The interrogation

"Student Fan I do hope my class doesn't bore you that badly." Says teacher Ye as he turns to continue the lesson. "And I hope every one of my students would also provide their full attention during lessons."

John quickly apologizes and they get on with class.

Now fully paying attention, John sits up straight and drills anything he can into his head for three classes straight.

Thankfully as he was starting to get a headache, the third class was called and lunch had officially started.

Unfortunately for John, his lunch hour was different compared to his friends. His school had many different clubs and many of them gathered at this area. And all of his friends where in clubs!

'Hmmm I always did want to try lunch on a rooftop.' He thinks as he slowly makes way up a flight of stairs. 'Supposedly, we aren't supposed to be up here, but the teachers are nice enough to let it slide.'

However while going up a figure seemed to notice him.

'Hmmm what is he doing this time?' She thought to herself. "Hey, girls I'm going to eat alone today."

The female figure then started up on the flight of stairs.

"Woah, it's a pretty honest sight up here isn't it?" Exclaims John to himself as he stares out over the many buildings and the roads he uses to walk to school.

"Yeah I guess it is a pretty sight hmmm?" A voice suddenly calls out from the door he came out.

John startled whips around thinking it's a teacher and prays, 'Please don't be a strict one!'

"Oh, it's just you sister Yu." John now relieved sighs aloud and walks to some shade provided by the door to the roof and takes a seat and shivers at a certain thought . 'Phew, almost thought I would have to deal with mothers anger again.'

"Huh what is that supposed to mean?" Yu questions as she suddenly sits by him. "Did you think I was a teacher or something?"

'Why is she so close?' John thinks as he opens up his lunch. "Yeah, I was just glad it was you rather than my gym teacher."

"You know you've been different recently." Yu flatly tells him suddenly.

"Oh what makes you think that?" John says rather calmly and can't help but be curious of her answer. 'What exactly does she think changed?'

"Well first you start paying attention in class which shocked even our teacher let alone our classmates." She says while sticking up one finger. "Then you suddenly do a 180 with how you act with certain people." She says sticking up another.

"And our of no where, you go from a gloomy quiet figure to an extremely easy to talk to guy." yet another finger raises. "So you tell me John Fan, what exactly hasn't changed about you?" She says while leaning forward curious to his reaction. 'And you even started ignoring me when we walk home!'

'Yeah I guess all that would be weird.' John sighs while taking a bite of his sand which.

"Well I guess you could say I had a sudden punch to the gut from the future." He says chuckling at his own answer. 'More like a torture session, I can't still feel that headache from that morning.'

"Say why are you so curious about me anyway?" He asks. 'It is kind of weird considering we aren't really friends.'

"Well aren't we friends?" She then replies with another question while smirking. 'Yeah right pfft.'

John can't help but just sigh at her antics. 'Well i should at least get this set straight at least.'

"Sister Yue I'm sorry but I can't consider you a friend. All I ever did was really give you money while gaining nothing in return. I at most can only consider you a fellow student." John replies honestly with a bit of annoyance in his tone. 'I've just now realized she's been questioning me for 30 minutes straight, my chicken is now cold!'

*ring ring ring*

"Oh looks like lunch is over...." John says to himself sad that he can't finish his chicken.

He quickly gathers his stuff and makes his way down while sweating at a certain thought. 'Hmmmm isn't math next.

Yu instead is staring at his leave. 'How interesting indeed.' She thinks as she soon also goes to class.