Race For The Answer

Anna, bucky, and cole ran out to find answers to the letters received by their parents.

So, as the letter wrote... Is it known that there are two people whom you call friends ? Yeah, that's how it is. Asked who Chelsea was ? Who is Becky too ? And why does Dad seem to have a problem with these two girls...

When Anna ran to school, she stopped because there was a woman who was staring at the fence with a longing face.

Bucky ran to the room and was surprised that his mother was not there.

Where to ? When you come out, usually tell me first. What do you have to do with that ?

With a great sense, Bucky ran to school to tell Mrs. Kylie about the letter. However, when he arrived at school he saw Anna standing behind a tree.

"Anna ?" Greet bucky.

Anna who was surprised looked back and saw a bucky in front of her.

"Bucky ? What are you doing here ? And that's what paper you hold ?"

"I don't have time to explain, so this letter I hold has something to do with the letter we saw in the teacher's office."

"Oh yeah ? How can you conclude that the letter has something to do with the letter we see ?"


"So you two came too ?" A voice came behind them.

Apparently it's cold.

"Cole ?" Anna immediately hugged him.

"Apparently you came too. What business do you want?" Bucky was annoyed.

"Relax, Bucky. I came here because my mother thought she wanted to go to the hospital because her friend got abaran."


"It's like a psychiatric disorder."

"Ooh ..."

By the way ... What kind of alternative lifestyle does he do?


"Cole ? Please accompany me to the hospital... I want to visit my friend who got abaran."

What are you doing to the hospital ? Just make people bother.

"I want to return to my luxurious life..."

"Bye, don't overdo it, hurry."


When Cole arrived at the car, he was given a chocolate drink.

Suddenly, he felt sleepy ...

How come I'm sleepy ?


And he fell asleep, when he woke up he felt the bed was rough and the sound of birds chirping.

"Hmm ?"

Eh ? How can I be on a park bench ? And why is there the sound of birds chirping ?

And he saw Anna and Bucky there.


"What is the reason the three of us are meeting ?" Anna asked

"I don't know." Answer cole.

"Eh, isn't that Mr. Donald ?" Bucky pointed.

"Where ?" Anna said.

Wait, isn't that...

"What are you doing there, Mother ?" Said cole.

"How do I know?" Replied bucky.

They saw 3 adults gathering and staring at each other.