Truth Hurts

Bucky ran toward his house in a pathetic condition, his face was pale and his cheek hurt.

His mother, who was hanging outside, was shocked by bucky condition.

Bucky immediately hugged his mother while crying, saying himself home.

"Mom... Mom... Can I confide with mom or not ?" Bucky hugged his mother tightly.

"Sure, you better take a shower first. This is why your cheek can be hurt like this? What happened actually ?" Mother brought bucky to the bathroom while looking for towels.

"I was held captive by someone."

"What ? Captured ??" His mother saw Bucky's red eyes.


Bucky was surprised that there were many injuries. He felt the blackmaster's injuries were quite severe, there were various injuries that had to be sewn and his mother took him to the nearest hospital.

"Mom, I'm fine. Don't need to get to the doctor too, I'm strong." Bucky assured him that he was still strong.

"Be strong, your head ! Look at this, there are a lot of wounds that have to be sewn and you say fine? I know you're lying, you don't need to be dramatic. The feelings that are easy to lie will be easy to reveal. Listen, you are a mother's child and you have to learn to control your emotions, you are a teenager. God only sees his creative feelings and tries to make them calm from distractions, so does God with you.

Bucky just kept quiet listening to his mother's lecture.

What you said is true, I can't hide my feelings in Anna.


Anna, who was walking towards her house, got a call from Cole.

"Hello, cole. What's wrong?"

"I heard you were going to the place I meant, is that true?"

"Right, why aren't you there ? I'm waiting for you and you didn't come."

"Sorry, there was business. Mr. Willy called me and I had to help him."

"Ooh, I see. Alright, I'd better go home first."

"Be careful on the way, Anna."

"Yeah, cole. Relax, I can take care of myself. Bye."

Anna hung up the phone and walked to her house. Cole, who turned out to be behind the tree, was watching Anna.

An, I know you are actually not strong. Since yesterday you have felt yourself guilty, what was wrong was actually bucky. I want to greet you instead of being ignored. Please hope that you can be happy again, I want to see your happy face.


Bucky, who was lying in the hospital, saw the news that the weather was raining heavily that night. Then bucky looked out the window and the weather changed from cloudy to rain.

How is Anna's condition ? I haven't talked to her in a long time.

His mother saw Bucky lying and called someone. He seemed to have a long conversation with the person, as if a close relative.

After calling, Bucky asked mom.

"Who are you calling after?"

"Same with my friend, it's been a long time, mom hasn't called her. Reportedly she wants to come here, wants to meet with mom. You know why with this friend, often see you again."

Hmm, who ?

Five minutes later, the door to the bucky room was knocked. Then, the nurse came in by telling them there was a visitor. Bucky was confused who was coming ... And it turned out to be Anna.

"Anna ?" Bucky was surprised.

"Hi, buck." Anna is shy about bucky.

After Anna lifted her head, she was shocked to see the battered condition of bucky.

"Gosh, what's wrong with you ?" Anna approached Bucky.

"Stop, stay away from me. Keep five steps away from me, you've seen enough. Don't come near me." Bucky forbade Anna to approach him.

"I just want to know..."

The atmosphere became tense...