Hide and Runaway

Courtney asked the black master who he contacted and found that he was his second-in-command, Frank.

Frank drives his green motocross while accompanied by his flagship Doberman dog.

"Do you have a dog? Since when ?" Black master asked Frank.

"Oh, he? I have had this dog for 3 years. His name is Hawkeye, cool right? Maybe it's a superhero clone, but his ability as a sniffer doesn't need to be doubted. Various thugs have been bitten by him." Said Frank.

"The thug was bitten? Hee..." said the black master.

Crazy kid, the dog bites thugs. How much is the hospital fee?

Frank asked why he was called, Evan answered.

"I ask you to find this child and bring him here."

"How come you're the one who told him? I am your boss, why are you the one who set? Weird." Black master pushed Evan's waist.

"Oh, yes. Sorry." Evan, sorry.

"Forget it, do you understand what he means?"

"Hmmm, this girl is cute, too. Does she already have one? Is she still single?" Frank asked the black master.

"She doesn't have a partner yet."

"Ooh, alright."

"Can you look for her now?"

"You betcha. Hawkeye, hurry and look for this girl." Frank ordered Hawkeye to look for Anna while riding a motorcycle.



Anna is walking towards the cottage to meet cole. But when he arrived at the promised place it was very quiet.

"Cole? Where are you? Cole..." Anna shouted to Cole.

Woof. Woof. Woof.

"Eh, there are dogs. Wow, you're so cute, where is your owner ?" Anna rubbed the dog's head.

Woof. Woof. Woof.

The dog barked loudly and Anna retreated in fear.

"Looks like you're a stray dog, should you go to the dog shelter or do you want to be caught by the police ?" Anna pointed at the dog.

How could the dog be caught by the police? They can't do a crime. Whether or not they are controlled like in the western movies, they are hypnotized. Hahahahaha, weird.

"Where are you going?" Ask someone.

Anna was surprised by the person's voice, her voice hoarse like an old man's.

Is there a pedophile?

"Sorry, my voice is hoarse. I'm coughing up influenza, cough... cough... Who do you want to find?." an old man asked Anna.

"Sorry, I'm looking for my friend. His name is Cole, brother, have you seen him or not?" Anna asked the old man.

"No. Sorry, it's better to leave before the adults roam here." The old man drove Anna from that place.

"Ooh, alright."

Anna left the place, while the black master and company watched from afar. Their plan was successful again.

Somewhere far away... Bucky had removed the tape in his mouth and ran to ask for reliable help: his mother.

I have to ask for your help, mom. It could be you want to help me, hah ... Hah ... Hah ...