
Chapter 2

The next morning Natalie wakes up grabbing her some clothes then washes up and once she's done she dries off and gets dressed. She brushes her teeth and does her hair and when she's finished she goes downstairs.

"Hey" She says to britt and Titi.

"hey" titi replies.

"Hey, i'm making breakfast for everyone that's awake" Britt says.

"Okay" Natalie walks into the living room sitting on the couch.

"So what are we doing today?" Titi asks.

"I don't know yet" Britt puts some food on 3 plates "There's lots of things we can do"

"I'm tryna meet some boys so let's go out to the club" Natalie says.

"Me too" Britt laughs "it's been lonely"


Britt walks over hanging Natalie & Titi some food then grabs her plate and they begin to eat. A few minutes later Randy comes walking downstairs "something smells good"

"I only made food for us 3 cause nobody else was up"

"Damn" He walks over to Titi "baby let me get some"

"You can make you some food"

"Wow, you really gonna do me like that?"

"Yeah" she smiles and begins eating her food again.

"I'll just order some then" he pushes her in the head.

"I'm just playing, here" she hands him her plate.

Aaron comes walking downstairs "hey everyone"

"hey" They reply.

He walks and sits down next to Natalie "Yo last night was Lit"

"It was, I had fun" Britt says.

"Next time we need to plan a pool party"

"We should throw one saturday" Randy says.

"Yeah we can"

They finish eating their food then washes the plates.

"Well i'm gonna go take a shower" Titi stands and walks off upstairs.

"Babe, wait up!" Randy runs off after her.

"oh yeah aaron, we're planning on going out later to the club"

"I'm down but i'm gonna go play ball at the park real quick" He stands and walks off upstairs.

A few minutes later he comes back down with a white t shirt and some grey sweat shorts on.

"I'll be back"


Aaron leaves "I'm gonna go get my hair and nails done before we go out tonight, wanna come?"

"Sure, let me wake Layla up" Natalie rushes off upstairs and to Layla's room shaking her "layla"

"what" layla groans as she turns around in bed.

"Me and britt about to go out and eat our hair and nails done"

"Ugh i'm still tired"

"We're going shopping too"

Layla opens her eyes "shopping?"

"I knew that was gonna wake you up" Natalie laughs.

"that's all you had to tell me" she sits up in bed and stretches "get ready"

Natalie walks off to her room and changes into a grey dress and some white sandals then throws her hair into a ponytail then leaves the room. She walks downstairs and waits for britt and Layla and they come downstairs after a while.

"Let's go" Britt grabs her keys off of the countertop and they leave.


"So layla, I had a talk with Jordan and he wants to take you out sometime" Britt says as she gets her nails done.

"Give him my number and i most definitely will go out with him, he's fine as fuck"

"And got a big dick, don't ask me how i know" Britt laughs.

"how do you know?" Natalie asks.

"Did you sleep with him? I don't wanna mess with him if you did"

"No, I used to have a friend who did and she showed me a pic"

"Well" Layla sips her drink "I guess i got lucky"

They laugh "Don't worry Natalie, we're gonna find you someone"

"She already found someone, Aaron" Layla snickers.

"Don't say that"

"You like aaron?" Britt asks.

"No i don't"

"yes she does"

"No i don't, i don't like anyone"

"Oh cause i was about to say i could hook y'all up"

"Hook them up"

"Layla shutup before i punch you in the face"

"okay i'll stop"

"Well me and you can go on a search for some boys" britt says to natalie "i need some dick in my life"

"Okay" Natalie laughs.


Later on around 8:35pm Everyone starts getting ready for the club.

This is Natalies outfit

Once they're all done getting ready they leave getting into the car and drives off. They arrive at the club and waits on line.

"You're looking pretty hot tonight" Aaron whispers to Natalie.

"Thank you" She smiles.

"Anytime" He smiles.

They get to the front of the line showing their ID's (some fake ID's 😂) then walks inside.

"Everyone has to take a drink right now" Britt says as They walk to the bar.

"Can i have 6 shots of Hennessy?" Britt asks.

