Aria's Pov
"Hey Melody are you awake", I said on the other side of the brown door after I already knock a couple of times on the hardwood "yeah I up", she said after she opens the door to me then she sat back on the bed with a purple bush in hand to hopefully calm down her all over the place blonde hair "you know you should ask before you use my shelf", I said well I sat on the bed next to her "sorry, it just I look in the mirror and I was hoping I could fix this, but I guess not", she said after she put the bush down "can I give it a try", I said after grabbing the bush "sure knock yourself out", she said before she turn her back toward me so I can start fixing her hair "so we going to mall today right", she said "yeah", I said well going up and down with the bush "is there any chance we could go to a engery drink place before that", Melody said "sure that fine just know that I'm not a big engery drink proson", I said "that fine, I just gonna talk to a friend that works there", she said "ok anything else", I said well almost finishing up her hair "hey can I drive", she said "for what reason", I said "I went to being in the driver seat and plus I know where the place is", she said "ok, that fine with me just be careful with my car okay", I said "okay", she said "that should be it", I said after I put the bush down and she went to go look in mirror to she that her blonde hair was straightened into a ponytail with a white scrunchie to hold the rest of hair in a up to down line "so do you like it", I said "I love it, I can't believe how you ever did this", she said while touching her ponytail with a very happy look on her face "this was easy compare to my sister hair when she was a normal cop", I said "who taught you how to do this", she said "my mom did she also the one that taught me how to cook and play piano", I said "she must have been really good at it because this is a fantastic job", she said before she look at me to see a one tear fell down for both of my eyes "are you okay", she said well looking at me leading her to grab my hands "yeah just I miss her", I said "I know how you feel it the same way for my grandma", she said well I lay my head on her shoulder "why do people got to died", I said "I don't know but just be happy you have melodies of them and that their will always be watching over you", she said "where did you get that from", I said as my tears went away "my gramps" she said "we should probiety get going", I said after moving my head away from her shoulder "yeah you probiety right", she said before she let go of my hand and went back to her room to put her shoes on while I grab my keys and we both met outside right next to my metallic blue car.
"This is a nice car", Melody said while she stands next to a four-seater light blue metallic car "yeah it was originally my grandma before she passed away", I said well I got the keys out of my belt loop and unlock the car "here the keys", I said well I hand it over to her "thanks", Melody said before I seat at the driver side of the car "no problem", I said well I put my seatbelt on "so how long it going to take us to get there", I said well looking at her after she started the engine "not very long", she said before she started moving the car to her dissent direction.
Melody's Pov
"Is this the place", Aria said well giving out of the car and looking at the blue walls of the place with a lot of big windows and a sigh above it "yeap, it pretty good", I said while standing next to the blue car "Aroma Mocha, never heard of it", she said well looking at the sign and getting closer to the building "than I will show you around", I said before I open the door to a place that have wooden chairs next to a small white table along with a blue couch area next to them with pictures and above them was tons of beautiful looking brown birdcage lamp "It looks really nice", Aria said well I walk up to the blue barista's bar to see a girl playing a-tension to a guy in front of us before he left "one moment please", the girl said while not looking at me before she passes the order to her dad "hey June", I said which lead the girl to realize who it was and lead her to turn around "Melody", she said before she went toward me to give me a hug "hey what did I say about hugging me", I said before the silver hair girl wearing a blue unifore left go of me "sorry, it just you being here mean it work didn't it", she said "yeap", I said "can you just give me a minute to talk to my dad for a break", she said "sure", I said before she got up right to my ear "and once I do tell me who the girl is", she said before she left "Mom can you take over", she said "sure thing", a older lady said before she standing in front of us on the other side of the bar table "your usual Melody", Korra said "yeap", I said "and what can I get for you", Korra said "don't worry she would get the same thing as me", I said "coming right up", Korra said before she left and I sat at a couch table "you know you didn't have to get me something", Aria said "I know but if I going to show you around you better know what the shuff taste like", I said as Aria sat across from me "so was that your friend", Aria said "yeah me and her have been friends for years", I said "well I make sure I give a good impression", Aria said before a white hair girl stand right to the side of table holding drinks "he you go sorry it took a couple minutes", June said well she pass out our drinks then sat next to me "it fine", me and Aria both said at the same time "so who are you", June said while looking at Aria right at her blue eyes "I'm Aria nice to meet you", she said well offering her hand "nice to meet you two", June said before she shake it then Aria grab her drink and slip some juice "Wow! This good what is it", she said "we call it the Orangeilla it includes orange and vanilla mix together with our special energy juice", June said "well it great", she said before she drinks more "just make sure you don't drink it to fast", I said "then she got up from her chair "sorry I gotta go", she said before she left me and June on the blue couch
"So that the police chef sister", June said "yeap", I said "I wish I was there to see what happen", she said "you were sick you couldn't help it", I said " I just happy I saw the new story about it", she said "Wait! their a news story about me and my parents", I said in a surpise voice "yeap it all over the place, anyways so why she with you", she said "she and her sister took me in", I said "really that so great", she said "yeah the sister so nice that she would even allow to not to go court for my parent's case", I said "that great, I just hope they can win without you", she said "they should be able to if their got enough evidence with all the pictures they took at the crime scene", I said "that mint be true, but your parents still have the best lawyer in the city under their beck and call", she said "I know but I worry about that once we see who the one defending me is", I said before the girl with beautiful orange and blue hair return to the other side of the tiny white table.
"So what are you two girls doing today", June said "we going to the mall to look for clothes", Aria said "nice I wish I can go but I got to work", she said before she got up "before I leave Melody what you gonna do about school", June said "I don't know", I said "you should make sure to ask my sister about that", Aria said "anyways their a new girl name Vanilla coming to our school", June said "wait you don't mean Vanilla Zoey", I said in a surprised voice "yeah that her name what about it", she said "her parents were my mom and dad panters for work", I said "do you think they give the same treatment to their daughter", June said "I don't think so I was usually there for playdates and I didn't see any pain on her", I said "them she probity fine", Aria said "you probity right, but I don't think I ready to see those adults", I said in a worried voice "it probiety fine, school a big place I sure their chance you mint not even see Vanilla at school and probiety less of a chance you will see her parents", Aria said "you know she probity right", June said "anyways we should get going", Aria said "yeah you right thanks for the drinks", I said before Aria grab out her wallet "don't worry my dad said in was on the house", June said "oh that so nice", Aria said "well it nice meeting you June", she said before she offer her hand "nice metting you to", June said while she shake her hand again "seea June", I said before me and Aria both left the blue coffee place.
To be Continued in ch.4