Great Responsibility

Anna sees her two friends split up because they fight over a letter. Cole returned to class, while Bucky answered a call from someone.

"Buck, please apologize to Cole. I don't want you to fight over the issue of the letter we just saw, it's just an ordinary letter. Maybe the letter is decades old."

Bucky didn't answer Anna's words and was still busy talking to someone. Bucky who was silent saw Anna's red eyes that had been crying.

"Anna, are you crying? Are you upset with cole ? Or with me ?" Bucky stroked Anna's blush.

"Both of you ! Why don't you want to learn to care for your own friends, especially since I was familiar during elementary school." Anna held her bucky hand.

"Sorry, Anna. I didn't mean to disappoint you, but the name of anger is definitely easy to get out. I've been trying to fight that anger, it's just that I lack the faith to be able to fight it."

"Just fight buck, I also used to exaggerate anger. By learning to restrain anger... who used to be angry became calm."

Bucky was only silent for a moment, Anna immediately patted his shoulder to encourage him.

"I'm sure you can get past it, of the hundreds of properties you have, only one is against it. Make that quality as a protector and keep trying to avoid conflicts."

"Anna, thank you for supporting me. But, I'm not sure that Cole will meet me at this time, for now let us split up for a while. Don't see me right now, I'm sorry."

Bucky immediately left the hall and walked to class. Anna, who was stunned because no one wanted to meet her, even though she did not feel guilty. After that, Anna entered the classroom and met the quinny. Quinny was surprised when she saw Anna's red eyes made an impression.

"Anna, what's wrong with you? Why are your eyes red like this? Don't tell me that bucky is the one who made you like this, that guy is insolent. Just coming in has already caused a problem."

When Quinny wants to get out of class to look for Bucky, Anna holds her hand to forbid seeing her.

"Quinny, please. I don't want you to be the second victim, quinny... Don't go..."

Quinny looked at Anna's eyes that were traumatized by what she had experienced.

"I'm sorry, Anna. For once, I return your favor." Quinny's hand let go of Anna's hand and went out to meet Bucky.

Bucky, who was about to enter class, was suddenly greeted with a loud blow.

Who's that?

There were bucky eyes and quinny eyes staring at each other with a feeling of hatred.

Why did she do that?