"coming up" He quickly pours 6 shots sliding them to her and she pays "thank you"

They all grab a shot "cheers to lots of fun and living it up in miami" They clink their glasses then chugs their drinks.

They all walk onto the dance floor and begins dancing with each other. They dance for about 15 minutes "i'm gonna get me another drink" Natalie says.


Natalie walks up to the bar and sits "excuse me"


"Can i have 2 shots of patron?"

"coming right up"

Natalie waits as he pours the shots "Can i buy you a drink?" She turns to see some tall guy with black hair and blue eyes and a beard.

"Thank you but i already bought me some drinks" She grabs the 2 shots of patron.

"Damn, well can i buy you your next drink?" He chuckles.

"Sure" She smiles.

"I'm Tyler"

"I'm Natalie"

"Well it's lovely to meet you Natalie" he grabs her hand kissing it.

"ooh, What a gentleman" She laughs.

"I'm a gentleman as long as you need me to be but if you like it rough i can help you with that" He smirks.

"I like that" Natalie takes both her shots.

"You wanna dance?"

"Sure" She stands and follows him onto the dance floor and they begin dancing.

"I've never seen you here before, you live around here?"

"No i live in new york, i'm here for two weeks to have some fun"

"Well i'd love to keep you company while you're over here" He smiles.

"Give me your number"

He stops dancing with her and grabs her phone entering his number. Natalie looks over to Aaron who is watching her then quickly looks away.

"Okay well i'm gonna text you, it was nice talking to you but i'm gonna join my friends now"

"It was nice meeting you too"

Natalie walks off and towards Aaron "hey"

"hey, having fun?"


"Somewhat? It seems like you were"

"I was a little bit, why aren't you?"

"No girl here really catches my eye"


"but you"

Natalie smiles "Aw stop it"

"I'm serious" He leans in a little closer.

"Thank you"

"No problem" He smiles.


They arrive home around 2 in the morning and everyone gets changed.

"I'm about to go knock, my feet are killing me" Layla says and stands "goodnight everyone"

"goodnight" Layla walks off upstairs.

"No kidding, i'm going to sleep in a few too" Titi takes her hair out of the ponytail.

"Yeah well i'm gonna go to bed too, goodnight" Natalie stands.

"Goodnight" Everyone replies except Aaron.

"goodnight" he replies last looking her up and down.

She walks off upstairs using the bathroom first then walks to her room and lays down. She closes her eyes and slowly falls asleep.


Natalie wakes up around 4:37am then goes to the bathroom using it then washes her hands and leaves. She hears the TV on downstairs walking downstairs to see Britt only up watching tv.

"What are you still doing up?" Natalie sits down next to her.

"I was gonna go to sleep in a few minutes" She shuts the TV off "Did you have fun tonight?"


"I know you did, i saw that fine ass man talking to you"

"I got his number too"

"Are you planning on meeting up with him?"

"I don't know yet, maybe"

"If not give me his number" Britt laughs "I'm gonna go to bed though"


They walk off upstairs and Britt walks into her room and just as Natalies about to go into her room Aaron opens his door.

"Nat, can i talk to you real quick?"

"Sure" she walks into his room and he closes the door behind her.

"what's up?"

"I've been wanting to do this all night" He grabs around her waist pulling her close and leans in kissing her. Instead of pulling away she grabs around his neck pulling him in closer and sticking her tongue into his mouth. He starts sucking and kissing on her neck as she lets out a soft moan. He then picks her up carrying her over to the bed and laying her down then removes her clothes leaving her in her bra and panties. He starts kissing down her body then gets down to her panties sliding them down. He grabs under her legs and begins eating her out and sucking on her clit.

"Fuck" she moans and grabs his hair pushing his face in further.

He continues this for a while "Keep going, i'm about to cum" she moans.

He stops what he's doing and strips down naked then gets on top of her.

"You sure you wanna do this?" He asks.


Just as he's about to slide inside her An alarm rings and Natalie wakes up.

"fuck" Natalie stops the alarm "just when it got good"