Sad, Romantic, Tragic

Anna, Bucky, and Cole saw three people who were staring at the school building feeling nostalgic. Then, the three of them tried to approach the three people, but Bucky forbade it because they wanted to know what the motives of the three people were.

"No, we don't know what they are doing there. We better wait until they move."

Suddenly Cecil came to the three of them and smiled as if they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"How do you know the three of them ? What's the relationship with them?" Asked cole.

"Hmm..." Bucky said.

"Ah, it's better for us to go along with them." Anna said while walking toward the three people.

"Don't, Anna. Later they know if we ..." Bucky said, forbidding.

Too late, Anna had approached the three people. And it turns out these three people are Brittany ( Bucky's Mother ), Arnold ( Anna's Father ), and Chelsea ( Cole's Mother ).

"Dad ? What are you doing here ? Shouldn't you and mom in Tokyo ?" Anna said in surprise.

Then, bucky and cole followed Anna's place and finally all their plans failed.

"Anna, I got word from your mother if you have a problem." Said her father.

"Son, I know that you are in trouble and I must intervene." The mother said bucky.

"Bucky, Mom wants to know why you are acting insulin to this friend of yours." The mother said cole.


"This is all my fault." Anna said.

Bucky and Cole turned to Anna.

"Anna..." Bucky said.

"You don't have to do this..." Cole said.

"I'm sorry, cole. Bucky, thank you for making me fight fear."

Bucky immediately remembered the words Anna meant.

You're welcome, Anna.

Anna told about the incident to the three parents in front of her. Starting from the call Mrs. Kylie until the three of them found a piece of paper containing the letter.

"Apparently, that's the story. You guys are experiencing the same thing as we experienced." Arnold said.

Anna, Bucky, and Cole are shocked by Anna's father's intentions.

The same incident ? Meaning they experienced the same thing as us ?

"I originally didn't want to tell this story after you talked about bucky. But, after seeing you want to solve this problem, it's time for me to tell an alternative story but the conditions are the same. It started 39 years ago ..."

( Flashback )

May 28, 1980.

Beginning the first semester as a high school kid, it feels very beautiful. Finally I was able to start learning what it was like to be a high school kid. I can not wait....

The boy was excited as he jumped up and down, until he did not realize that he was seen by the girl beside him. The girl chuckled at the boy's behavior.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were there." Said the boy.

"Oh, yeah. It's okay, you know, You're happy to have entered high school. Right?"

"Yes, it is true."

"Oh, yes. By the way, we are not acquainted. My name is Chelsea Thania, what is your name ?"

"My name is Arnold Waterfell. Nice to meet you, chel ... Chelsi ... Geez, it's hard to spell out the names of Caucasians."

"Just call Chelsea. I have no problem with that call, anyways, I was called Saint. Because the name impressed Caucasian times, hahahaha..." Chelsea said laughing.

And that's where Anold and Chelsea began to become friends.

When he saw the school bulletin board, Arnold was happy if he passed the entrance test and it turns out he saw that Chelsea would become his classmate.

"Hey, chelsea. We're classmates!" Said Arnold happily.

"Yes, I have also seen the signboard on the bulletin board. Hopefully we can get to know you better, Arnold." Chelsea said while shaking anold's hand.


They both go to class and it turns out they are also my seatmate. Because of that they chuckled.

"Hahaha, we always have the same fate. From the awkwardness, the class is the same, and finally we are the same." Chelsea said laughing.

"That's right, lest ... We are predestined. Hahaha .." said Arnold.

"Well, it really works..."


The class door rang loudly, and it turned out there was a teacher who was carrying a brown file. When the teacher sat in his chair, he began to introduce himself.

"Good morning everyone." The teacher said.

"Good morning sir." Suddenly the students shouted.

"First of all, I would like to welcome you to High School 23 and welcome to class X Science. My name is Pujianto Syahroni. Just call Mr. Anto. Please introduce each of you. Starting from the absence of number 1."

Anold immediately stood up and introduced himself, then continued from absent number two. However, absence number three made the attention of the whole class.

"Introduce, my name is Brittany Azzahra. I come from Jakarta, living in the Central Garden complex No. 23 RT 07 / RW 03. Nice to meet you."

The views of the male students were fixed on Brittany, including Anold.

"Crazy girl, it feels so mysterious."

"But she's beautiful. Don't you blush right away?"

"Wait, just rest. Let me talk to her first."

During the first break, the boys started making plans to talk to Brittany, but their efforts failed.

"Brittany immediately became popular, huh." Arnold said.

"Yeah, just look at the guys who want to start talking to her but they're rejected. Hahaha." Chelsea said.

That's right, how come she makes me wonder ? Even though she is beautiful, her impression is mysterious. Don't let her walk here.

Just said, Brittany immediately approached those who were eating.

"May I join you?" Asked Brittany.

"Euh ... Yes, you can. Just sit here." Chelsea said while patting an empty chair.

Brittany was sitting while taking out the place to eat.

"Sorry in advance, I don't know your names yet."

"My name is Chelsea and he is arnold." The word Chelsea introduced himself and Arnold.

"Ooh, Chelsea and Arnold. My name is Brittany, nice to meet you. Hopefully we can be good friends." Britanny said smiling.

And finally the three of them who were originally classmates became true friends. They like to talk, study, and like to joke.

Brittany and Chelsea also felt that they both fell in love with Anold. Starting from Chelsea who have felt comfortable since they first met. While Brittany starts to feel Arnold when something happens...

Brittany was walking down the aisle. But she did not realize that in front of her there was a banana peel. When she almost stepped on it, Arnold who was behind her restrained her.

"Be careful. Luckily you didn't slip the banana, I'd better throw the banana first in the trash."

Brittany was surprised by Arnold's attitude towards her. She felt like she was helped by a guard.

Deg ... Deg ... Deg ... How come I feel like this ? What is this feeling ? Is this the name of falling in love ?

Brittany became shy beside Arnold. Arnold felt strange with Brittany.

However ... The incident came.

May 17, 1983, class XII Final Semester.

That morning was originally a happy day for me because that day was the day of school farewell. I've been waiting for yesterday and can't wait to see the results of my grades.

The bell rings.

"Yes, wait a minute." Anold said while wearing clothes.

"Who ?" Asked Anold staring outside the door.

"Weird, no one at all."

However, underneath is a letter. The letter has no sender's name, only a postcard.

Who sent this stuff ? Is the tax over ? Feelings of bills already paid 2 days ago. Why did they ask for more ? Just take a look first.

Arnold opened the letter and found a number of sentences on the paper which he considered a statement of love. Arnold immediately looked left and right so he knew if there were people or not.


After reading the letter, Arnold felt guilty. Signed that the letter sent was Chelsea. He felt that Chelsea had deep feelings for him.

How about this ? I can't reject her. Hmm ... I have to use a subtle way.

When Arnold left the house to find Chelsea, she was already in front of him.

"Hi, arnold. Have you read the letter ?" Chelsea said.

"I did."

"So what is your answer ? Do you choose me or Brittany ?"

Once wrong, the answer will still be wrong.

"Sorry, I can't take it from you guys. You guys are my best friends, I can't destroy our friendship just because of a letter."

"Hmm, okay. Thank you for answering. Then I'll excuse myself. See you later at the graduation, Arnold."

Chelsea ran crying. She felt broken-hearted because her love statement was rejected by a friend she had known for 2 years.

Chelsea, I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, I understand that you like me. But sorry I'm not ready to accept it.

Meanwhile Brittany, who is behind and hears their conversation, feels guilty.

You know, this heart is hurt like a motherfucker.