Secrets Untold

When Bucky wants to enter the classroom, the class door opens loudly and hits his face.


One class was shocked by the sound of the impact. Then the students gather to find out the source of the sound, and see the bucky lying on the floor. Quinny, who was holding the door algae, immediately saw that it was bucky she had hit the door with.

"What ? Is there someone?" Quinny saw that there was bucky outside.

After seeing his friends, Quinny began to plan something she wanted to do.

"Oh, yeah, Buck... I heard you made Anna cry, huh ? You just became our new friend, but you already made Anna's heart hurt. What are you doing anyway? Can you show your concern for our friend Anna ??" Quinny immediately began to frantically fight against bucky.

Spontaneously one class glared at the sight of bucky and quinny. They didn't believe that Anna would be hurt by a new student.

"Wow, how impudent that new student is ..."

"How can Anna be insulted ? He has no feelings at all. Really dark as it looks !"

Bucky immediately saw a visual of his past where he was ridiculed by various people and immediately ran away and disappeared.

Stop it, stop it, please stop this nightmare!

"Quinny, what's happening out there?" Anna approached quinny.

"Ooh, Anna. It's nothing, just a cat passing by surprised me. Right, Courtney?"

"Really, Anna. Earlier I saw a cat passing by outside, Anna. If there was nothing, you'd better go inside so that no teacher would scold us."

Then, Anna and Quinny returned to their respective seats. Instantly Mr. Donald entered the classroom to teach Biology, then he realized that there were students who had not yet entered the class.

"Has anyone seen bucky ? It seems I didn't see it."

The atmosphere of the class became silent, their eyes staring at each of them. Anna, who didn't know what happened immediately, asked quinny.

"Quinny, what happened exactly? Where is Bucky?" Anna whispered while looking questioningly.

Quinny was confused whether she would answer the question.

Did I tell Anna if my bucky hit the door? That's his karma anyway, Why he hurt Anna.

Mr. Donal asked Courtney where Bucky went.

"I don't know, sir. The thing is that he fell and when he woke up he ran off somewhere."

Mr. Donald realized that Quinny's face was sweating. However, he did not care about it.

"All right, then let's continue our material. The matter of bucky, let me take care of it."

The lesson continued silently, no one talked to each other since the bucky incident.

After school, Bucky wants to take his bag and plans to escape immediately trapped in class by Mr. Donald.

"Where have you been, bucky? Your friends don't say anything about your situation." Mr. Donald immediately scolded Bucky.

"Sorry, sir. I am in trouble, I promise I will not repeat this incident."

"Alright then, if you'll excuse me."

When Mr. Donald was about to leave the classroom, a piece of paper fell and Bucky immediately took it.

"Hmm, what's this?"

When Bucky saw it, it was a picture of a high school alumni of 1982/1983.

He saw the face of Mr. Donald there being seen by a veiled woman.

"Are you alumni of this school ?"

"Ah, that ..."

"Mister, please explain all of this. What is happening?"

"Alright, I'll explain all of this ... So, I'm a high school alumni. I heard that there are 2 students who are children of alumni here. That's why I like to bring this photo, to ask if there are parents who are in high school here. "

After Mr. Donald explained everything, outside the classroom there was Quinny and Courtney who apparently heard the conversation between the two of them.

"Courtney, did you hear just now?"

"I heard that, quinny. I didn't expect that Mr. Donald was an alumni of this high school ..."

"What should we do?"

They both had absolutely no thought to explain the incident.

At Anna's house, Anna is waiting for the chat she sent to someone ...