The Battlefield Favors no one!

As the sun shines though the shades of John's room we can see him scribbling weakly with his eyes bloodshot.

"F=GMmr2 F = G Mm r 2"

"E = mc^2"


In his tragic state John is madly mumbling different equations with extreme venom as if his family was killed in front of him.





John now stepping out of his trance comes to his senses and can't help but think. 'Bloody hell the world of math is dangerous!'

John realizing breakfast is ready crawls to his closet and slowly buttons up his shirt while trying his best to comb his hair.

"I look almost dead!" John catching sight of himself tragically whispers to himself.

As his father was already going to work it was once again his mother and him alone eating.

"So I got a call from sister Hua that you had to make up a bit of things?" His mother not looking up continues. "I also heard you now where trying to make it all up."

"Yeah it was just a BIT." John mumbles quietly.

"Did you not get any sleep young man?" His mother now noticing his appearance asks. "If so I may need to take away your phone."

"No I was just STUDYING!" John yells as the word brings extreme trauma to him.

"Well luckily for you, I can drive you to school today." His mother now cleaning their dishes tells him in a matter a fact tone. "I doubt you could even walk that long in your current state."

"Thank you mother." John mumbles.

"Alright well get up it's time to leave." Mother says as she opens the door and takes a step into the bright sun light.

John then slowly shuffled out the door not forgetting to grab all his stuff.

"Can I get a ride too auntie Fan?" Questions Fatty passing by and spots John's mother.

"Sure why not lil fatty." Sighs mother. "That is what you like to be called right?"

"Yes auntie, it's the name that describes me perfectly." Fatty admits with a smile.

"Oh yeah, please stop by the store on the way, me and Fan need to grab some things for lunch."

John can't help but sigh to himself. 'Of course he didn't forget.'

Later a tragic cry rang out across the city.

"MY MONEY!!!!!!"

Once at the gates of the school grounds, fatty and John separate once again and head to their respective classes.

John makes sure to make a stop near the teachers office to turn in his folder. "Well done John, but make sure to rest. Your health can not be valued below your studies no matter how dire the situation may be."

John can only mutter "yes teacher Hua" and slowly shuffled away.

Arriving inside his class John shuffles to his desk and rests his head automatically falling asleep.


In what appears to be a war zone we can see John laying low in the trenches with his eyes glazed over and his breath heavy. His eyes frantically searching for any dangers present.


"MOTAR FIRE INBOUND" yells out John as he quickly dives to cover. Dust then bellows from around the corner he just was at.

"Why was I sent solo in a battlefield!!" John yells while leaning his back on the trenches wall.


A shadow then emerges with a war cry from the shadows of the trenches running full speed at John.

'What a tribesmen in modern war!!!' John thinks to himself as he grabs the knife at his waste and takes a firm stance looking for an opening in the tribesmen charge.

*swish* the air tears as the tribesmen roughly swings his stone blade upon John. John seeing this quickly strikes the weapon with his combat knife and makes sparks fly as he deflects and redirects the attack.

And with the tribesmen wide open John lunges at the Mans throat slicing through.

However there was no blood and the man turned into a black haze and then was sucked into the darkness of the night. John still combat ready slowly leans upon a wall with his knuckles a bright white from his grip.

He then slides down and looks into the dark with constant explosions and gunfire surrounding him. But then a sudden change occurs, the dark of night is then lit up and a giant figure can be seen making all sound cease to exist at its mere presence.

'Just what now' John groans helplessly as he views the now descending presence. 'Wait a minute that almost looks like a....'

"IS THAT ERASER!!!" He screams as a giant fissure spreads across the globe making the waters rise and and the mountains fall and soon all light fading to dark.

*dreamscape end*

"Ow!!!" John can't help but yelp in pain as a object hit him square on the top of his head.

"Oh impressive teacher! It's a bullseye!" Yells a student.