls smoke?"
"Good" He finishes rolling then lights it up and begins smoking "so where are you girls from?"
"We live in new york"
"oh that's nice, i used to live there when i was kid, ever since i've been living in Miami" He hands the blunt to Layla "you're gonna love it here"
"I already love it here" Layla says.
"They smoke 2 blunts and sits and talks for a while and watches family guy.
"Well i'm gonna go get some more rest" Layla stands "I'm still a little fucked up from the liquor" she giggles.
"Yeah you were pretty drunk" He laughs "it was nice talking to you too"
"you too" Layla smiles then walks out.
Aaron looks over to Natalie "you going to bed too?"
"I can't sleep yet"
"Oh okay" He looks her up and down "how long you and britt been friends for?"
"About 5 years"
"Oh that's cool" He digs in his dresser pulling out a bottle of hennessy "want some?" he drinks some.
"You have everything in here" Natalie laughs.
"I got a comfortable bed too if you wanna try it out" He smirks.
"Oh really?"
"yeah really" he sets the bottle down.
Natalie laughs "Nice try" She takes some more hits of the blunt.
Aaron laughs "How old are you?"
"I'm 19"
"oh, i'm 21"
"Really? You look younger."
"Thank you" He smiles "I get that a lot"
"Well it was Nice talking to you, i'm gonna try and get some rest too"
"Okay, later"
"Later" She walks out and to her room laying down and going to sleep.